Citrus is one of the most extensively grown fruits in several parts of the world. Therefore, its ... more Citrus is one of the most extensively grown fruits in several parts of the world. Therefore, its inustrial processing produces large amounts of pulp waste. This study was aimed at assessing the nutritive as well as mineral components of citrus pulp waste of Eureka lemon and Clementine from two Citrus farms while drawing potential comparisons with yellow maize for livestock feed. Proximate analyses were done using approved/standard analytical methods of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC), while the mineral constituents were analysed using an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Proximate evaluation revealed that Eureka lemon and Clementine pulp waste contained comparable amounts of fibre and lipid, and significantly higher protein contents than yellow maize. Meanwhile, minerals including Ca, Mg, K, Na, Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe were significantly higher in the citrus lemon pulp waste than in yellow maize. The study therefore points out that ...
Nigeria is the second largest poultry industry in Africa, with its poultry industry the most comm... more Nigeria is the second largest poultry industry in Africa, with its poultry industry the most commercialized livestock sub-sector. Despite its significance, the farmers still experience economic losses due to disease outbreaks. Hence, the application of standard Health Management Practices (HMPs) is very important, as these practices improve the welfare of animals and increase animal production and farmers’ income. This paper examined the determinants of HMP’s utilization and its effect on poultry farmers’ income in Ondo State, Nigeria. We used multistage sampling procedures to select 120 respondents who provided data for the study. The study used Generalized Poisson Regression (GPR) and Conditional Quantile Regression (CQR) models to estimate the determinants of HMP’s utilization intensity, and its heterogeneous effects on farmers’ income, respectively. The results revealed that the HMP’s utilization intensity was significantly driven by variables such as education, training, experi...
Background: Klebsiella are major opportunistic bacteria pathogens known to cause a series of seve... more Background: Klebsiella are major opportunistic bacteria pathogens known to cause a series of severe nosocomial infections. This study reports the global research outputs of Klebsiella research studies and explores the key areas within Klebsiella research studies. Methods: Data in published articles on Klebsiella research studies from 2000 to 2019 were recovered from a scientific data bank known as Web of Science (WoS). Bibliometric tools together with Microsoft Excel 2016 were employed to analyse the top ranked journals, trend topics, title word occurrences, global cited documents, most relevant authors, most relevant countries by corresponding authors, most cited countries, country collaboration networks, title word occurrence, trend topics, most relevant affiliations, and conceptual structural map. Results: An aggregate of 6,047 published papers were retreived from Web of Science (WoS) and the analyses showed that Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy was the top journal in re...
Cannabis sativa is known among many cultures for its medicinal potential. Its complexity contribu... more Cannabis sativa is known among many cultures for its medicinal potential. Its complexity contributes to the historical application of various parts of the plant in ethno-medicines and pharmacotherapy. C. sativa has been used for the treatment of rheumatism, epilepsy, asthma, skin burns, pain, the management of sexually transmitted diseases, difficulties during child labor, postpartum hemorrhage, and gastrointestinal activity. However, the use of C. sativa is still limited, and it is illegal in most countries. Thus, this review aims to highlight the biological potential of the plant parts, as well as the techniques for the extraction, isolation, and characterization of C. sativa compounds. The plant produces a unique class of terpenophenolic compounds, called cannabinoids, as well as non-cannabinoid compounds. The exhaustive profiling of bioactive compounds and the chemical characterization and analysis of C. sativa compounds, which modern research has not yet fully achieved, is need...
This study examines the relationship between household assets and demographics as well as adolesc... more This study examines the relationship between household assets and demographics as well as adolescents’ time allocation to school attendance and helping in household chores. We found that overtime, patrimonial society has positively influenced girls in Nigeria by spending more time on school works. The study found that commitment to educational achievement of adolescents is household assets sensitive. The study also revealed that human capital development in Ogun state is improving, most importantly girls’ education but recommend more aggressive building of schools close to the settlements and encouragement for compulsory early school enrollment because the time allocation to studies becomes lower as the adolescents’ age increases.
