Papers by Thomas Salzberger
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Jan 21, 2015
Análise – Revista de Administração da PUCRS, Mar 22, 2013
Os conteúdos deste periódico de acesso aberto estão licenciados sob os termos da Licença Creative... more Os conteúdos deste periódico de acesso aberto estão licenciados sob os termos da Licença Creative Commons Atribuição-UsoNãoComercial-ObrasDerivadasProibidas 3.0 Unported. Broadening the range of applications of eye-tracking in business research Ampliando o leque de aplicações de eye-tracking na pesquisa em Administração

Springer eBooks, 2017
Perceived risk is a complex and important concept. There exists a particular challenge in terms o... more Perceived risk is a complex and important concept. There exists a particular challenge in terms of quantifying perceived risk across different products, and regarding risk to the individual (or the user) in general. Current approaches to measuring risk perceptions are typically limited in terms of instrument content, type, and comparability. Furthermore, many existing instruments have not been constructed with recourse to the latest developments in psychometrics. This chapter briefly outlines the key concepts related to risk perception, highlights existing research, and reviews current instruments developed for tobacco products. The authors then go onto describe core elements of instrument development and the fundamentals of the three main psychometric paradigms: Classical Test Theory, Rasch Measurement Theory, and Item Response Theory. It is concluded that there is a need for new self-report instruments to measure risk perceptions of tobacco products. In addition, whereas all psychometric theories provide useful insights, the framework of Rasch Measurement Theory appears to be the most promising to enable the delivery of an instrument fit for purpose for high stakes decision-making.

Pain Practice, Jul 29, 2011
Objectives: Instruments to assess functioning in patients with FM vary considerably in their cont... more Objectives: Instruments to assess functioning in patients with FM vary considerably in their content and are often symptom-specific. This study aimed to examine whether it is feasible to construct a psychometric-sound clinical instrument to measure functioning in FM based on the Brief ICF-Core-Set for chronic widespread pain (CWP). Methods: Two hundred and fifty six people with FM completed the Brief ICF-Core-Set. The Rasch model was used for analysis. Once ordering of response options of ICF categories was ensured, the following properties were studied: fit of the ICF categories to the Rasch model, the targeting between ICF categories and a person's abilities, unidimensionality, and reliability. Results: Six ICF categories were rescored due to disordered thresholds. Five ICF categories were removed due to high model-misfit and differential item functioning (DIF) for gender. Scores from 46 participants were excluded due to extreme scores. The ICF categories included display consistency with an underlying unidimensional construct, are free of DIF for age, disease duration and gender, display excellent overall reliability, and cover a range of functioning difficulties. Conclusions: This study illustrates that it is possible to measure functioning as a unidimensional construct based on selected ICF categories from the components body

Tobacco Science & Technology, May 23, 2017
When evaluating the public health effects of novel tobacco products, such as candidate modified r... more When evaluating the public health effects of novel tobacco products, such as candidate modified risk tobacco products (cMRTPs), risk perceptions are important as they are potential determinants of product use. In this paper, we describe the development of a conceptual framework of perceived risks associated with the use of tobacco and nicotine-containing products. We conducted a literature review, held 12 focus group discussions in the USA, and elicited expert opinions to identify key concepts related to risk perceptions of tobacco and nicotine-containing products. The literature review, focus groups, and expert opinions provided evidence for triangulation, revealing that the key concepts could form the basis of a conceptual framework in 5 domains: perceived health risk to self, perceived health risk to others, perceived addiction risk, perceived social risk, and perceived practical risk. This new framework can be used to support population-based and clinical research, establish the validity of the current research strategies, and develop evidence-based guidance for the development of new self-report instruments that are needed to evaluate the public health effects of novel tobacco products.

In the social sciences, latent constructs play an important role. They appear as explanatory elem... more In the social sciences, latent constructs play an important role. They appear as explanatory elements in structural theories, or they are of interest as the outcome of an intervention, for example a support or a preventive programme, a therapy, or a marketing activity. These constructs are typically considered to imply a quantitative latent variable that exists independently of measurement. As a matter of routine, measures of latent variables in the social sciences are treated in the same way as natural scientists handle and utilize their measures. However, in terms of what the concept of measurement is actually about, the social sciences have veered away from the rigorous concept adhered to in the natural sciences. An arbitrary definition of measurement and a multitude of procedures which are deemed appropriate for quantification have resulted in a speculative approach to measurement. Based on a return to the standard definition of measurement and a new conceptualisation of content and construct validity, the social sciences could advance their quantitative research substantially. The Rasch model for measurement plays an important role in this process.

