Books by Yasanur Kayikci
Papers by Yasanur Kayikci

Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Mar 28, 2023
PurposeThe decision-making to outsource and select the most suitable global manufacturing outsour... more PurposeThe decision-making to outsource and select the most suitable global manufacturing outsourcing partner (MOP) is complex and uncertain due to multiple conflicting qualitative and quantitative criteria as well as multiple alternatives. Vagueness and variability exist in ratings of criteria and alternatives by group of decision-makers (DMs). The paper provides a novel Stochastic Fuzzy (SF) method for evaluation and selection of agile and sustainable global MOP in uncertain and volatile business environment.Design/methodology/approachFour main selection criteria for global MOP selection were identified such as economic, agile, environmental and social criteria. Total 16 sub-criteria were selected. To consider the vagueness and variability in ratings by group of DMs, SF method using t-distribution or z-distribution was adopted. The criteria weights were determined using the Stochastic Fuzzy-CRiteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation (SF-CRITIC), while MOP selection was carried out using Stochastic Fuzzy-VIseKriterijumskaOptimizacija I KompromisnoResenje (SF-VIKOR) in the case study of footwear industry. Sensitivity analysis was performed to test the robustness of the proposed model. A comparative analysis of SF-VIKOR and VIKOR was made.FindingsThe worker’s wages and welfare, product price, product quality, green manufacturing process and collaboration with partners are the most important criteria for MOP selection. The MOP3 was found to be the best agile and sustainable global MOP for the footwear company. In sensitivity analysis, significance level is found to have important role in MOP ranking. Hence, the study concluded that integrated SF-CRITIC and SF-VIKOR is an improved method for MOP selection problem.Research limitations/implicationsIn a group decision-making, ambiguity, impreciseness and variability are found in relative ratings. Fuzzy variant Multi-Criteria Decision-Making methods cover impreciseness in ratings but not the variability. On the other hand, deterministic models do not cover either. Hence, the stochastic method based on the probability theory combining fuzzy theory is proposed to deal with decision-making problems in imprecise and uncertain environments. Most notably, the proposed model has novelty as it captures and reveals both the stochastic perspective and the fuzziness perspective in rating by group of DMs.Practical implicationsThe proposed multi-criteria group decision-making model contributes to the sustainable and agile footwear supply chain management and will help the policymakers in selecting the best global MOP.Originality/valueTo the best of the authors’ knowledge, SF method has not been used to select MOP in the existing literature. For the first time, integrated SF-CRITIC and SF-VIKOR method were applied to select the best agile and sustainable MOP under uncertainty. Unlike other studies, this study considered agile criteria along with triple bottom line sustainable criteria for MOP selection. The novel method of SF assessment contributes to the literature and put forward the managerial implication for improving agility and sustainability of global manufacturing outsourcing in footwear industry.

Journal of Enterprise Information Management
PurposeThe decision-making to outsource and select the most suitable global manufacturing outsour... more PurposeThe decision-making to outsource and select the most suitable global manufacturing outsourcing partner (MOP) is complex and uncertain due to multiple conflicting qualitative and quantitative criteria as well as multiple alternatives. Vagueness and variability exist in ratings of criteria and alternatives by group of decision-makers (DMs). The paper provides a novel Stochastic Fuzzy (SF) method for evaluation and selection of agile and sustainable global MOP in uncertain and volatile business environment.Design/methodology/approachFour main selection criteria for global MOP selection were identified such as economic, agile, environmental and social criteria. Total 16 sub-criteria were selected. To consider the vagueness and variability in ratings by group of DMs, SF method using t-distribution or z-distribution was adopted. The criteria weights were determined using the Stochastic Fuzzy-CRiteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation (SF-CRITIC), while MOP selection was ...

Springer eBooks, 2022
Today's supply chains are becoming more data-driven with the impact of big data, but there are ma... more Today's supply chains are becoming more data-driven with the impact of big data, but there are many challenges that need to be overcome in big data for better service operations management in supply chains. Blockchain has the great potential to improve big data services and applications with its decentralisation and security nature. However, blockchain interoperability is critical to realising more value creation in blockchain networks and achieving promising results for global supply chains that intersect with multiple business ecosystems and blockchain platforms. In addition, it is unclear how to address interoperability issues for mass adoption. In this chapter, a three-step approach is applied to analyse blockchain interoperability in supply chains for mass adoption. First, a literature review is conducted to explain blockchain technology and the widely used methodologies for blockchain interoperability in supply chains. Then, four real-case blockchain use cases in supply chains from different industry segments are analysed in terms of their technical capabilities addressing interoperability concerns. Finally, we discuss results of use case analysis based on the comments of interviewees. The analysis reveals that REST-APIs with a common interface and GS1 standards are very useful to integrate with blockchain applications in supply chains for mass adoption.
This paper analyses the operational integration between different multimodal transport services a... more This paper analyses the operational integration between different multimodal transport services and proposes a slot allocation and pricing model for multimodal transport networks to maximize revenue and utilize capacity. The methodology entails a revenue-based optimal two-stage approach. Firstly, a slot allocation model is formulated by using stochastic integer programming for long-term contract market sale where the predetermined or negotiated price tariffs are used for regular orders. Secondly, a stochastic nonlinear programming is formulated to solve the slot allocation and dynamic pricing on short-term spot market sale for temporal as well as last-minute orders. Finally, a case study is provided to demonstrate an efficient and effective use of the proposed model.