Smallholder agriculture is not fulfilling its pivotal role of attaining food security in developi... more Smallholder agriculture is not fulfilling its pivotal role of attaining food security in developing countries such as South Africa. In rural areas, smallholder farmers’ efficiencies are hindered mostly by factors beyond their control. This paper presents a scenario simulation of small farms’ production efficiencies in the disadvantaged Black communities of the Eastern Cape province, South Africa, in the three major agroecological zones. Stochastic frontier analysis was used to model the technical efficiency of the small farms under different production scenarios. The analysis revealed that smallholder farmers’ output is worse off under declining soil fertility and climate variability conditions. Overall, small farms in the study areas were inefficient in their production with congested household sizes and not optimized household labor. The study recommends the use of more intensive land-augmenting inputs and in the long run, output can rely on improvements in technical efficiency.
ABSTRACT Assessment of the level of smallholders’ vulnerability to climate variability and the ad... more ABSTRACT Assessment of the level of smallholders’ vulnerability to climate variability and the adaptive capacity will provide information required for adequate policy formulation for the adaptation and improvement of food security among poor farming households. This article utilised data from a survey of 223 small farming households in the Eastern Cape province, one of the poorest agrarian provinces in South Africa, to explore the exposure of smallholder farmers to climate change, their adaptive capacity and their vulnerability to climate shock across major agro-ecological zones. Data on the production of main staple foods, household assets and access to institutional facilities were analysed by means of principal component analysis. General circulation model scenarios were used with a crop model (EPIC) to explore the impact of future plausible climate patterns on farmers’ income. Farmers in the Karoo zone are currently the most vulnerable to climate variability. A scenario analysis also showed that maize production in the Eastern Cape will be positively affected by climate change under both low-input and irrigated management systems, whereas potato yield will decrease. It is projected that smallholder farmers who significantly rely on maize can expect an increase of up to 45 per cent revenue by 2050 under the UKMO-HADGEM1 climate scenario if the average estimated future yields materialise. Both institutional and infrastructural support in the form of access to credit and irrigation facilities are recommended for adequate adaptation to future climate change impact, in particular climate volatility, which was not taken into account in our yield projections.
The study aimed at investigating the disparities in efficiency among deep-litter and Battery-cage... more The study aimed at investigating the disparities in efficiency among deep-litter and Battery-cage Poultry Egg farmers in Ogun State, Nigeria. Primary data from a cross-section of 237 poultry egg farmers through a two-stage random sampling technique were used. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, budgetary analysis, and Stochastic Frontier Analysis techniques. Egg production for both systems was male dominated with 87.2% deep-litter and 81.86% battery-cage. The rate of return on investment of Battery-cage (17.07%) is greater than that of Deep-litter (9.05%). The estimated profit efficiency of battery cage (74.74%) is higher than the deep litter (62.28%). The profit inefficiency analysis of the battery cage farmers revealed that farmer's experience (P<0.01), age, credit access and education are negatively significant (P<0.05). Besides, in deep-litter, age and education were positively significant (P<0.05) and household size negatively (P<0.05). The study concludes that battery-cage system is more profitable than deep litter production system. Poultry farmers should be trained on the use of inputs.
The adoption of crop-livestock integration (CLI) among smallholder farmers in the developing coun... more The adoption of crop-livestock integration (CLI) among smallholder farmers in the developing countries is no doubt one of the solutions to food security, risk management, and poverty alleviation in sub-Saharan Africa. However, adequate assessment on the current status of CLI becomes necessary for the development and its evolution among smallholder farmers. This article presents a basic and multi-objective linear programming (LP) model to determine enterprise combinations of crop and livestock activities that maximize total gross margin (TGM) among small farms in the Eastern Cape Province. Optimization modeling results and trade-off analysis showed 122.61% increase and 58% decreases, respectively, compared with the average TGM per livestock unit (LU). Smallholder CLI farmers can optimally maximized profit, but fail to optimally maximize home consumption with profit maximization objectives at present resource level. The results further revealed that resources such as land, livestock enterprises were (loose resources) not efficiently used. Efficient and capital use and compact arrangement of crop-livestock integration are suggested instead of free access grazing practice in the study area.
