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The use of geospatially aware mobile devices and applications is increasing, along with the potential for the unethical use of personal location information. For example, iPhone "apps" often ask users if they can collect location data in... more
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      Location Based ServicesMobile CommerceNetwork EffectsInformation Privacy
The journal acceptance review process involves a minimum of three double-blind peer reviews, where both the reviewer is not aware of the identities of the authors and the authors are not aware of the identities of the reviewers. The... more
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Geospatially-aware mobile devices and applications (GAMODAs) are increasingly penetrating both business and consumer markets. One of the primary concerns with GAMODAs is the new dimension of information privacy risk associated with users'... more
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      Internet ComputingInformation Privacy
Location-based services (LBS) are increasingly combined with new forms of mobile and ubiquitous based computing such as music players, cameras, email and internet access, and thousands of other mobile applications (a.k.a., “apps”). LBS... more
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The real value of mobile applications is heavily dependent on consumers' trust in the privacy of their personal information and location data. However, research has generated few results based on actual information disclosure and even... more
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      Mobile CommerceData PrivacySelf Disclosure
The use of mobile devices, and the applications that run on them, has soared in recent years. Among the reasons for this rapid uptake is the inclusion of many useful sensors (including GPS, accelerometers, and cameras), the plethora of... more
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0 74 0 -74 5 9 / 13 / $ 3 1. 0 0 © 2 0 13 I E E E J u ly/Au g u s t 2 0 13 | I E E E s o f t wA r E 95
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      Information SystemsSoftware Engineering
While small software development shops have trended towards the adoption of Agile methods, local conditions and high iteration pressure typically cause adaptations and appropriations of Agile methods. This paper shares evidence from a... more
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The Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ) is a double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal published by EDSIG, the Education Special Interest Group of AITP, the Association of Information Technology Professionals (Chicago,... more
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    • Information Systems education
As a mechanism for the exchange, transmission, and reporting of accounting and financial data, eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) makes great strides toward standardisation. However, given the global nature of contemporary... more
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      OntologyFinancial Statement AnalysisUS GAAPGenerally Accepted Accounting Principles
Disruptive technologies, such as mobile applications development, will always present a dilemma for Information Systems educators as dominant paradigms in our environment will tend to favor the existing sustaining technologies that we... more
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    • Information Systems education
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The Computer Information Systems (CIS) discipline faces an identity crisis: although demand for CIS graduates is growing, student enrollment is either in decline, or is at least soft or flat in many cases. This has been referred to as the... more
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      EntrepreneurshipInformation Systems education
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A better understanding of human cognitive ability-demand gap (ADG) is critical in designing assistive technology solution that is accurate and adaptive over a wide range of human-agent interaction. The main goal is to design systems that... more
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      Human Computer InteractionErgonomicsCognitive ModelingCognitive Engineering
The increasing model of e-commerce infrastructure opens the door for secure transaction of information over the Net, keeping some records private as users' choice within a few seconds. A client, while frequently retrieving his... more
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    • Library and Information Studies
Co-adapted learning involves complex, dynamically unfolding interactions between human and artificial pedagogical agents (PAs) during learning with intelligent systems. In general, these interactions lead to effective learning when (1)... more
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Abstract. In assistive technology design, it is indispensible to consider the sensory, physical and cognitive level of target users. Cognitive load is an important indicator of cognitive feedback during interaction and became the critical... more
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Task-evoked pupillary responses reveal the relationship between working memory capacity and its effect on cognitive states. Understanding the effects of cognitive load requires robust analysis of pupillary responses. In this paper, we... more
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Co-adapted learning involves complex, dynamically unfolding interactions between human and artificial pedagogical agents (PAs) during learning with intelligent systems. In general, these interactions lead to effective learning when (1)... more
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