Multimodal transportation generally refers to international freight transport using a combination... more Multimodal transportation generally refers to international freight transport using a combination of at least two different transport modes rather than a single such as trucks used in road transportation. Multimodal transportation has been studied in the literature to develop more effective and efficient methods to carry freight; yet, pricing policy has not been examined thoroughly. The fixed price is the main policy adopted in freight transport sector in Turkey. However, revenues at the operational level may be increased by applying dynamic pricing approaches, which have been commonly used in the airline and hospitality sectors. In this study, a revenue-driven web-based decision support system is developed for international sea-rail multimodal freight transport operations. A web-based prototype is designed that involves the user interface, logic interface and database to present the operational planning outputs of the project entitled Ship2Rail. The underlying ER model is described and the working principles of the data model used in the database design is explained. Furthermore, the elements of fixed and dynamic pricing policies depending on the demand behavior and time constraint are discussed.

Springer eBooks, 2020
This chapter explains the potential application of blockchain in reverse logistics. Interviews ar... more This chapter explains the potential application of blockchain in reverse logistics. Interviews are conducted with managers of well-known logistics and information technology companies in Turkey as well as Hong Kong to understand their perception about adoption of blockchain technology in reverse logistics operations. The chapter identifies perceived benefits and risks of adopting Blockchain and potentially address the existing reverse logistics challenges. Previous studies have been conducted to explore blockchain technology in different areas (e.g. banking and finance and other sector pilot studies) and its limitations. However, we are unaware of any study, which explored adoption of blockchain technology in reverse logistics operations. (i) Further guidance on developing conceptual model based on theoretical models. (ii) Opportunities blockchain technology can offer to avoid cost and time to check the quality of the returned products at each touch point in reverse logistics. (iii) Role of multiple stakeholder’s involvement including governments and the limitation in sharing of information with the existing data capture technologies (e.g. RFID and barcode).
CRC Press eBooks, Dec 17, 2020
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Kombine taşımacılık, diğer bir isimle çok türlü taşımacılık, uluslararası yük taşıma zincirinde g... more Kombine taşımacılık, diğer bir isimle çok türlü taşımacılık, uluslararası yük taşıma zincirinde genellikle tek tip taşıma türü olan kara yolu yerine, en az iki farklı taşıma türünün birleştirilmesi ile yapılan taşımacılığı ifade etmektedir. Literatürde kombine taşımacılık ile yüklerin nasıl daha etkili ve verimli taşınacağı araştırılmış, avantajları ile dezavantajları irdelenmiş olmakla beraber fiyatlandırma politikası ayrıntılı incelenmemiştir. Günümüzde uygulanan kombine taşımacılıkta esasen sabit fiyat politikası güdülmektedir. Ancak, hava yolu taşımacılığı ve otel yönetimi gibi sektörlerde görülen dinamik fiyatlandırma yaklaşımlarının kombine taşımacılık operasyonel planlamasında uygulanmasıyla geliri artırmak mümkün olabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, gelir yönetimine göre uluslararası deniz-demir yolu kombine yük taşımacılığı senkronize operasyonları için web tabanlı bir karar destek sistemi (KDS) sunulmuştur. Ship2Rail adlı projenin operasyonel planlama çıktılarını kullanıcıya sunmak amaçlı hazırlanan bu web tabanlı platformu oluşturan kullanıcı arayüzü, mantık arayüzü ve veri tabanlarını içeren bir prototip tasarımı betimlenmiştir. Buna temel teşkil eden ER modeli (Entitiy-Relationship Diagram, Varlık-Bağıntı Modeli) sunulmuş, veri tabanı tasarımı için kullanılan veri modelinin çalışma prensipleri açıklanmıştır. Ayrıca, talebe göre sabit ve dinamik fiyatlandırma politikalarını içeren senaryolarda gözetilen, farklılaşan unsurlar vurgulanmıştır.