The creation and growing popularity of cultured meat has raised mixed reactions among consumers a... more The creation and growing popularity of cultured meat has raised mixed reactions among consumers about its originality, acceptability, edibility, and nutritional quality across the world. The perception and reaction of consumers to novel meat are influenced by a variety of factors, such as geographical location, media coverage, educational status, culture, and religion. Therefore, this study was designed to examine the perceptions of consumers on the consumption of natural vs. cultured beef in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. A total of 255 respondents were interviewed using structured questionnaires, and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and X2 tests. Interviewees included representatives from University (educated), urban (literate), and rural (semi-literate) communities. The results revealed the majority (63%) of the respondents had not heard about the concept of cultured beef production, of which 27% of them were men and 36% were women. More than half (53...
The present study aimed to reveal the abundant tapestry of research on citrus waste and livestock... more The present study aimed to reveal the abundant tapestry of research on citrus waste and livestock feed, taking into account the recurring challenges posed by feed shortage and high price of conventional animal feed in livestock farming. In total, 565 articles were retrieved in a BibTeX format for analysis using bibliometric package in R studio. The retrieved data included, but not restricted to authors, citations, keywords, journals, and institutions. Published outputs on citrus waste and animal feed for livestock production obtained from Scopus and web of science (WOS) databases were used in this study. The field of citrus waste and livestock feed research experienced an increase in terms of research outputs with an annual growth of 10.20% during the study period. Based on the country level, Brazil was rated first with an aggregate sum of publications (n = 81), with China having a huge global academic influence with most top article citations (n = 1,338). The topmost authors' k...
Asian journal of agriculture and rural development, Feb 28, 2022
Contribution/Originality: This study contributes in the existing literature on the prevailing man... more Contribution/Originality: This study contributes in the existing literature on the prevailing management practice of local turkey-farming among rural communities in the Eastern Region of Nigeria.
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 2022
The present study aimed to evaluate the incidence and seasonal distribution of Staphylococcus spe... more The present study aimed to evaluate the incidence and seasonal distribution of Staphylococcus species on a medium-scale dairy farm and investigate their antimicrobial sensitivity with selected standard antibiotics. Several biochemical tests with the API staph kits were utilized to recognize the presence of micro-bacteria in the milk a species level. The antimicrobial activity was evaluated following the approved Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) guidelines. In total, 217 samples of milk were cultured for bacterial tests over nine months. Of the 217 milk samples analyzed, 13 varied Staphylococcus species were identified from the 86 (39.63%) positive isolates. Of the identified isolates, Staphylococcus xylosus (22.09%), Staphylococcus hominis (15.11%), and Staphylococcus haemolyticus (11.63%) were the most common. Bacteria species that showed resistance to the 15 different antimicrobial agents used in this study included Staphylococcus xylosus (80%), Staphylococcus sciuri ...
Smallholder cattle farming in most developing countries and Africa has been fingered as an area o... more Smallholder cattle farming in most developing countries and Africa has been fingered as an area of agriculture that forms a major driver through which the aims of poverty reduction and community development can be realized. For instance, about twenty-five to thirty percent of cattle farming contributes to the sum aggregate of farm produce to the South Africa economy yearly. Several prevailing factors have however limited the prospect and sustainability of cattle production among rural farmers who happen to be a major player in cattle production in South Africa. Such prevalent factors that have been identified to decline cattle productivity include poor animal breeding, lack of available feed resources, marketing constraints and animal health challenges among others. These limiting constraints have in turn negatively affected the potential of communal cattle farmers from exploring both the local and global markets. To upsurge farm practices that can be sustainable and the involvement of cattle production to defeat starvation and financial lack among poor-resourced areas and in the nation at large, there is need by the government and other vital stakeholders to tackle the prevailing challenges faced by cattle farmers. This can be achieved by adopting workable initiatives that will promote best farming practices in rural communities with the view of utilizing locally adapted cattle breeds to boost cattle production.
