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Status of populations of gum and resin bearing and associated woody species in Benishangul-Gumuz National Regional State, western Ethiopia: implications for their sustainable management
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    • Nontimber forest products
Prickly acacia, Vachellia nilotica subsp. indica (syn. Acacia nilotica subsp. indica) (Fabaceae), a major weed in the natural grasslands of western Queensland, has been a target of biological control since the 1980s with limited success... more
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Dry tropical forests provide a wide range of forest products that directly support the livelihoods of people. These forests are the most threatened and least protected forests due to expansion of agriculture and pasture lands, unregulated... more
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      SilvicultureForest EcologyForest Growth and Yield
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The application of biomass models for quantifying forests’ above-ground biomass is essential for sustainable forest management. However, lack of knowledge in modelig biomass of individual tree growth hinders the sustainable management of... more
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    • Forestry
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      BioscienceBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesSpatial Pattern
A key problem for conservation is the coincidence of regions of high biodiversity with regions of high human impact. Twenty-five of the most threatened centers of plant diversity were identified by Myers et al., and these"... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPlant BiologyDistributed Data MiningPlant Diversity
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      West AfricaSustainable forest managementSpatial autocorrelationSoil moisture
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Plant species diversity is surveyed in the southern part of the Taı¨National Park (TNP), Coˆte d'Ivoire. This park is the largest remaining tract of pristine forest in the West African rainforest biodiversity hotspot. Plant assemblages... more
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      EcologyBiodiversityPlant DiversityBiodiversity Conservation
Regional variation in the characteristics of gaps larger than I 0 m 2 was determined for three forest sites on different soils, along a climatic and vegetation gradient in the tropical moist forest of Tat National Park, Ivory Coast. The... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
Population structures were drawn for selected West African rain forest canopy tree species to evaluate whether regeneration was present. Regional variability was studied for five sites near the border between Liberia and Cote d'Ivoire.
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      West AfricaForest Ecology And ManagementForest EcologyBiological Sciences
Results of silvicultural experiments in Surinam, carried out since 1965, have shown that volume increment of marketable timber species can be effectively stimulated by treatments such as liberation and re®nement. Such re®nement might, for... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesForest Management
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      Human GeographyApplied EconomicsPublic Administration and Policy
The spatial distribution of canopy gaps was analysed on three sites (total 71 ha) in the tropical moist forest of Tal National Park, Ivory Coast. Pattern analysis revealed a clustered distribution of gaps for two of the three sites.... more
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      Tropical EcologyEcologyGAPSpatial Distribution
The occurrence and abundance of 12 canopy tree species from the moist tropical forests of West Africa have been studied in relation to a climatic gradient. We focused on environmental factors related to water availability: annual amount... more
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      Plant BiologyEcologyVegetationVegetation Science
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    • Forestry Sciences
A comparison is made between acidification and the climate change problems. The common cause and the variety of effects with an impact on many different ecosystems and aspects of society are discussed. A number of specific aspects of... more
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Which areas need most urgently conservation effort? How can we make a worldwide priority list of biodiversity hotspots the most threatened? How much detail do we need in plant distribution data, e.g. for Africa, to answer these questions... more
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The Tropenbos Cote d'Ivoire Programme provides scientific support to the Autonomous Project for the Conservation of Ta"i National Park (PACPNT). Within this framework, three sectors in the South of the Park, south of Hana River... more
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