Papers by Natalia Paprocka

Romanica Wratislaviensia
In this contribution, we study a small corpus of contemporary literary translations into the Jude... more In this contribution, we study a small corpus of contemporary literary translations into the Judeo-Spanish language, considered both peripheral and post-vernacular, in order to understand the directions and specificities of the literary import into this language, the roles played by these translations, and the motivations of the actors involved in the translation process.We proceed in four steps: (1) first, we study the historical context of both Judeo-Spanish language and the literature created in it; (2) secondly, we present their diametrically different situation after the Second World War; (3) against this background, we present the identified translations and analyse their formal and editorial characteristics (authors, publishers, translators, original languages, dates of publication, formats, layouts), as well as their paratexts; (4) finally, we study the results of this analysis in the light of both concepts of peripherality and post-vernacularity.

Przekładaniec, 2020
Sex Education and Translations of Books for Children and Young People – Ideologies, Characteristi... more Sex Education and Translations of Books for Children and Young People – Ideologies, Characteristics, Controversies This article discusses sex education books for children and young people published in Poland in 1945–2018. After defining the ideological profile of 111 examined publications as conservative, moderately conservative, neutral, moderately liberal or liberal, the authors compare the whole set of books translated from other languages with the whole set of books by Polish authors, taking into account the date of publication and the age of the intended reader. The analysis shows that translations differ from texts written originally in Polish, because they promote other values. Polish books, especially those published before 1989, are usually neutral or moderately conservative, while translations mostly propagate moderately liberal or liberal ideologies. There is also a close correlation between those ideological categories and the age of the reader: books for the youngest au...

1 C. Ballestero, « Le titre », [dans :] L’aventure des écritures, site pédagogique de la Biblioth... more 1 C. Ballestero, « Le titre », [dans :] L’aventure des écritures, site pédagogique de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2 Voir par exemple : E. Balcerzan, Literatura z literatury (strategie tłumaczy), chapitre « Poetyka przekładu artystycznego », Śląsk, Katowice 1998, pp. 17–31 ; M. Perek, « O dosłownictwie i rozpuście w tłumaczeniu tytułów », [dans :] M. Filipowicz-Rudek, J. Konieczna-Twardzikowa, M. Stoch (dir.), Między oryginałem a przekładem III. Czy zawód tłumacza jest w pogardzie ?, Universitas, Kraków 1997, pp. 231–238 ; J. Jarniewicz, « Przekład tytułu : między egzotyką a adaptacją », [dans :] W. Kubiński, O. Kubińska, T.Z. Wolański (dir.), Przekładając nieprzekładalne, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2000, pp. 477–483 ; K.F. Rudolf, « O przekładalności tytułów », [dans :] W. Kubiński, O. Kubińska, T.Z. Wolański (dir.), op. cit., pp. 485–489 ; I. Kromp, « Strategie przekładu tytułów utworów litera...

The object of the present paper is to check if contrasts may be observed between non-translated P... more The object of the present paper is to check if contrasts may be observed between non-translated Polish youth literature and youth literature translated from French into Polish, on the example of the use of syntaxically unintegrated nominal address forms containing civility titles. Our analyze shows four contrasts, each one concerning another type of address form: (a) civility title + CHRISTIAN NAME, (b) civility title + TITLE, (c) civility title + FAMILY NAME, and (d) analytic vocative form PROSZĘ + civility title. Observed contrasts seem to have two different origins: (1) actual differences between the Polish and French address systems, and (2) the translator’s choice of a strategy which favours the emergence of deviations. We also propose a refl ection on the potential effects which the gaps between translated texts and genuine literature seen as the norm can have on the Polish reader.
The aim of the article is to examine the figures of Polish translators of French literature for c... more The aim of the article is to examine the figures of Polish translators of French literature for children and young people between 1918 and 2010, and to create their group portrait. To this end, the author has used a bibliometric method to analyse a bibliography of Polish translations of French books for children and young people, a bibliography selected by the author and encompassing ca 1500 titles. The author answers the following six questions: Who translates French literature for children and young people into Polish? In which periods did the most active translators in this field translate and how long did their translations “live”? What did they translate? For which publishers did they work? Translations of which translators are most often published? What is the profile of the most active translators of this literary domain?

In this contribution, we study a small corpus of contemporary literary translations into the Jude... more In this contribution, we study a small corpus of contemporary literary translations into the Judeo-Spanish language, considered both peripheral and post-vernacular, in order to understand the directions and specificities of the literary import into this language, the roles played by these translations, and the motivations of the actors involved in the translation process.
We proceed in four steps: (1) first, we study the historical context of both Judeo-Spanish language and the literature created in it; (2) secondly, we present their diametrically different situation after the Second World War; (3) against this background, we present the identified translations and analyse their formal and editorial characteristics (authors, publishers, translators, original languages, dates of publication, formats, layouts), as well as their paratexts; (4) finally, we study the results of this analysis in the light of both concepts of peripherality and post-vernacularity.