Meat production plays a vital socioeconomic role for sustainable development and for promoting fo... more Meat production plays a vital socioeconomic role for sustainable development and for promoting food security in most countries. However, not much is known about research agendas done globally and the advancement of knowledge-generating networks in this area of study. The present study aims to reveal and analyze scientific research outputs on meat production linked with recent nanotechnology research work done till date. A compilation of research advancement and development within the sphere was realized through a scientometric study to comprehend the trend of research outputs, scientific impacts, authors' involvement, collaboration networks, and the advancement of knowledge gaps for future research endeavors on the current subject matter. Scholarly published articles were retrieved from the web of science (WOS) and Scopus databases from 1985 to 2020 and they were merged together using bibliometric package in R studio. All duplicated articles (438) from both data bases were exclu...
On major scourge that hinders the optimum agricultural production apart from other factors of pro... more On major scourge that hinders the optimum agricultural production apart from other factors of production is disease or ill-health condition. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of tuberculosis on agricultural production labour loss) among farming household in Ado-Odo/Ota Local Government Area of Ogun State. Data were collected from seventy-five farming households with the aid of structured questionnaire. Fifty-four (54) of the respondents were infected farmers purposively taken from tuberculosis clinics in the study area while the remaining twenty-one (21) were simple-randomly sampled. Descriptive statistics was used for the socio-economic characteristics. Prevalence rate was used to determine the prevalence within and among sampled households. Logit model was also employed to determine the factors that influence tuberculosis’ infection among farming households. Labour loss (manday loss) as a result of tuberculosis was equally estimated. The study revealed that ag...
Citrus is one of the most extensively grown fruits in several parts of the world. Therefore, its ... more Citrus is one of the most extensively grown fruits in several parts of the world. Therefore, its inustrial processing produces large amounts of pulp waste. This study was aimed at assessing the nutritive as well as mineral components of citrus pulp waste of Eureka lemon and Clementine from two Citrus farms while drawing potential comparisons with yellow maize for livestock feed. Proximate analyses were done using approved/standard analytical methods of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC), while the mineral constituents were analysed using an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Proximate evaluation revealed that Eureka lemon and Clementine pulp waste contained comparable amounts of fibre and lipid, and significantly higher protein contents than yellow maize. Meanwhile, minerals including Ca, Mg, K, Na, Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe were significantly higher in the citrus lemon pulp waste than in yellow maize. The study therefore points out that ...
Nigeria is the second largest poultry industry in Africa, with its poultry industry the most comm... more Nigeria is the second largest poultry industry in Africa, with its poultry industry the most commercialized livestock sub-sector. Despite its significance, the farmers still experience economic losses due to disease outbreaks. Hence, the application of standard Health Management Practices (HMPs) is very important, as these practices improve the welfare of animals and increase animal production and farmers’ income. This paper examined the determinants of HMP’s utilization and its effect on poultry farmers’ income in Ondo State, Nigeria. We used multistage sampling procedures to select 120 respondents who provided data for the study. The study used Generalized Poisson Regression (GPR) and Conditional Quantile Regression (CQR) models to estimate the determinants of HMP’s utilization intensity, and its heterogeneous effects on farmers’ income, respectively. The results revealed that the HMP’s utilization intensity was significantly driven by variables such as education, training, experi...
