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Many marine invertebrate species facing potential extinction have uncertain taxonomies and poorly known demographic and ecological traits. Uncertainties are compounded when potential extinction drivers are climate and ocean changes whose... more
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      Climate ChangeCoral ReefsEndangered SpeciesClimate Change Impacts
Determining whether a species warrants listing as threatened or endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act depends on the government's assessment of the species’ extinction risk, usually in response to a petition. Deciding whether... more
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      Coral ReefsEndangered SpeciesCoral Reef Ecology
Marine conservation efforts are often focused on increasing stocks of species with low population abundances by reducing mortality or enhancing recruitment. However, global changes in climate and ocean chemistry are density-independent... more
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      Climate ChangeCoral ReefsEndangered SpeciesCoral Reef Ecology
Determining whether a species warrants listing as threatened or endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act depends on the government's assessment of the species' extinction risk, usually in response to a petition. Deciding whether... more
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      Coral ReefsEndangered SpeciesMultidisciplinaryCoral Reef Ecology
Three trophic mass-balance models representing coral reef ecosystems along a fishery gradient were compared to evaluate ecosystem effects of fishing. The majority of the biomass estimates came directly from a large-scale visual survey... more
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a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Available online xxxx a b s t r a c t
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Determining whether a species warrants listing as threatened or endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act depends on the government's assessment of the species’ extinction risk, usually in response to a petition. Deciding... more
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      Coral ReefsEndangered SpeciesMultidisciplinaryCoral Reef Ecology
Marine conservation efforts are often focused on increasing stocks of species with low population abundances by reducing mortality or enhancing recruitment. However, global changes in climate and ocean chemistry are density-independent... more
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      BioscienceBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
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Wide-scale and sudden shifts in several biological and environmental systems of NW Europe have been reported in recent years, and attributed to a range of factors, both climatic and anthropogenic. To examine whether there is any evidence... more
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      ZoologyEcologyNorth SeaMarine ecosystem
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Three trophic mass-balance models representing coral reef ecosystems along a fishery gradient were compared to evaluate ecosystem effects of fishing. The majority of the biomass estimates came directly from a large-scale visual survey... more
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Ecosystem modelling is increasingly used to explore ecosystem-level effects of changing environmental conditions and management actions. For coral reefs there has been increasing interest in recent decades in the use of ecosystem models... more
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Millions of people rely on the ecosystem services provided by coral reefs, but sustaining these benefits requires an understanding of how reefs and their biotic communities are affected by local human-induced disturbances and global... more
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      Coral Reef EcosystemsEcosystem ModellingIntegrated Coastal Zone Management
Acanthophora spicifera Removal Attempts in a Hawaiian Fishpond . Weijerman et al.
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Coral reefs are increasingly threatened despite being essential to coastal and island economies, particularly in the Pacific. The diving industry relies on healthy reefs and can be positively and/or negatively impacted by ecological... more
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      Environmental EconomicsCoastal ManagementEcotourismPacific Island Studies