As a sister community to tws_support, we here at WTF, Inc. are interested in finding and sharing the kinds of things that make you double and triple-take... the kinds of things that cause you to stare in sheer abject wonder... the kinds of things that make your brain hurt because they just don't make any goddamn sense!
Come one and come all to experience the joys (?) that the wide and senseless Internet has to offer. You'll never know what you're missing until you realize that you're missing your mind most of all.
wtf_inc_discuss for all your "OMG DRAMA" needs. If you've got drama, take it there instead.
Looking for that one post where that guy did this funny thing with an eel? Go to goatse_request first! These guys love to help you find an old wtf.
To reach the mods you can leave a comment here or private IM us.
All new members are encouraged to check out this list of the Golden Oldies of WTF, Inc. It also makes for a nice, handy-dandy reference for some weird shit, man!
General Guidelines:
There is a very broad range of material that can potentially be posted here: news stories, Internet media content, and so on. As long as it makes you go 'WTF?', then it's legitimate to post here.
Many links of a humorous and bizarre nature often make their rounds on the Internet and pop up all over the place over the course of several days. That being the case, when posting links, please make sure to check the last few days' worth (preferably at least a week) of posts if there's a good chance that it might be a repeat post. We get a lot of posts per day, here, and it's easy for someone to miss things, but try to make efforts for this.
Not everyone will necessarily think that something is WTF-worthy; this is particularly true of certain strange hobbies, etc. Please be aware that we've got a LOT of members, and so there are a lot of different tastes, here. Try not to take someone else's slack-jawed gaping as a personal attack.
By extension, DO NOT MAKE PERSONAL ATTACKS. This is common sense, common courtesy, and good etiquette. The purpose of this community is for everyone to have fun. Generally, we don't have issues along these lines, here. There's no reason why there should be problems with this.
This is not the place for your political agenda, whatever it may be.
If something is actually neat and fun and interesting and not traumatizing, by all means, post it onto portal_o_normal!
Above all, have fun! The mods will answer any questions you all have!
Posting Rules:
Posts that are of an 'extreme,' 'intense,' or potentially 'squicky' nature MUST BE labelled and flagged accordingly! This includes labeling something that is not 'worksafe,' (i.e. nudity and beyond) with NSFW or similar, but also warnings for material that might be too disturbing for some people. Try to be specific, here: e.g., 'WARNING: Gore' or 'WARNING: Graphic Gay Sex' and the like. These posts go behind an LJ-cut. Anything that's too graphic or intense should be posted to our sister community, tws_support, instead. Basically, ask yourself "Is a car crash victim really wtf?"
Likewise, content that is considered illegal by US standards as well as the LJ TOS is not allowed. That includes, but is not limited to posts that promote illegal activities, harm and injury against someone else and animal cruelty, disruptive spam, harm minors in any way (i.e. no CP) and information invasive to another's privacy (i.e. someone else's address and phone number). For more information, consult your common sense. For those of you lacking it, please see the LJ TOS. Links to outside sources are okay, provided the link is accompanied by a sufficient warning to prepare those about to click. Posts violating this rule may be deleted without warning. Repeat offenders (or even first time ones if you're an asshole about it) will be banned.
Do not disable comments in your posts. This also includes deleting someone else's comments, or freezing comments: if you do so your post might be deleted. You may delete your own comments of course. If people are being too chatty in your thread, you can always set your post to "Don't Email". If you have problems with another user "talking back at you", just step away from the discussion (i.e. stop replying!). This usually solves the problem. If abuse persists, notify a mod who will deal with the issue accordingly.
Try to give your post a descriptive subject line and not just "ZOMGWTF!". That way, it can be found later in the archives better. Likewise, do NOT just post a link with no description whatsover. People don't know what to expect then and it's just annoying.
IF pointing out a repost, GIVE THE LINK TO THE ORIGINAL!
Pornographic images, pictures of gore, vomit and so on that are posted without a cut will be deleted without warnings. You are free to repost the image under a cut afterwards.
The moderators will later tag your post. You may try to add tags yourself, but please be sensible about them and best use those already existing. If you enter bogus tags your post will be deleted because you're being a jackass.
In case you're a moron: do not impersonate mods, do not make posts pretending you're a mod. If you do, you get b&. The End.
tl;dr: Don't be a dick. The mods will let you know when you are.