Background: Klebsiella are major opportunistic bacteria pathogens known to cause a series of seve... more Background: Klebsiella are major opportunistic bacteria pathogens known to cause a series of severe nosocomial infections. This study reports the global research outputs of Klebsiella research studies and explores the key areas within Klebsiella research studies. Methods: Data in published articles on Klebsiella research studies from 2000 to 2019 were recovered from a scientific data bank known as Web of Science (WoS). Bibliometric tools together with Microsoft Excel 2016 were employed to analyse the top ranked journals, trend topics, title word occurrences, global cited documents, most relevant authors, most relevant countries by corresponding authors, most cited countries, country collaboration networks, title word occurrence, trend topics, most relevant affiliations, and conceptual structural map. Results: An aggregate of 6,047 published papers were retreived from Web of Science (WoS) and the analyses showed that Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy was the top journal in re...
Cannabis sativa is known among many cultures for its medicinal potential. Its complexity contribu... more Cannabis sativa is known among many cultures for its medicinal potential. Its complexity contributes to the historical application of various parts of the plant in ethno-medicines and pharmacotherapy. C. sativa has been used for the treatment of rheumatism, epilepsy, asthma, skin burns, pain, the management of sexually transmitted diseases, difficulties during child labor, postpartum hemorrhage, and gastrointestinal activity. However, the use of C. sativa is still limited, and it is illegal in most countries. Thus, this review aims to highlight the biological potential of the plant parts, as well as the techniques for the extraction, isolation, and characterization of C. sativa compounds. The plant produces a unique class of terpenophenolic compounds, called cannabinoids, as well as non-cannabinoid compounds. The exhaustive profiling of bioactive compounds and the chemical characterization and analysis of C. sativa compounds, which modern research has not yet fully achieved, is need...
This study examines the relationship between household assets and demographics as well as adolesc... more This study examines the relationship between household assets and demographics as well as adolescents’ time allocation to school attendance and helping in household chores. We found that overtime, patrimonial society has positively influenced girls in Nigeria by spending more time on school works. The study found that commitment to educational achievement of adolescents is household assets sensitive. The study also revealed that human capital development in Ogun state is improving, most importantly girls’ education but recommend more aggressive building of schools close to the settlements and encouragement for compulsory early school enrollment because the time allocation to studies becomes lower as the adolescents’ age increases.
Smallholder agriculture is not fulfilling its pivotal role of attaining food security in developi... more Smallholder agriculture is not fulfilling its pivotal role of attaining food security in developing countries such as South Africa. In rural areas, smallholder farmers’ efficiencies are hindered mostly by factors beyond their control. This paper presents a scenario simulation of small farms’ production efficiencies in the disadvantaged Black communities of the Eastern Cape province, South Africa, in the three major agroecological zones. Stochastic frontier analysis was used to model the technical efficiency of the small farms under different production scenarios. The analysis revealed that smallholder farmers’ output is worse off under declining soil fertility and climate variability conditions. Overall, small farms in the study areas were inefficient in their production with congested household sizes and not optimized household labor. The study recommends the use of more intensive land-augmenting inputs and in the long run, output can rely on improvements in technical efficiency.
ABSTRACT Assessment of the level of smallholders’ vulnerability to climate variability and the ad... more ABSTRACT Assessment of the level of smallholders’ vulnerability to climate variability and the adaptive capacity will provide information required for adequate policy formulation for the adaptation and improvement of food security among poor farming households. This article utilised data from a survey of 223 small farming households in the Eastern Cape province, one of the poorest agrarian provinces in South Africa, to explore the exposure of smallholder farmers to climate change, their adaptive capacity and their vulnerability to climate shock across major agro-ecological zones. Data on the production of main staple foods, household assets and access to institutional facilities were analysed by means of principal component analysis. General circulation model scenarios were used with a crop model (EPIC) to explore the impact of future plausible climate patterns on farmers’ income. Farmers in the Karoo zone are currently the most vulnerable to climate variability. A scenario analysis also showed that maize production in the Eastern Cape will be positively affected by climate change under both low-input and irrigated management systems, whereas potato yield will decrease. It is projected that smallholder farmers who significantly rely on maize can expect an increase of up to 45 per cent revenue by 2050 under the UKMO-HADGEM1 climate scenario if the average estimated future yields materialise. Both institutional and infrastructural support in the form of access to credit and irrigation facilities are recommended for adequate adaptation to future climate change impact, in particular climate volatility, which was not taken into account in our yield projections.
