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This paper describes the use of a novel from the 1980s, Kate Quinton's Days which documents an Irish immigrant's challenges related to health, finances, housing, and the complex navigation of a fragmented health care system and social... more
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and others. She also held committee positions in the MidSouth Sociological Association, and was always active in advancing the organizations' membership and bringing new colleagues into the organizations. Throughout the years, Dr. Sharma... more
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This study examines the manifestation of subordinate men's masculinity in popular culture by analyzing the construction of Black masculinity in rap music. The data for this research comes from a content analysis of lyrics from playa rap-a... more
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      Queer StudiesGender and SexualityCritical Race TheoryRace and Ethnicity
This article examines how the concentration of low-income African American students in urban elementary schools is deeply coupled with a leveling of teachers’ expectations of students and a reduction in their sense of responsibility for... more
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      Urban EducationTeacher Perceptions
Caring for the black interior, or the inner life of black people, is necessary for political action and for the emotional well-being of the black community. We must create spaces for black vulnerability if we want to care for our... more
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      Black feminismBlack Feminist Theory/ThoughtBlack Queer Studies and Queer of Color Critique
Much work in the sociology of race and ethnicity centers on an underlying narrative of racial progress. Progress narratives are typically conceptualized as a linear process of slow, yet inevitable, improvement. Drawing on Critical Race... more
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      Critical Race TheoryAfropessimism
This paper examines how commenters (N= 290 posts) to an urban gossip blog interpret the meaning of ambiguously sexual behavior: a kiss shared by two male gangsta rappers. It shows that fans use the same interpretive repertoire to come to... more
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      SexualityHip-Hop/RapQueer of Color CritiqueBlack Masculinity
In this response to George Weddington’s critique of their recent article, the authors argue that Weddington rightfully critiques them for not paying enough attention to the role of psychoanalysis (exemplified by Frantz Fanon) in... more
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      Critical Race TheoryRace and EthnicityAfropessimism
This article analyzes how four Black musical artists make “quiet,” or the inner life of African Americans,legible. Specifically, we consider ways that the quiet found within the lyrics of recent acclaimed albums from two hip-hop artists... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesGender StudiesHip-Hop/RapEmotions