Papers by Manuel Hoder
GRM 73/4 (2023), S. 386-411, 2023
Alexander's Minneleich represents the poet's most aesthetically ambitious text and brings the aut... more Alexander's Minneleich represents the poet's most aesthetically ambitious text and brings the author-speci c procedure of allegorically dressed speech to a climax. The paper aims at a new interpretation of Alexander's Leich, which is philologically based on a different assessment of the textual sources, so that J (Jenaer Liederhandschrift) is taken as the textual basis; for the hermeneutical understanding, the poetological dimension of the text as well as the influence of design patterns of the 'heraldic code' in courtly literature are emphasized. In this light, the Leich proves to be an important literary testimony for a Minnesang characterized by 'imaginary ctionality'. Furthermore, Alexander's Leich reveals the poetic potential of 'literary heraldry' for medieval courtly literature and culture.

Artusroman und Bildlichkeit. Hrsg. v. Cora Dietl, Christoph Schanze und Friedrich Wolfzettel. Berlin, Boston (Schriften der Internationalen Artusgesellschaft 17), S. 71-119, 2023
Rethinking heraldry in terms of aesthetics and cultural semiotics offers new perspectives on meth... more Rethinking heraldry in terms of aesthetics and cultural semiotics offers new perspectives on methods for determining and evaluating how coats of arms are able to convey narrative messages or even entire poetic concepts. When this is applied to Wirnt von Grafenberg's Wigalois, it becomes apparent that armorial bearings (for example the golden wheel or the fight between panther and dragon) are functionalised to display and shape central subjects of the romance. The iconographic programme of the Leiden Wigalois miniatures then reframes the leitmotif of the golden wheel as a metaphor for the poetic work, rendering the clash between the emblems ›round table‹ and ›wheel of fortune‹, significant for the character of Wigalois, in visual terms.
Das Mittelalter 26/1: Mediävistik 2021. Positionen, Strategien, Visionen., 2021

Kompilation und Kreativität. Compilatio als produktionsästhetisches Verfahren im Spiegel mediävistischer Forschung. In: Schaffen und Nachahmen. Kreative Prozesse im Mittelalter. Berlin, New York 2021 (Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung. Beihefte 16), S. 9-25, 2021
Processes of compiling are of great importance for medieval production aesthetics. This... more Processes of compiling are of great importance for medieval production aesthetics. This pertains to the selective and restructuring incorporation of ancient culture into medieval thinking as well as to contemporary forms of textualisation which generate knowledge-based just as fictional literature. The discourse of ‘com-pilatio’, however, yet failed to be acknowledged as a creative process that is equal to ‘descriptio’ or ‘rewriting’. This paper aims at systematically bringing together the previous reflections of research on ‘compilatio’ by drawing essential lines of devel-opment in order to open up possible chances for further research. In doing so, it is emphasised that the focus should be on the processual dimension of compiling. The creativity of ‘compilatio’ becomes truly visible once the effects of emergence are revealed, which come to light through the recontextualisation of given material.

Kompilation - Selbstautorisierung - Epigonalität. Zum poetologischen Programm der Krone Heinrichs von dem Türlin. In: Cora Dietl, Christoph Schanze, Christoph Wolfzettel (Hgg.): Jenseits der Epigonalität (Schriften der Internationalen Artusgesellschaft 15), S. 105-139., 2020
One of the fundamental differences between Heinrich von dem Türlin’s Crône and the preceding ... more One of the fundamental differences between Heinrich von dem Türlin’s Crône and the preceding German Arthurian narrative tradition is a shift in pro-duction aesthetics from retelling (erniuwen) to compiling (compilatio). This paper aims to show that Heinrich develops and defends the poetological program of an Arthurian compilatio in the prologue and epilogue of his work; as a result, new perspectives for an interpretation of key passages emerge in both these text sec-tions. The paper goes on to illustrate how the Crône’s claim to a unified poetics of compilation is compatible with its motivational fragility, and illustrates how the altered production aesthetics of Heinrich’s text also sets in motion a shift in the relationship between authority and epigonality; syntagmatic uniformity now only represents one possible reading, alongside a paradigmatic approach to the Crône.
Heterotopien des Feierns. Das Schlussfest in den Artusromanen des Pleiers. In: Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 142/1 (2020), S. 53-78., 2020
In so far as Arthurian narrative can be considered to be a utopian project, it converges in the f... more In so far as Arthurian narrative can be considered to be a utopian project, it converges in the festival motif at the Arthurian court. However, the festival ideal in particular is in danger of losing grip on reality as the process of literalizing Arthurian Romances advances. In this context the final festivities in the Arthurian Romances of the Pleier serve as a mediating principle. By connecting the leitmotifs of the histoire with his depiction of festivity scenes, the Pleier conceptualizes them as a space in which courtly norms are negotiated in a lively fashion. The festival scenes thus serve as venues for representation and reflection, thereby becoming ›heterotopias of celebrating‹.
Kanonische Adaptation. Beschreibungen von Ding und Figur in Heinrichs von Veldeke Eneasroman. In: Regina Toepfer (Hg.): Klassiker des Mittelalters. Hildesheim, Zürich, New York 2019 (Spolia Berolinensia 38), S. 83-115, 2019
Book Reviews by Manuel Hoder
Das Mittelalter 26/1, 2021
ZfdA, 2020
Für den Freund einen Gerichtskampf auf Leben und Tod bestreiten oder gar die eigenen Kinder opfer... more Für den Freund einen Gerichtskampf auf Leben und Tod bestreiten oder gar die eigenen Kinder opfern-dies ist der Kern des Sujets um Amicus und Amelius, welches das Mittelalter über Zeit, Raum, Sprache und auch literarische Gattungen hinweg fasziniert hat. Innerhalb eines Zeitraums von 500 Jahren sind über zwei Dutzend unterschiedliche Bearbeitungen dieses Stoffs bezeugt, sowohl in Latein als auch allen großen Volkssprachen, sowohl in stark gekürzten Exempla als auch Th is m a t e ria l is u n d e r co p yrigh t. An y u se o u t sid e o f t h e n a rro w b o u n d a rie s o f co p yrigh t la w is ille ga l a n d m a y b e p ro se cu t e d. Th is a p p lie s in p a rt icu la r t o co p ie s, t ra n sla t io n s, m icro film in g a s w e ll a s st o ra ge a n d p ro ce ssin g in e le ct ro n ic syst e m s.
Das Mittelalter 23/2, 2018
Papers by Manuel Hoder
Book Reviews by Manuel Hoder