The study aimed at investigating the disparities in efficiency among deep-litter and Battery-cage... more The study aimed at investigating the disparities in efficiency among deep-litter and Battery-cage Poultry Egg farmers in Ogun State, Nigeria. Primary data from a cross-section of 237 poultry egg farmers through a two-stage random sampling technique were used. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, budgetary analysis, and Stochastic Frontier Analysis techniques. Egg production for both systems was male dominated with 87.2% deep-litter and 81.86% battery-cage. The rate of return on investment of Battery-cage (17.07%) is greater than that of Deep-litter (9.05%). The estimated profit efficiency of battery cage (74.74%) is higher than the deep litter (62.28%). The profit inefficiency analysis of the battery cage farmers revealed that farmer's experience (P<0.01), age, credit access and education are negatively significant (P<0.05). Besides, in deep-litter, age and education were positively significant (P<0.05) and household size negatively (P<0.05). The study concludes that battery-cage system is more profitable than deep litter production system. Poultry farmers should be trained on the use of inputs.
The adoption of crop-livestock integration (CLI) among smallholder farmers in the developing coun... more The adoption of crop-livestock integration (CLI) among smallholder farmers in the developing countries is no doubt one of the solutions to food security, risk management, and poverty alleviation in sub-Saharan Africa. However, adequate assessment on the current status of CLI becomes necessary for the development and its evolution among smallholder farmers. This article presents a basic and multi-objective linear programming (LP) model to determine enterprise combinations of crop and livestock activities that maximize total gross margin (TGM) among small farms in the Eastern Cape Province. Optimization modeling results and trade-off analysis showed 122.61% increase and 58% decreases, respectively, compared with the average TGM per livestock unit (LU). Smallholder CLI farmers can optimally maximized profit, but fail to optimally maximize home consumption with profit maximization objectives at present resource level. The results further revealed that resources such as land, livestock enterprises were (loose resources) not efficiently used. Efficient and capital use and compact arrangement of crop-livestock integration are suggested instead of free access grazing practice in the study area.
The creation and growing popularity of cultured meat has raised mixed reactions among consumers a... more The creation and growing popularity of cultured meat has raised mixed reactions among consumers about its originality, acceptability, edibility, and nutritional quality across the world. The perception and reaction of consumers to novel meat are influenced by a variety of factors, such as geographical location, media coverage, educational status, culture, and religion. Therefore, this study was designed to examine the perceptions of consumers on the consumption of natural vs. cultured beef in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. A total of 255 respondents were interviewed using structured questionnaires, and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and X2 tests. Interviewees included representatives from University (educated), urban (literate), and rural (semi-literate) communities. The results revealed the majority (63%) of the respondents had not heard about the concept of cultured beef production, of which 27% of them were men and 36% were women. More than half (53...
The present study aimed to reveal the abundant tapestry of research on citrus waste and livestock... more The present study aimed to reveal the abundant tapestry of research on citrus waste and livestock feed, taking into account the recurring challenges posed by feed shortage and high price of conventional animal feed in livestock farming. In total, 565 articles were retrieved in a BibTeX format for analysis using bibliometric package in R studio. The retrieved data included, but not restricted to authors, citations, keywords, journals, and institutions. Published outputs on citrus waste and animal feed for livestock production obtained from Scopus and web of science (WOS) databases were used in this study. The field of citrus waste and livestock feed research experienced an increase in terms of research outputs with an annual growth of 10.20% during the study period. Based on the country level, Brazil was rated first with an aggregate sum of publications (n = 81), with China having a huge global academic influence with most top article citations (n = 1,338). The topmost authors' k...
