Papers by Sunday Babalola

Environment, development and sustainability, Feb 25, 2024
There is a need to complement strategic policies with discretionary environmentally friendly beha... more There is a need to complement strategic policies with discretionary environmentally friendly behaviour to ensure sustainable performance is recognised and accepted. This research investigates the impact of ethical leadership and psychological ownership on employees' voluntary pro-environmental behaviour and whether psychological ownership amplifies the impact of ethical leadership on employees' voluntary pro-environmental behaviour. The study was conducted amongst employees of selected public and commercial organisations in Nigeria. A cross-sectional survey of 163 employees provided the analysed data. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire, including three established scales. The mean age of the participants was 36.34, with a 7.88 standard deviation; men were 43.6%. Data analysis was conducted using statistical regression complemented with Process Macro. The findings indicated that ethical leadership has a positive association with voluntary pro-environmental behaviour (β = 0.64, 95% CI [0.46-0.68], t = 10.53, p < 0.001). Furthermore, psychological ownership was also found to predict voluntary proenvironmental behaviour as well (β = 0.23, 95% CI [0.10-0.35], t = 3.56, p < 0.001). However, psychological ownership did not moderate the relationship between ethical leadership and voluntary pro-environmental behaviour. Since this is a pioneer study, it could be tentatively concluded that although ethical leadership and psychological ownership energised the voluntary pro-environmental behaviour of the employees, their interaction did not.

Annals of Spiru Haret University Economic Series, Sep 6, 2023
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of cultural intelligence (CI) and workplace fr... more The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of cultural intelligence (CI) and workplace friendship (WPF) on the quality of work-life (QWL) of individual workers and to examine whether WPF mediates the relationship between CI and QWL between employees of the same nationality, but of different ethnic groups working in government-owned organisations. A crosssectional study was conducted among 161 employees using self-report measures. Data analysis was performed using two statistical procedures (the Harman single factor test and the correlation matrix) to assess the presence of a common-method variance (CMV) bias in the data collected for this study. Theoretical propositions and empirical observations offered plausible explanations for WPF's mediating role in the CI-QWL relationship. The present study confirms the reliability and, to some extent, the validity of the measures in a developing economy context. However, this study also builds empirical evidence that age and gender are fewer differentiating factors in employees' work attitudes and behaviour.
International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2023
African Journal of Business and Economic Research, Jun 18, 2023

Academy of Strategic Management Journal, Oct 1, 2019
This study examined the impact of organization ownership and organizational strategy on organizat... more This study examined the impact of organization ownership and organizational strategy on organizational sustainable practices among organizations in Delta State, Nigeria. The design was cross-sectional and data were collected with self-administered questionnaires. One hundred and seventy-four respondents sampled from both public and private-owned organizations provided the data analyzed. Eighty five participants were sampled from public organizations, while 93 participants were sampled from private-owned organizations. The sample comprises 46% males and 54% females; 64% married and 36% unmarried. Data analysis revealed that public organizations and private organizations significantly differ in organizational sustainable practices, t (df; 176) =-2.29<0.05 and that organizational strategy dimensions differ in their predictive relationship with organizational sustainable practices; prospectors, β (168) =0.55, p<0.05; defenders, β (168) =0.26, p<0.05; analyzers, β (168) =0.01, p>0.05; and reactors, β (168) =0.03, P>0.05). It is recommended that policies and programs aimed at promoting organizational sustainable practices should incorporate organization ownership and organizational strategy.

