Papers by somnuk aujirapongpan

TEM Journal
The purposes of this research are (1) to study the acceptance of tax inspection and educational v... more The purposes of this research are (1) to study the acceptance of tax inspection and educational visit system of entrepreneurs, and (2) to study the literacy factors affecting the acceptance of tax inspection and educational visit system of entrepreneurs in world-class tourist attractions of Thailand, which are, Koh Samui and Koh Phangan. The sample group was 301 juristic person entrepreneurs using a questionnaire for data collection to analyze the statistics, which include; Frequency, Percentage, Mean, and Standard Deviation, to test the relationship and Causal Effect Size. The research result revealed that the acceptance of tax inspection and educational visit system of entrepreneurs was at the most level of all three aspects: receptive attention, cooperation, and taxation. Moreover, the factors of entrepreneurs who had different taxation practices on the accounting of current enterprises had the acceptance of tax inspection and educational visit system in terms of cooperation diff...
This study incorporates qualitative research using the documentary research method and in-depth i... more This study incorporates qualitative research using the documentary research method and in-depth interviews with 10 specific well-known monks in Thai society from different regions of Thailand. The results of the study found that the development of intelligence to lead to the development of strategic intuition among the human resource talents of Buddhism in Thailand must start from practising with the mind to have the right thoughts and ideas, which is called Sammaditthi. Paratoghosa is a good voice that sounds right from others. These should be combined together with Yonisomanasikara, which is the process of knowing the right way, and then developed into a concentrative and active state of mind to lead to a state of strategic intuition.
Asia Pacific Management Review

TEM Journal
This research aims to describe components and relationship models of a business organization’s in... more This research aims to describe components and relationship models of a business organization’s innovation management model affecting the innovative behaviour of executives of hotels’ human resources. An empirical study was conducted on 4- to 5-star hotels in Phuket Province seeking to become sustainable businesses by increasing the efficiency of performance and setting guidelines for hotel businesses to form a performance model relating to administration and human resource development in the midst of ongoing environmental changes. Questionnaires were used to collect data from 405 human resources executives of 4- 5 stars hotels in Phuket Province, Thailand. The data analysis first involved applying descriptive statistics and then adopting Pearson correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling. The results show that innovative behaviour has had a positive effect on task performance and that causal factors including valuable human resources,transfo...

HighTech and Innovation Journal
The purpose of this research was to study the effect of dynamic knowledge management capability o... more The purpose of this research was to study the effect of dynamic knowledge management capability on high-performance organizations and organizational performance. The data collection was carried out using questionnaires from 4-5-star hotels in Thailand, for a total of 148 hotels. The data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics followed by Pearson’s correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. The research results revealed that dynamic knowledge management capability had a positive direct effect on high-performing organizations and a positive indirect effect on organizational performance. Therefore, executives should emphasize the building of dynamic knowledge management capabilities to improve the performance of high-performance organizations, which will lead to performance strength beyond rivals. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2022-03-03-01 Full Text: PDF

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity
This study investigated the role of organizational strategic intuition (OSI) and relationships wi... more This study investigated the role of organizational strategic intuition (OSI) and relationships with knowledge-based dynamic capabilities (KBDCs), digital transformation (DT), and high-performance organizations (HPOs). This quantitative study used a questionnaire to collect data from chief executive officers (CEOs) and engineers of various companies in the auto parts industry, a crucial income-generator for Thailand. Partial least squares structural equation modeling, which assesses reflective and structural models, was adopted to test the hypotheses. The findings revealed significant influences among the six pairs of constructed relationships. Indeed, investigations found in this study indicated that (1) KBDCs had a positive effect on DT; (2) KBDCs and DT had a positive effect on OSI; and (3) KBDCs, DT, and OSI had a positive effect on HPOs. The analytical results of this empirical study also provided information to expand the knowledge of strategic intuition (SI). The practical con...

TEM Journal
The research aims at studying the motivation and performance evaluation literacy of skilled worke... more The research aims at studying the motivation and performance evaluation literacy of skilled workers on Balanced Scorecard Approach. A sample group derived from 350 skilled workers of an export condom company in Thailand. Multiple Regression was used to analyze the influence of the Motivation Factors according to Herzberg’s Two- Factor Theory on the performance evaluation literacy of skilled workers. The research result revealed that the performance motivation had a significant relationship with the literacy of skilled workers on Balanced Scorecard (BSC) approach. Especially, Motivation Factors, which indicated positive effects on the literacy of the skilled workers on the BSC approach significantly at 0.05 level. It can be beneficial to various organizations to apply the study results by making a plan, improving, and determining the evaluative strategies through the processes focusing on Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory. It can promote the use of BSC as a tool of evaluation to achieve t...

