Wageningen University
Applied Plant research
The innovation network Waardewerken is a Dutch network of rural entrepreneurs pioneering in multifunctional agriculture. Multifunctional agriculture explicitly aims to fulfil additional functions in the private and public domain, such as... more
Recent advances of network architecture for point cloud processing are mainly driven by new designs of local aggregation operators. However, the impact of these operators to network performance is not carefully investigated due to... more
One community garden, two communities: a case study Community gardens are associated with a variety of societal benefits. They are considered to create social cohesion and contribute to community building. In this paper we show that the... more
The effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on the growth of faba bean. (Photograph by J. Rozema)
Overwintering of soil dwelling arthropods and espec ially carabid beetles was much higher in unmown perennial field margins than in mown grass strips o r barren crop fields. Over 200 generalist predators per m2 were trapped in field... more
Stichting Wageningen Research. Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij elektronisch,... more
Dit onderzoek is uitgevoerd door de Stichting Wageningen Research (WR) en is een product van de PPS Landbouw als vliegwiel voor de energietransitie (AF.17013 / LWV20.108), een samenwerking tussen LTO Noord,
N-supply on the rates of photosynthesis and shoot and root respiration of inherently fast-and slow-growing monocotyledonous species.-Physiol. Plant. 89: 563-569. Are there intrinsic differences in the rates of photosynthesis, shoot-and... more
Multifunctionele landbouw in Nederland Meer dan boeren alleen Colofon Multifunctionele landbouw in Nederland, meer dan boeren alleen Teksten De interviews en de informatie over de deelsectoren zijn tot stand gekomen onder... more