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Survey of current debates among Barthians on how to understand Barth's notion of the relation between God's eternal act of election and the ontological Trinity. Also, an exegetical study is offered by which one might better understand... more
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At the heart of Van Til's critique of Barth's theology is the Westminster professor's understanding of the latter's Christology as re-cast along actualistic lines. If Van Til is correct that at the heart of Barth's theology is an... more
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      ChristologyKarl BarthCornelius Van Til
David Bentley Hart's book entitled That All Shall Be Saved is a powerful argument at first glance, but upon further reflection it entails many difficulties. This paper will seek to refute its thesis by appealing to Scripture, critiquing... more
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Christian universalism (the view that all people are eventually saved) is largely predicated upon a negative reaction to the traditional doctrine of hell. It is therefore a "second option" to those who see hell as illogical, unnecessary,... more
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Stephen Wellum's chapter in Believer's Baptism argues that a proper interpretation of Jeremiah 31 sees God's new covenant as more exclusive than the old covenant. In this paper, I argue that this interpretation of Jeremiah 31 is faulty on... more
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An unpublished paper on Jonathan Edwards's doctrine of hell which examines its historical context and theological loci within his thought.
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      Systematic TheologyTrinitarian TheologyBiblical ExegesisMalachi
Karl Rahner, SJ (1904–1984) was one of the most influential Catholic theologians of the twentieth century. Theologians often encounter him first through his trinitarian “rule,” which states that the “economic” Trinity is the “immanent”... more
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      Systematic TheologyKarl RahnerReformed theologyTrinitarian Theology
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In commenting on I Peter 4:12, 13 and what is said there about Christian suffering, Calvin speaks of the “usefulness of the cross.”1 This usefulness, as he sees it, has two parts: (1) the refining trial God makes of our faith and (2) our... more
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    • Philosophy
A survey treatment, in short compass, of so rich and multifaceted a topic as the Holy Spirit in Paul is bound to be supercial. A surely more promising alternative is to identify and reect on those viewpoints in his teaching on the Spirit... more
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      PhilosophyEvangelical Theological Education
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      ReligionPhilosophyBiblical StudiesBible
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If Wayne Grudem's recent publications on the gift of prophecy are any indication, the debate over what the NT teaches about the duration of that gift is taking a new turn. Formerly we who follow the debate had only to study the... more
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The church of the Lord Jesus Christ, at least in the western world, lives in a sound bite culture and breathes an atmosphere which affects the way Christians interact with one another. Inadequately considered internet postings caricature... more
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The generalization of the Hilbert transform for three-dimensional magnetic fields in magnetic recording is presented. This generalization is based on the simultaneous use of "magnetic charge" and "electric current" models of the recording... more
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      EngineeringMagnetic RecordingMagnetic fieldHilbert transform
A novel intersymbol interference (ISI) removal technique based on the "response function" characterization of giant-magnetoresistive heads is presented. It is demonstrated that the ISI-free readback image that corresponds to the actual... more
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      EngineeringGiant MagnetoresistancePhysical sciences