The objective of this research is to study the relationships and influences of information techno... more The objective of this research is to study the relationships and influences of information technology capabilities, dynamic capabilities, human resources competencies and the innovative performance of listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), the largest capital market in the country. A quantitative research method was carried out using questionnaires as the instruments for data collection. Questionnaire respondents were either the president, managing director, assistant managing director, general manager, or human resources manager of their respective companies. The research results revealed that all observed variables of these companies are presently at a high level. PLS-SEM was used to assess the structural models and verify the research hypotheses. The research results revealed significant influences among three pairs of variables: (1) IT capabilities had a positive effect on Dynamic capabilities, (2) IT capabilities had a positive effect on HR competencies, and ...

Emerging Science Journal
Economic growth can be defined by real gross domestic value and international imports and exports... more Economic growth can be defined by real gross domestic value and international imports and exports supported by technology and innovation. Currently, there are concerns about the level of international technological policy investment, despite having the capability to be macroeconomically and business-valuable. The main objective of this research is to study the attributions in relationships and associations between the policy implications of technological business (PITB) and the effort of technology and innovation acceptance capacity (TIAC), which influence capacity development and foresight to ensure effective Japanese foreign policies. This research has been fully justified through business policy receiving technology and innovation, the potential for technology and innovation adoption (PTIA) and innovation for firm performance (IFP) of Japanese joint venture companies in Thailand was examined. Fifty-seven companies were subjected to the structural equation model testing method. Da...

Emerging Science Journal, 2022
This research aims to study the effects of technological organization, management of cost innovat... more This research aims to study the effects of technological organization, management of cost innovation, and value creation. The population in this study was the canned and instant food export companies, which are crucial industries that earn incomes for Thailand. The quantitative research method was carried out using questionnaires sent to all companies (census) with the manufacturing managers as respondents. The survey revealed that these companies had a high level of technological organization, value creation, and cost innovation, except for reducing unnecessary functions at a moderate level because the products need to maintain customer demand; therefore, unnecessary adjustments may not be made. PLS-SEM assesses the reflective and structural models to test the research hypotheses. The findings revealed significant influences among three pairs of constructs: (1) technological organization had a positive effect on cost innovation, (2) cost innovation had a positive effect on value cr...
TEM Journal, 2022
This research aims to describe the factors and patterns of relationships involved in dominant pro... more This research aims to describe the factors and patterns of relationships involved in dominant professional skills development by focusing on social skills that influence organizational learning for business sustainability and operational efficiency enhancement. The research provides guidelines that hotel businesses in Phuket Province can use to implement strategies in a currently rapidly-changing and competitive environment. This study shows that professional and social skills influencing the organizational performance of the hotel businesses in Phuket include communication, leadership, problem solving, and teamwork skill. This analytical result is based on resource -based and service innovation theories and can be used to improve organizations operating performance.

This research aims at studying the correlation between levels of personal knowledge management an... more This research aims at studying the correlation between levels of personal knowledge management and contributing factors to knowledge management and innovations of non-academic staff by testing the validity of the structure model and collected empirical data. The research samples consisted of 326 staff of Suranaree University of Technology, Walailak University and Mae Fah Luang University, selected by means of proportional stratified random sampling. The findings showed that the staff had a high level of knowledge management. Personal factors such as positions and agencies had correlation with knowledge management of the staff. The structure equation model of factors contributing to knowledge management and innovations were found to be positively correlated and consistent with empirical data (Chi-Square=483.39, df=698, P-value=1.0000, GFI=0.94, AGFI=0.91, RMSEA=0.000, RMR=0.021). This study also revealed that factors of culture and information technology had a direct impact on management of knowledge and creation of innovations. It also found that knowledge management had statistically significant direct effects on innovation as well.

WMS Journal of Management, 2014
The purposes of this research were to (1) investigate factors affecting customers’ select to purc... more The purposes of this research were to (1) investigate factors affecting customers’ select to purchase of used cars, car dealers, auto loan company, and (2) examine guidelines in determining the business strategy of the Krung Thai Bank Leasing Company. The Samples employed in this research were consumers who purchase of used cars from car loans used car dealers in Surat Thani province 200 samples and Songkhla province 200 samples with simple random sampling. A questionnaire was used as a research instrument to collect data and used in the statistical analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the Chi Square. The Findings indicated that the majority of the car purchases were male, between 30 – 39 years old, married, and educated at a bachelor’s degree level. Most of them worked as a company employee, worked experience not more than 5 years, and had the average income between 10,001 – 20,000 baht. The most popular cars were Toyota, and price was between 300,001 ...
TEM Journal, 2022
This research aims to describe the factors and patterns of relationships involved in dominant pro... more This research aims to describe the factors and patterns of relationships involved in dominant professional skills development by focusing on social skills that influence organizational learning for business sustainability and operational efficiency enhancement. The research provides guidelines that hotel businesses in Phuket Province can use to implement strategies in a currently rapidly-changing and competitive environment. This study shows that professional and social skills influencing the organizational performance of the hotel businesses in Phuket include communication, leadership, problem solving, and teamwork skill. This analytical result is based on resource -based and service innovation theories and can be used to improve organizations operating performance.

Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2021
The objectives of this research are to establish and confirm the human resources competency compo... more The objectives of this research are to establish and confirm the human resources competency components for listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The sample group used in this research includes the company president, business owner, managing director, assistant managing director, general manager or human resources manager of 140 listed companies. The research instrument is a scale-estimated questionnaire. The obtained data were subjected to principal component analysis and were analyzed for the rotation of the perpendicular component using the Varimax method. Results were generated through the analysis of eight components, consisting of decision-making, creativity, strategic thinking, relationship and communication, teamwork, adaptability, self-management, and motivation. The research results demonstrate important components in human resource performance that are critical to the successful development of organizations. Organizations can apply these components to the development of human resource competencies in accordance with the operations that need to be adjusted to suit the changes that occur. These rapidly-changing conditions are important factors that can be studied and developed into variables and components that affect human resource performance in the future. As a result, organizations need to adjust to be well prepared to face problems and challenges in the harsh competitive environment in the future.

WMS Journal of Management, 2015
This research aims at knowledge management capability, Factors affecting differences in the knowl... more This research aims at knowledge management capability, Factors affecting differences in the knowledge management capability, Development of the knowledge management capability and transfer of technology and knowledge from research to develop and enhance the knowledge of high school in the Upper South. Efficient and more effective. Questionnaires were used to collect data to analyze the knowledge management environment and the Focus Group with school administrators to develop a model for the development of knowledge management of the school. The results showed that knowledge management capability of school is high level. It also found that the number of support or organize a training course in mathematics. The size of the school, only to influence the ability of learning the school administrators that results from this development. Can help the management in the knowledge management of learners more effective. The idea is to bring the results of such research to improve the implement...

The development innovative capability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is a competiti... more The development innovative capability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is a competitive tool that is crucial to the success of entrepreneurs. It is also the expectations of the country as a key role for creating economic growth in the country. Therefore, to be the basis for entrepreneurs development capabilities by using the innovative capability, the authors have studied the literature on the concept and analysis of the network-based capability, which is the ability to develop innovation, divided into two subthemes: 1) the resources-based capability, and 2) the knowledge-based capability. As a result, innovative ability developments of entrepreneurs in small and medium-sized enterprises have to focus on the key factors in the organization which is the capabilities and resources of the organization. In addition, these internal factors have to consistently link with external factors comprising the support from the government or an agency such as a business incubator unive...

WMS Journal of Management, 2016
This research aims at investigating factors affecting the labor demand on frozen seafood entrepre... more This research aims at investigating factors affecting the labor demand on frozen seafood entrepreneurs in order to promote employment suitability and working motivation. The study may benefit the government sector to identify and specify suitable criteria that may help strengthen the entrepreneurs in terms of their employment efficiencies for the frozen seafood business in the south of Thailand. The data collection included the in-depth interviews from the executive officers and office workers in 23 workplaces. The findings showed that the business factors that affected the labor demand for the frozen seafood business were the purchasing volumes and the use of raw materials. The important issues of the labor factor included labor shortages, low payment, and the personal behaviors of workers and the collaboration with government officers. These problems prompted the increased need of foreign labor which may cause long-term problems. To solve these problems, the study suggested ...

WMS Journal of Management, 2016
This research was conducted with the aim to study the relation and influence of Free Cash Flow, E... more This research was conducted with the aim to study the relation and influence of Free Cash Flow, Economic Value Added and Market Value Added Effect to the Price stock. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to develop a model, to inspect consistency between the model and empirical data and to study the effects of factors. The listed 100 companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET100) were been used in this study. The study had been collected by the quantitative method using the set of financial budget and financial data, according to analyzing equation of each factor. The results indicated that the model fitted the empirical data (Chi-Square = 0.00, df = 0, P-value = 1.0000, RMSEA = 0.00). It also revealed that the Economic Value Added has indirect effect on the price stock, Market Value Added has direct effect on the price stock and Free Cash Flow has direct effect on the price stock.
Papers by somnuk aujirapongpan