Der Markt, Mar 1, 2007
Latent constructs are important elements of modern theories in empirical marketing research. The ... more Latent constructs are important elements of modern theories in empirical marketing research. The underlying latent variables are, generally, modelled as quantitative variables. The measurement of latent variables entails two distinct problems. Firstly, evidence has to be provided that the latent variable really exists as a quantity and that it is, consequently, measurable. Secondly, a concrete measurement instrument has to be devised that enables us to infer measures of latent variables from observations of manifest variables. The predominant measurement paradigm of classical test theory fails to provide this sort of evidence. It rather presumes measurement. Recently, the discussion of models with formative indicators has gained momentum again. Typically, formative indicators are seen as an alternative to reflective indicators entailed by classical test theory. The analysis of criteria for choosing the appropriate model (reflective or formative) that are offered in the literature shows that these criteria do not allow for a decision based on empirical evidence. Finally, formative indicators turn out to be incompatible with the notion of a real, truly existing latent variable. Thus, formative models are no alternative to reflective measurement models. By their nature, they are models of structural relationships, i.e. they pertain to structural theories. A scientifically satisfactory solution to the problem of measuring latent variables has to be based on a definition of measurement that is compatible with the scientific concept of quantity. With the Rasch model, item response theory offers a class of models which comply with the requirements of the classical concept of quantity.
Der Markt, Jun 1, 1997
Die Pdvatisierung kultureller Dienstleistungen fOhrt zu einer Neubetrachtung der Anbieter-Kunden-... more Die Pdvatisierung kultureller Dienstleistungen fOhrt zu einer Neubetrachtung der Anbieter-Kunden-Beziehung im Sinne der Thematisierung von Dienst-leistungsqualit~t aus Besuchersicht. Der Beitrag untersucht das Konstrukt der Dienstleistungsqualit&t inhaltlich und gelangt zu einem vierdimensionalen Modell. MeSmethodisch wird der SERVQUAL-Ansatz verfolgt, wobei sich die vorgeschlagene Doppelskala (Erwartung und Erfahrung) als nicht valider erweist als die einfache Erfahrungsskala.

REMark - Revista Brasileira de Marketing, Jun 15, 2010
The concept of cognitive dissonance has been an important construct in consumer behaviour researc... more The concept of cognitive dissonance has been an important construct in consumer behaviour research ever since it was first suggested. However, longitudinal studies on dissonance related to other post-purchase constructs such as satisfaction, loyalty and complaint behaviour are still scarce. In part, this is due to difficulties in the actual measurement of dissonance. Building upon recent contributions, the current study is concerned with the relationship between dissonance and satisfaction and their impact on loyalty and complaint behaviour. One hundred and twenty-five consumers who purchased consumer electronics or household goods were interviewed twice: at the time of purchase and three months afterwards. The results suggest that dissonance and satisfaction are complementary constructs describing different facets of the mental state of the customer after the purchase. Cognitive dissonance and satisfaction govern a different array of actions. While satisfaction has an impact on loyalty, i.e. future purchase intention and word of mouth, cognitive dissonance contributes to the explanation of complaint behaviour.

Journal of Customer Behaviour, Oct 30, 2012
The repeated measurement study confirms the presumption that cognitive dissonance is detrimental ... more The repeated measurement study confirms the presumption that cognitive dissonance is detrimental to satisfaction also in a low-priced context. However, the development of dissonance over time is complex and does not seem to follow a uniform pattern. While higher levels of dissonance decrease over time, smaller levels persist or even increase. One possible explanation for the observed heterogeneous development assumes that stronger dissonance motivates the consumer more intensely to undertake efforts to reduce dissonance, while smaller levels of dissonance are not as effective and, consequently, dissonance may grow over time. Alternatively, a small level of dissonance at the time of purchase may reflect severe uncertainty even before the purchase. Companies are advised, after as well as prior to the purchase, to assist the customer in abating feelings of dissonance and uncertainty, even if they appear to be minor. The fact that satisfaction and loyalty are highest when dissonance can be avoided altogether, further demonstrates the importance of the concept of dissonance as an explanatory construct in consumer behaviour.
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Sep 30, 2009
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Sep 30, 2009
European Journal of Marketing, May 13, 2019
The direction of the response scale matters-accounting for the unit of measurement.

Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, Sep 21, 2018
Background: Making tobacco products associated with lower risks available to smokers who would ot... more Background: Making tobacco products associated with lower risks available to smokers who would otherwise continue smoking is recognized as an important strategy towards addressing smoking-related harm. Predicting use behavior is an important major component of product risk assessment. In this context, risk perception is a possible factor driving tobacco product uptake and use. As prior to market launch real-world actual product use cannot be observed, assessing risk perception can provide predictive information. Considering the lack of suitable validated self-report instruments, the development of a new instrument was undertaken to quantify perceived risks of tobacco and nicotine-containing products by adult smokers, former smokers and never-smokers. Methods: Initial items were constructed based on a literature review, focus groups and expert opinion. Data for scale formation and assessment were obtained through two successive US-based web surveys (n = 2020 and 1640 completers, respectively). Psychometric evaluation was based on Rasch Measurement Theory and Classical Test Theory. Results: Psychometric evaluation supported the formation of an 18-item Perceived Health Risk scale and a 7-item Perceived Addiction Risk scale: item response option thresholds were ordered correctly for all items; item locations in each scale were spread out (coverage range 75-87%); scale reliability was supported by high person separation indices > 0.93, Cronbach's alpha > 0.98 and Corrected Item-Total Correlations > 0.88; and no differential item functioning was present. Construct validity evaluations met expectations through inter-scale correlations and findings from knowngroup comparisons. Conclusions: The Perceived Risk Instrument is a psychometrically robust instrument applicable for general and personal risk perception measurement, for use in different types of products (including cigarettes, nicotine replacement therapy, potential Modified Risk Tobacco Products), and for different smoking status groups (i.e., current smokers with and without intention to quit, former smokers, never smokers).

Benchmarking: An International Journal, May 29, 2009
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to provide insight into the temporal development of the custo... more PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to provide insight into the temporal development of the customers' psychological state, described by a multitude of constructs, throughout the whole decision‐making process in a service context in order to derive ideas for customer‐focused benchmarking.Design/methodology/approachA combination of qualitative and quantitative data contributes to a better understanding of psychological phenomena during purchase decision making. The present longitudinal study investigates the consumers' psychological state during the decision‐making process considering services in tourism industry applying the diary method. Qualitative in‐depth investigation of individual case studies provides further information for interpreting the results of quantitative analyses which aim at measuring constructs such as perceived risk, cognitive dissonance (CD), satisfaction and arousal on a higher level of abstraction.FindingsFindings show that qualitative and quantitative data not only complement one another but also their interaction provides additional information about the individual consumer decision‐making process. As the longitudinal quantitative analysis shows that CD does not completely dissolve over time and significantly influences the level of satisfaction, complaint behaviour and word‐of‐mouth, additional qualitative data help interpret these findings and derive more effective marketing implications.Research limitations/implicationsImplications for the marketing‐mix of service companies in general and travel agencies in particular are derived. The paper underlines the potential of innovational methodological approaches in marketing research.Originality/valueThe paper introduces a longitudinal mixed‐method approach to collect customer‐focused information relevant for benchmarking purposes of service companies. It contributes to scientific knowledge of decision making in general and CD in particular.

Frontiers in Psychology, 2013
Measures of psychological attributes abound in the social sciences as much as measures of physica... more Measures of psychological attributes abound in the social sciences as much as measures of physical properties do in the physical sciences. However, there are crucial differences between the scientific underpinning of measurement. While measurement in the physical sciences is supported by empirical evidence that demonstrates the quantitative nature of the property assessed, measurement in the social sciences is, in large part, made possible only by a vague, discretionary definition of measurement that places hardly any restrictions on empirical data. Traditional psychometric analyses fail to address the requirements of measurement as defined more rigorously in the physical sciences. The construct definitions do not allow for testable predictions; and content validity becomes a matter of highly subjective judgment. In order to improve measurement of psychological attributes, it is suggested to, first, readopt the definition of measurement in the physical sciences; second, to devise an elaborate theory of the construct to be measured that includes the hypothesis of a quantitative attribute; and third, to test the data for the structure implied by the hypothesis of quantity as well as predictions derived from the theory of the construct.

Journal of Business Research, Aug 1, 2016
Single-item measures have recently become more en vogue due to studies arguing in favor of their ... more Single-item measures have recently become more en vogue due to studies arguing in favor of their psychometric properties vis-à-vis multi-item scales. However, their effective use requires (1) expert raters to designate the focal construct as being doubly concrete and (2) researchers to find a good single item to represent the construct. This study examines whether expert raters identify the doubly concrete nature of constructs that prior research presents as exemplary in this respect. Furthermore, the study compares the efficacy of a broad range of selection mechanisms based on expert judgment and statistical criteria for identifying the best item in a scale. The results show that expert raters do not share the commonly held belief that researchers can validly measure constructs such as attitude toward the ad, or brand, with single items. Further analyses show that neither rater assessments nor statistical criteria prove valuable regarding identifying an appropriate single item from a set of candidate items.
Journal of physics, Aug 1, 2018
The social sciences largely have not achieved successes of the same stature as the natural scienc... more The social sciences largely have not achieved successes of the same stature as the natural sciences. This may be due in large part to failures in the theory and practice of measurement. Rather than modelling the mechanism of measurement, which remains a black box, assigned numerals are interpreted as measures. More advanced methods have been available for many years but have been adopted slowly and often been applied inadequately. While some models may indeed shed light on the black box, more elaborate conceptual theories are required also in order to eventually lift social measurement to the level of physical measurement.
Journal of Business Research, Sep 1, 2013
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the a... more This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit:
Papers by Thomas Salzberger