Westminster Theological Seminary
Henry Ossawa Tanner lived a life between two shores of the Atlantic -America and France -and his navigation of these national boundaries deeply affected his art. Tanner pursued his prolific body of biblical paintings solely during this... more
The personal perspectives, professional interests, and visual models that influenced Horatio Greenough in crafting paired busts of “Lucifer” (ca. 1841–42) and “Christ” (ca. 1845) reveal both the aesthetic concerns of his era and the... more
"Food, Glorious Food: Food at the Heart of Nineteenth-Century Art," European Society for Nineteenth-Century Art Annual Conference (Antwerp, Belgium, June 7-8, 2017)
In 1929, on her first visit to New Mexico, the American artist Georgia O’Keeffe (1887-1986) observed the animate potential of the region’s religious material culture.
Art historian Jeffrey Richmond-Moll shares a discovery made from a photograph printed in reverse.
The W. Newton Morris Charitable Foundation Fund and the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art support exhibitions and programs at the Georgia Museum of Art. The Georgia Council for the Arts also provides support through the appropriations... more
" | Includes bibliographical references. | Summary: ""Extra Ordinary," which accompanies the exhibition of the same name at the Georgia Museum of Art, surveys a range of American artists who embraced realism, representation, and classical... more
Excerpts from "Reckonings and Reconstructions" (introduction) and "Southern Rites: Religion, Ritual, and Communal Identity in Southern Photography" (chapter 3)