Uludağ üniversitesi mühendislik fakültesi dergisi, Dec 31, 2018
Öz: Kombine taşımacılık, uluslararası yük taşıma zincirinde genellikle tek tip taşıma türü olan k... more Öz: Kombine taşımacılık, uluslararası yük taşıma zincirinde genellikle tek tip taşıma türü olan kara yolu yerine, en az iki farklı taşıma türünün birleştirilmesi ile yapılan taşımacılığı ifade etmektedir. Literatürde kombine taşımacılık ile yüklerin nasıl daha etkili ve verimli taşınacağı araştırılmış olmakla beraber fiyatlandırma politikası ayrıntılı incelenmemiştir. Günümüzde kombine taşımacılıkta genellikle sabit fiyat politikası uygulanmaktadır. Ancak, hava yolu taşımacılığı ve otel yönetimi gibi sektörlerde görülen dinamik fiyatlandırma yaklaşımlarının kombine taşımacılık operasyonel planlamasında uygulanmasıyla geliri artırmak mümkün olabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, gelir yönetimine göre uluslararası deniz-demir yolu kombine yük taşımacılığı senkronize operasyonları için web tabanlı bir karar destek sistemi sunulmuştur. Ship2Rail adlı projenin operasyonel planlama çıktılarını sunmak amaçlı hazırlanan bu web tabanlı platformu oluşturan kullanıcı arayüzü, mantık arayüzü ve veri tabanlarını içeren bir prototip tasarımı betimlenmiştir. Buna temel teşkil eden varlık-ilişki modeli sunulmuş, veri tabanı tasarımı için kullanılan veri modelinin çalışma prensipleri açıklanmıştır. Ayrıca, talebe göre sabit ve dinamik fiyatlandırma politikalarını içeren senaryolarda gözetilen, farklılaşan unsurlar vurgulanmıştır.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Nov 30, 2018
An efficient, effective and sustainable freight transport network is a crucial determinant for ec... more An efficient, effective and sustainable freight transport network is a crucial determinant for economic growth and development. This network needs to be structured as resilient as practicable and also quickly adoptable and adaptable to meet the needs of transport users and provide alternative optimal routes, if it is affected by disruptive events. This paper presents a route selection model which supports transport planners to decide rapidly on an optimal transport route in case of disruption in a multimodal freight transport network. An integrated method based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Goal Programming is developed to support the decision of route selection.

Production Planning & Control, Feb 21, 2023
Agricultural commodity supply chains are characterized by the involvement of multiple intermediar... more Agricultural commodity supply chains are characterized by the involvement of multiple intermediaries, lack of access to finance and poor financial conditions of farmers. Additionally, there exist numerous inefficiencies and a lack of transparency in the trading processes. Blockchainenabled supply chain finance (SCF) solutions can potentially help to overcome these problems. However, there is limited research on the process of developing and implementing such solutions and the potential consequences of their implementation. In this paper, we apply the Context-Intervention-Mechanism-Outcome (CIMO) framework to systematically analyze case studies of four firms that have developed blockchain-enabled SCF solutions in agricultural commodity supply chains. The findings show that blockchain-enabled SCF solutions can reduce different types of transaction costs such as costs associated with information search, negotiation and contracting costs, and costs of accessing finance. The solutions designed with the core objective of improving the financial conditions of farmers will differ from those with the core objective of reducing process inefficiencies. The findings of the study will benefit companies planning to develop and implement blockchain-enabled SCF solutions, by highlighting operational challenges and offering concrete solutions on how they can be overcome.

Resources Conservation and Recycling, Feb 1, 2020
Operations management is a core organizational function involved in the management of activities ... more Operations management is a core organizational function involved in the management of activities to produce and deliver products and services. Appropriate operations decisions rely on assessing and using information; a task made more challenging in the Big Data era. Effective management of data (big data analytics; BDA), along with staff capabilities (the talent capability in the use of big data) support firms to leverage big data analytics and organizational learning in support of sustainable supply chain management outcomes. The current study uses dynamic capability theory as a foundation for evaluating the role of BDA capability as an operational excellence approach in improving sustainable supply chain performance. We surveyed mining executives in the emerging economy of South Africa and received 520 valid responses (47% response rate). We used Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) to analyze the data. The findings show that big data analytics management capabilities have a strong and significant effect on innovative green product development and sustainable supply chain outcomes. Big data analytics talent capabilities have a weaker but still significant effect on employee development and sustainable supply chain outcomes. Innovation and learning performance affect sustainable supply chain performance, and supply chain innovativeness has an important moderating role. A contribution of the study is identifying two pathways that managers can use to improve sustainable supply chain outcomes in the mining industry, based on big data analytics capabilities.

Journal of Yaşar University, Jan 31, 2020
New applications have been developed in every sector with Industry 4.0. Some of these application... more New applications have been developed in every sector with Industry 4.0. Some of these application areas; supply chain developments, route optimizations, big data usage, artificial intelligence development, intelligent warehouse designs, robotics and automation, autonomous vehicles in both manufacturing and sector services development. All these developments and technologies require digitalization in the sector. This study focuses on the industry of 4.0 to occur when the winds of change which has created trends in the logistics sector in Turkey. This paper presents literature review, interviews, analysis and a survey with 65 companies including different technologies, logistics, services, IT supply and retail sector. Result of the study shows that trends in logistics in Turkey are Supergrid Logistics autonomous logistics, robotics and automation,
Books by Yasanur Kayikci
Papers by Yasanur Kayikci