Asian journal of agriculture and rural development, Feb 28, 2022
Contribution/Originality: This study contributes in the existing literature on the prevailing man... more Contribution/Originality: This study contributes in the existing literature on the prevailing management practice of local turkey-farming among rural communities in the Eastern Region of Nigeria.
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 2022
The present study aimed to evaluate the incidence and seasonal distribution of Staphylococcus spe... more The present study aimed to evaluate the incidence and seasonal distribution of Staphylococcus species on a medium-scale dairy farm and investigate their antimicrobial sensitivity with selected standard antibiotics. Several biochemical tests with the API staph kits were utilized to recognize the presence of micro-bacteria in the milk a species level. The antimicrobial activity was evaluated following the approved Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) guidelines. In total, 217 samples of milk were cultured for bacterial tests over nine months. Of the 217 milk samples analyzed, 13 varied Staphylococcus species were identified from the 86 (39.63%) positive isolates. Of the identified isolates, Staphylococcus xylosus (22.09%), Staphylococcus hominis (15.11%), and Staphylococcus haemolyticus (11.63%) were the most common. Bacteria species that showed resistance to the 15 different antimicrobial agents used in this study included Staphylococcus xylosus (80%), Staphylococcus sciuri ...
Smallholder cattle farming in most developing countries and Africa has been fingered as an area o... more Smallholder cattle farming in most developing countries and Africa has been fingered as an area of agriculture that forms a major driver through which the aims of poverty reduction and community development can be realized. For instance, about twenty-five to thirty percent of cattle farming contributes to the sum aggregate of farm produce to the South Africa economy yearly. Several prevailing factors have however limited the prospect and sustainability of cattle production among rural farmers who happen to be a major player in cattle production in South Africa. Such prevalent factors that have been identified to decline cattle productivity include poor animal breeding, lack of available feed resources, marketing constraints and animal health challenges among others. These limiting constraints have in turn negatively affected the potential of communal cattle farmers from exploring both the local and global markets. To upsurge farm practices that can be sustainable and the involvement of cattle production to defeat starvation and financial lack among poor-resourced areas and in the nation at large, there is need by the government and other vital stakeholders to tackle the prevailing challenges faced by cattle farmers. This can be achieved by adopting workable initiatives that will promote best farming practices in rural communities with the view of utilizing locally adapted cattle breeds to boost cattle production.
Meat production plays a vital socioeconomic role for sustainable development and for promoting fo... more Meat production plays a vital socioeconomic role for sustainable development and for promoting food security in most countries. However, not much is known about research agendas done globally and the advancement of knowledge-generating networks in this area of study. The present study aims to reveal and analyze scientific research outputs on meat production linked with recent nanotechnology research work done till date. A compilation of research advancement and development within the sphere was realized through a scientometric study to comprehend the trend of research outputs, scientific impacts, authors' involvement, collaboration networks, and the advancement of knowledge gaps for future research endeavors on the current subject matter. Scholarly published articles were retrieved from the web of science (WOS) and Scopus databases from 1985 to 2020 and they were merged together using bibliometric package in R studio. All duplicated articles (438) from both data bases were exclu...
On major scourge that hinders the optimum agricultural production apart from other factors of pro... more On major scourge that hinders the optimum agricultural production apart from other factors of production is disease or ill-health condition. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of tuberculosis on agricultural production labour loss) among farming household in Ado-Odo/Ota Local Government Area of Ogun State. Data were collected from seventy-five farming households with the aid of structured questionnaire. Fifty-four (54) of the respondents were infected farmers purposively taken from tuberculosis clinics in the study area while the remaining twenty-one (21) were simple-randomly sampled. Descriptive statistics was used for the socio-economic characteristics. Prevalence rate was used to determine the prevalence within and among sampled households. Logit model was also employed to determine the factors that influence tuberculosis’ infection among farming households. Labour loss (manday loss) as a result of tuberculosis was equally estimated. The study revealed that ag...
Papers by Sunday Hosu