International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 2019
A fierce competitive workplace climate compels employees to work under pressure, hence, to perfor... more A fierce competitive workplace climate compels employees to work under pressure, hence, to perform requires individual's innovate positive psychological resources. This paper sets out to examine the predictive relationship between psychological capital (PsyCap) and innovative work behaviour (IWB) among public employees, and the role of task autonomy in the relationship. A cross-sectional survey design was conducted, and 125 employees from public hospitals participated in the study. The study used a questionnaire focussing on measures of PsyCap, IWB, task autonomy as well as questions on demographic characteristics. The research hypothesis was tested using regression analysis. Multiple regression analysis showed self-efficacy ( = 0.25, p < 0.01) and optimism ( = 0.14, p > 0.05) positively and significantly predict IWB. The investigation implicitly tested and confirmed the applicability of certain elements in Bandura's social cognitive theory and Vroom's expectancy theory from the examination of PsyCap-IWB link.
Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives
International Journal of Mobile Communications
Cogent Business & Management, 2022

Cogent Social Sciences, 2021
Abstract Social sciences research (SSR) is an enterprise that is continuously evolving, but not w... more Abstract Social sciences research (SSR) is an enterprise that is continuously evolving, but not without some debilitating issues that impede the realization of its full potential and usefulness. SSR, as a human initiative and activity, is discussed. The paper features the current methods and authorship issues that enhance the research outcomes’ validity. The argument advanced because while scholars continue to explore processes for research advancement, minimize where possible by putting an end to vices such as falsification, plagiarism, inappropriate methodology, and wrong data analysis. At the same time, while significant challenges are related to misconduct and dishonesty. The present paper expanded and updated the literature and proposed bringing the resources available to the social science researchers to enhance research outcomes. Overall, the paper recommends continuous strives for tools, and process enhancement and a demonstration of integrity by the stakeholders in SSR conduct to achieve field acceptance.

International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 2020
Effective functioning is the ultimate goal of every organization and this gives justification for... more Effective functioning is the ultimate goal of every organization and this gives justification for the intense empirical interest to identify and understand the predictors of organizational effectiveness. This study examined the role of organizational strategy and entrepreneurial orientation on organizational effectiveness. The design was cross-sectional as data were collected at one point in time, and the instrument was self-administered questionnaires. One hundred and ninety-four participants were sampled from twenty-two privately-owned organizations. The respondent sample comprises 55% males and 45% females. Simple regression analysis revealed that organizational strategy and entrepreneurial orientation have positive predictive relationship with organizational effectiveness; however, for entrepreneurial orientation the relationship was not statistically significant. Multiple regression analysis revealed that two dimensions of organizational strategy and one dimension of entreprene...
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences, Oct 10, 2016

International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities
The psychological well-being of the employees is well deserved, as it has numerous positive effec... more The psychological well-being of the employees is well deserved, as it has numerous positive effects on organisational performance. This understanding calls for research that would identify plausible precursors of psychological well-being. The outcome of such research activities would provide guides for the positive manipulation of psychological well-being to enhance organisational functioning. Therefore, this study aims to investigate whether there is an association between work-life balance and employee psychological well-being and whether social competence plays a role in this relationship. One hundred and fifty employees aged 23 to 56 comprised 52% of men and 76% of married. The survey was self-administered, and the study was cross-sectional. Established scales on work-life balance, social competence, and psychological well-being were used in the study. The data were subjected to regression analysis based on PROCESS Macro. Given the findings, work-life balance and social competen...

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance
This study examines the success and role of African women leaders in science, technology, enginee... more This study examines the success and role of African women leaders in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In the absence of significant research on women’s STEM leadership, the success and roles of others could motivate an aspiring African woman to pursue a career in STEM. A qualitative approach was sought using open online questions and narratives from African women leaders about their roles and career success in STEM. Data were collected from the western, eastern, northern, and southern regions of Africa from participants who held STEM leadership positions, such as directors, deans, and chief officers. The participants were 42 women representing 12 African nations. The narratives of these women leaders’ tones and life experiences were analyzed through content analysis. The narratives of these women leaders’ tones and life experiences were analyzed in search of recurring patterns and themes. Successful leadership in STEM requires balancing career and family lif...

Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2015
This study investigates the influence of organisational factors and work-family role conflict on ... more This study investigates the influence of organisational factors and work-family role conflict on organisation commitment among working parents. The participants in the study comprise 200 employees of banking, armed forces, educational, and health institutions with a mean age 37.52 years. About 57% are men while 43.5% are women. Validated scales are used for data collection with data analysed using appropriate test statistics. Results reveal that employees with high work-family conflict are more committed to their jobs, while there is no significant difference in organisational commitment between the senior and the junior staff. Other findings suggest workers in the banking institutions significantly score higher on organisational commitment than workers in other work sectors. The findings are discussed in line with the existing literature while the study recommends a need for effective organisational policies and practices in improving and encouraging organisational commitment.

Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2019
Employee work activities that are more than expectations are the panacea for organisational succe... more Employee work activities that are more than expectations are the panacea for organisational success, in today's dynamic workplace. In achieving this set goal, organisations need to be seen, by employees as taking care of their welfare, as employees are significant resources of an organisation. This study investigated perceived organisational justice and climate on counterproductive work behaviour (CWB) among public employees. A quantitative research design was used, with self-administered questionnaires for the collection of data. Three hundred and seventy-seven employees from public service organisations participated in the study. The participants were made up of 183 (50.3%) females, with a mean of 35.41 years of age, and 7.42 years of working experience. Results revealed that organisational justice and CWB were statistically significant (F (1, 359) = 11.53, p < 05). It was also found that organisational climate and CWB were statistically significant (F 1, 359) = 18.94, p < 0.05). The findings were discussed in line with the literature, as well as outlining their implications for management and suggesting appropriate recommendation. Specifically, the study suggested the creation of an enabling environment that will ensure that employees are well treated; this will encourage employees to take calculated risks with the aim of advancing the organisational objectives, promote employee citizenship behaviour as well as reduce dysfunctional behaviour.

Corporate Ownership and Control, 2017
This study explores the influence of collective bargaining and satisfaction with bargaining on em... more This study explores the influence of collective bargaining and satisfaction with bargaining on employees’ job performance. A structured questionnaire was distributed to selected sample of 181 unionized employees in the public sector organizations. The results revealed two models, with the first model indicating that satisfaction with collective bargaining (β = .56, p < 0.01) was a significant direct predictor of job performance among employees. The second model showed 35% incremental change in employees’ job performance. This indicated that age (β = .27, p < .01), and educational qualification (β = .58, p < .01) were significant independent predictors of employees job performance. This study showed that collective bargaining process is very critical in determining organizational industrial relations which in turn help to improve job related outcome such as employees’ job performance

Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 2016
This study set to examine the influence of gender and entrepreneur’s operational locality on entr... more This study set to examine the influence of gender and entrepreneur’s operational locality on entrepreneurial knowledge and business performance. A quantitative approach using a cross sectional survey design is utilised for the study. The participants are made up of 299 micro-entrepreneurs with age ranges from 22 to 39 years old (x = 29.93 age). The findings indicate that male micro-entrepreneurs score significantly higher on areas of planning and risk assessment while micro-entrepreneurs from Delta State of Nigeria have higher significant mean scores in six (general business ideas, business attitude, knowledge of capital requirement sources, knowledge of environmental forces, knowledge of risk assessment and entrepreneurial psychology) of the seven parameters of entrepreneurial knowledge and business performance. The findings show valuable empirical contribution with policy implications for gender and location factors in micro-entrepreneurial growth in developing economy.
Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 2016
The study examines the extent and nature of mediational roles of affective and cognitive trusts o... more The study examines the extent and nature of mediational roles of affective and cognitive trusts on the predictive relationship between leader-member exchange (LMX) and job insecurity. Six hundred and twenty-six employees are surveyed through questionnaire administration. Analysis of the data is done with simple regression and multiple regression analyses. The findings show no significant prediction of job insecurity by affective trust as well as no significant mediation of the LMX and job insecurity relationship by affective trust. The study also shows significant prediction of job insecurity by LMX, and significant mediation of the LMX-job insecurity relationship by cognitive trust. The results are discussed in the light of reviewed literature and current realities. The implications of the study are also highlighted.
Papers by Sunday Babalola