Romanica Wratislaviensia
In this contribution, we study a small corpus of contemporary literary translations into the Jude... more In this contribution, we study a small corpus of contemporary literary translations into the Judeo-Spanish language, considered both peripheral and post-vernacular, in order to understand the directions and specificities of the literary import into this language, the roles played by these translations, and the motivations of the actors involved in the translation process.We proceed in four steps: (1) first, we study the historical context of both Judeo-Spanish language and the literature created in it; (2) secondly, we present their diametrically different situation after the Second World War; (3) against this background, we present the identified translations and analyse their formal and editorial characteristics (authors, publishers, translators, original languages, dates of publication, formats, layouts), as well as their paratexts; (4) finally, we study the results of this analysis in the light of both concepts of peripherality and post-vernacularity.
Retracing the History of Literary Translation in Poland
International Research in Children's Literature

Między Oryginałem a Przekładem
The Translation of Onomatopoeia in Early-concept Books: The Text-Image-Sound Relationship The pur... more The Translation of Onomatopoeia in Early-concept Books: The Text-Image-Sound Relationship The purpose of the study is to observe the functioning of onomatopoeia in the translation of picture books for young children (under three years old). The textual, visual and sound layers remain strongly interdependent in these books, and their conception is often based on onomatopoeia, which is connected to the development of language in children.Taking Soledad Bravi’s Le Livre des bruits and its Spanish and Polish translations as an example, we distinguished several translation problems related to (1) the need to give the onomatopoeia a written form in the target language, (2) the independence of their pronunciation from their written form, and (3) the interdependence of picture and onomatopoeia in terms of meaning. Furthermore, we observed that some onomatopoeia were perceived by adult readers as representations of negative stereotypes in terms of children education, which resulted in a kind...

Dzieciństwo. Literatura i Kultura
Celem badania przedstawionego w artykule było ustalenie, w jaki sposób podejmuje się objęty język... more Celem badania przedstawionego w artykule było ustalenie, w jaki sposób podejmuje się objęty językowym i kulturowym tabu temat seksualności w polskich przekładach edukacyjnych książek dla dzieci i młodzieży, oraz sprawdzenie, czy i pod jakim względem różnią się one od rodzimej produkcji. Autorki wzięły także pod uwagę powiązania między sposobem wyrażania się a czasem publikacji utworów, ich ideologicznym profilem oraz kategorią wiekową zakładanych odbiorców. Badanie przeprowadzono na korpusie 111 książek poświęconych edukacji seksualnej i adresowanych do dzieci i młodzieży, które ukazały się w Polsce w latach 1945–2018. Analizie poddano występujące w nich seksualizmy (czyli wyrazy lub frazeologizmy określające treści dotyczące sfery seksualnej) odnoszące się do męskich i żeńskich narządów płciowych oraz do stosunku seksualnego. Badanie wykazało, że wybory słownikowe dokonywane przez autorów i tłumaczy nierzadko naruszały normy obyczajowe i w zasadniczy sposób wpływały na kształt i zm...
Między Oryginałem a Przekładem
Ars Educandi
Niniejszy artykuł zawiera omówienie założeń i dokonań nieznanego w Polsce nurtu awangardowej ksią... more Niniejszy artykuł zawiera omówienie założeń i dokonań nieznanego w Polsce nurtu awangardowej książki obrazkowej powstającej na przełomie lat 60. i 70. we Francji i publikowanej przez niezależne oficyny takie, jak Robert Delpire, Harlin Quist, Éditions des Femmes czy Le Sourire qui mord. Celem przedstawionego zarysu jest nie tylko zapoznanie polskiego czytelnika z tym rodzajem twórczości artystycznej, ale też pokazanie, jak bardzo nieuzasadniona była rozpowszechniona w tym okresie w Polsce opinia o francuskiej literaturze dla dzieci i młodzieży jako o zachowawczej i płytkiej.
International Research in Children's Literature
Papers by Natalia Paprocka
We proceed in four steps: (1) first, we study the historical context of both Judeo-Spanish language and the literature created in it; (2) secondly, we present their diametrically different situation after the Second World War; (3) against this background, we present the identified translations and analyse their formal and editorial characteristics (authors, publishers, translators, original languages, dates of publication, formats, layouts), as well as their paratexts; (4) finally, we study the results of this analysis in the light of both concepts of peripherality and post-vernacularity.
We proceed in four steps: (1) first, we study the historical context of both Judeo-Spanish language and the literature created in it; (2) secondly, we present their diametrically different situation after the Second World War; (3) against this background, we present the identified translations and analyse their formal and editorial characteristics (authors, publishers, translators, original languages, dates of publication, formats, layouts), as well as their paratexts; (4) finally, we study the results of this analysis in the light of both concepts of peripherality and post-vernacularity.