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Several European directives and regulations address the environmental risk assessment of chemicals. We used the protection of freshwater ecosystems against plant protection products, biocidal products, human and veterinary... more
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      EcotoxicologyEuropean UnionEnvironmental MonitoringRisk assessment
Climate change has been inducing range shifts for many species as they follow their suitable climate space and further shifts are projected. Whether species will be able to colonize regions where climate conditions become suitable,... more
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      Conservation BiologyClimate Change Adaptation
Habitat fragmentation has been generally regarded detrimental to the persistence of many species, especially those with limited dispersal abilities. Yet, when exactly habitat elements become functionally disconnected very much depends on... more
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    • Conservation Biology
We assessed dietary exposure of the little owl Athene noctua to trace metal contamination in a Dutch Rhine River floodplain area. Diet composition was calculated per month for three habitat types, based on the population densities of six... more
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      Environmental ScienceTrace MetalsDietEnvironmental Pollution
We assessed dietary exposure of the little owl Athene noctua to trace metal contamination in a Dutch Rhine River floodplain area. Diet composition was calculated per month for three habitat types, based on the population densities of six... more
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    • Environmental Science
It is generally assumed that large patches of natural habitat are better for the survival of species than the same amount of habitat in smaller fragments or linear elements like hedges and tree rows. We use a spatially explicit... more
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      Landscape EcologyEarth SciencesLandscapeBiological Sciences
In the present study we present a population model (Metapopulation model for Assessing Spatial and Temporal Effects of Pesticides [MASTEP]) describing the effects on and recovery of the waterlouse Asellus aquaticus after exposure to a... more
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      InvertebratesLife historyParameter estimationBiological Sciences
We assessed dietary exposure of the little owl Athene noctua to trace metal contamination in a Dutch Rhine River floodplain area. Diet composition was calculated per month for three habitat types, based on the population densities of six... more
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      Environmental ScienceTrace MetalsDietEnvironmental Pollution
Population models, in particular individual-based models (IBMs), are becoming increasingly important in chemical risk assessment. They can be used to assess recovery of spatially structured populations after chemical exposure that varies... more
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      ComplexityEcological ModellingEcological Risk Assessment
Agricultural practices are essential for sustaining the human population, but at the same time they can directly disrupt ecosystem functioning. Ecological risk assessment (ERA) aims to estimate possible adverse effects of human activities... more
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      Decision MakingWaterAgriculturePollination
Whereas current chemical risk assessment (RA) schemes within the European Union (EU) focus mainly on toxicity and bioaccumulation of chemicals in individual organisms, most protection goals aim at preserving populations of nontarget... more
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      EcotoxicologyEuropean UnionRisk assessmentEnvironmental Pollution
C 60 nanoparticle exposure can affect Lumbricus rubellus populations.
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      Population DynamicsNanoparticlesEnvironmental PollutionMultidisciplinary
Human practices in managed landscapes may often adversely affect aquatic biota, such as aquatic insects. Dispersal is often the limiting factor for successful re-colonization and recovery of stressed habitats. Therefore, in this study, we... more
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      Life historyEnvironmental PollutionMultidisciplinaryInsecticides
Because aquatic macroinvertebrates may be exposed regularly to pesticides in edge-of-the-field water bodies, an accurate assessment of potential adverse effects and subsequent population recovery is essential. Standard effect risk... more
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      Risk assessmentBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesAmphipoda
In the present study we present a population model (Metapopulation model for Assessing Spatial and Temporal Effects of Pesticides [MASTEP]) describing the effects on and recovery of the waterlouse Asellus aquaticus after exposure to a... more
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      InvertebratesLife historyParameter estimationBiological Sciences
It is generally assumed that large patches of natural habitat are better for the survival of species than the same amount of habitat in smaller fragments or linear elements like hedges and tree rows. We use a spatially explicit... more
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      Landscape EcologyEarth SciencesLandscapeBiological Sciences
It is generally assumed that large patches of natural habitat are better for the survival of species than the same amount of habitat in smaller fragments or linear elements like hedges and tree rows. We use a spatially explicit... more
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This paper presents the result of an analysis of the ecological network for Regione Abruzzo (central Italy). Aim of this analysis is (1) to identify the functional ecological network at present, and (2) to identify opportunities to... more
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    • Ecological Networks
This paper presents the result of an analysis of the ecological network for Regione Abruzzo (central Italy). Aim of this analysis is (1) to identify the functional ecological network at present, and (2) to identify opportunities to... more
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    • Ecological Networks
We monitored survival, reproduction and emigration of a translocated beaver Castor fiber population in the Netherlands for five years and used a stochastic model to assess its viability. Between 1988 and 1991, 42 beavers were released in... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesBiological Conservation