Wageningen University
Animal Sciences
Affective states can be inferred from responses to ambiguous and threatening stimuli, using Judgement Bias Tasks (JBTs) and Attention Bias Tasks (ABTs). We investigated the separate and interactive effects of personality and housing... more
- by Jacinta Bus
Internal and external feeding on zooplankton may provide scleractinian corals with important nutrients. However, the latter process has never been properly quantified. To quantify the dynamics of zooplankton capture, digestion and release... more
"Background In differentiated gonochoristic species, a bipotential gonad develops into an ovary or testis during sex differentiation. Knowledge about this process is necessary to improve methods for masculinizing genetically female... more
- by Tim Wijgerde
Many scleractinian coral species host epizoic acoelomorph flatworms, both in aquaculture and in situ. These symbiotic flatworms may impair coral growth and health through lightshading, mucus removal and disruption of heterotrophic... more
- by Tim Wijgerde
Several factors may affect heterotrophic feeding of benthic marine invertebrates, including water flow rate and polyp context (i.e. the presence of neighbouring polyps). We tested the interactive effects of water flow rate and polyp... more
- by Tim Wijgerde
Heterotrophy is known to stimulate calcification of scleractinian corals, possibly through enhanced organic matrix synthesis and photosynthesis, and increased supply of metabolic DIC. In contrast to the positive long-term effects of... more
- by Tim Wijgerde
Light spectrum plays a key role in the biology of symbiotic corals, with blue light resulting in higher coral growth, zooxanthellae density, chlorophyll a content and photosynthesis rates as compared to red light. However, it is still... more
- by Tim Wijgerde
Coral reefs are essential to many nations, and are currently in global decline. Although climate models predict decreases in seawater pH (,0.3 units) and oxygen saturation (,5 percentage points), these are exceeded by the current daily pH... more
Psychrophilic (6-15°C) anaerobic treatment of malting wastewater was investigated. A two-module expanded granular sludge bed reactor system with a total volume of 140 dm 3 was used to treat malting wastewater having a soluble and total... more
An experiment was performed to investigate the effect of animal versus vegetable protein sources in the diet on the development of behavior in laying hens. A diet containing protein sources of only vegetable origin was compared with four... more
An experiment was performed to investigate the effect of animal versus vegetable protein sources in the diet on the development of behavior in laying hens. A diet containing protein sources of only vegetable origin was compared with four... more
An experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of a prebiotic on performance of partridge. The experiment was carried out with a total of eighty-day-old male Chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar chukar) chicks in a completely... more
The effects of ambient temperature (T; 18 vs. 28°C), dietary energy level 90, 100, and 110% of NRC (1994) recommendations], and dietary lysine level [LYS; 105 vs. 120% of NRC (1994) recommendations], and their interactions on feed intake,... more
An experiment with male turkeys was conducted to test the hypothesis that turkey production performance responds positively to extra crystalline amino acid supplementation (lysine, methionine, and threonine) when subjected to a high... more
The effects of ambient temperature (T; 15 C vs. 30 C from 6 wk of age onwards), dietary Arg:Lys ratio (Arg:Lys ratio; 1.00 vs. 1.25), dietary electrolyte balance (DEB: 164 vs. 254 meq/kg), and their interactions on growth performance and... more