Papers by Marta Koronkiewicz
Bloomsbury Academic eBooks, 2022
w: Nauka chodzenia. Teksty programowe późnej awangardy, red. W. Browarny, P. Mackiewicz, J. Orska, 2018
Artykuł stanowi analizę figury przechodnia w twórczości Adama Ważyka na tle - i w opozycji do - t... more Artykuł stanowi analizę figury przechodnia w twórczości Adama Ważyka na tle - i w opozycji do - tradycji flaneryzmu.
Forum Poetyki, 2022
The article aims to analyse contradictions and ambiguities embedded in the structuralist concept ... more The article aims to analyse contradictions and ambiguities embedded in the structuralist concept of “the lyrical subject”. The researcher reviews contemporary applications of the term and overviews a history of related concepts in order to show meaningful shifts in the default meaning of the issuer in contemporary literary criticism. Initial programmatic abstractness of the “lyrical subject”, both intended and politically motivated, has been reduced to a general intuition concerning the non-identity of the author and the speaking subject. The secondary consequence is that it obfuscates perceiving issuers as the effects of specific and intended authorial decisions.
Forum Poetyki, 2022
Celem artykułu jest przeanalizowanie sprzeczności i niejednoznaczności zawartych w strukturalisty... more Celem artykułu jest przeanalizowanie sprzeczności i niejednoznaczności zawartych w strukturalistycznym pojęciu „podmiot liryczny”. Badaczka przywołuje współczesne użycia tego pojęcia oraz historię pokrewnych koncepcji, by przez ten pryzmat wskazać istotne przesunięcia w domyślnym rozumieniu instancji nadawczej we współczesnej krytyce literackiej. Pierwotna programowa – zamierzona i politycznie motywowana – abstrakcyjność koncepcji „podmiotu lirycznego” została zredukowana do ogólnej intuicji o nietożsamości autora i podmiotu mówiącego, wtórnie zaś utrudnia postrzeganie instancji nadawczych jako efektów konkretnych i znaczących decyzji autorskich.
Mały Format, 2021
Spory o to, czym powinna być literatura ludowa w prasie socjalistycznej lat 40.

Przekładaniec, 2020
The article offers an analysis of Adam Ważyk’s translation work, particularly in the context of i... more The article offers an analysis of Adam Ważyk’s translation work, particularly in the context of its influence on the shaping of contemporary Polish poetry. The author aims to showcase the impact of Ważyk’s translations on some of the recent developments within Polish literature; to this end, she employs the distinction between translatoras-envoy and translator-as-lawmaker, as proposed by Jerzy Jarniewicz. Ważyk is here seen as an example of a “lawmaker”, and compared to Piotr Sommer – another author influential within a similar audience. The author argues that in his original choice of what to translate, Ważyk was driven by a desire to project onto the Polish context – to reproduce in his native language – a set of poetic and social circumstances associated with the French avant-garde movement; finally it served the goal of making Ważyk’s own work more comprehensible to his Polish readers. At the turn of the 21st century a group of Polish poets who had expressed interest in Ważyk were also attracted to the work of poets translated by Ważyk; the influence of these foreign authors was thus mediated by Ważyk’s own work.
Polityki/Awangardy, red. Agnieszka Karpowicz, Jakub Kornhauser, Marta Rakoczy, Aleksander Wójtowicz, 2021
Polityki/Awangardy, red. Agnieszka Karpowicz, Jakub Kornhauser, Marta Rakoczy, Aleksander Wójtowicz, 2021

Polityki/Awangardy, red. Agnieszka Karpowicz, Jakub Kornhauser, Marta Rakoczy, Aleksander Wójtowicz, 2021
Wiele dziwnych pomysłów bierze się z nudy, rzadko jednak, powiedzmy sobie, są to wielkie projekty... more Wiele dziwnych pomysłów bierze się z nudy, rzadko jednak, powiedzmy sobie, są to wielkie projekty. Kusza z długopisu, recepturki i spinaczy; wąs i podbite oko dorysowane na poglądowym zdjęciu w podręczniku; w porywach-fort z kartonów. Jeśli więc ktoś twierdzi, że z nudy stworzył nurt światowej kultury-przyjmujemy to z rezerwą. Autorem takiej deklaracji jest Władimir Majakowski, który-jak notuje Edward Brown-upierał się, że futuryzm rosyjski narodził się jednej nocy w Moskwie, kiedy znudzeni i zdegustowani wraz z Dawidem Burlukiem opuścili koncert Rachmaninowa: Pamiętna noc. Rozmowa. Od nudy Rachmaninowa do nudy szkolnej, od nudy szkolnej do całej rozpiętości nudy klasycznej. Dawid odznaczał się oburzeniem mistrza, który prześcignął sobie współczesnych, ja-ferworem socjalisty, świadomego nieuchronnej zagłady starego porządku. Narodził się rosyjski futuryzm 1 .

Śląskie Studia Polonistyczne, nr 2, 2021
W artykule przedstawiono kategorię i pojęcie normalności jako cen tralne dla dyskursów krytyczno... more W artykule przedstawiono kategorię i pojęcie normalności jako cen tralne dla dyskursów krytycznoliterackich lat dziewięćdziesiątych XX wieku i początku XXI wieku. Udokumentowano funkcje i sensy tego pojęcia, a równo cześnie przedstawiono je w szerszej perspektywie społecznopolitycznej, w kontekście rozważań nad tą kategorią jako kluczową dla transformacji całego obszaru Europy ŚrodkowoWschodniej (Alexander Kiossev, Magda Szcześniak, Iwan Krastew–Stephen Holmes). Centralnym problemem rozważanym w artykule jest specyfika samego pojęcia – niemającego konkretnej treści, nazywającego raczej samo pragnienie czy oczekiwania niż to, co upragnione lub oczekiwane. Tak rozumiana kategoria normalności sprzyja wygaszaniu dyskusji, pozoruje po rozumienie. W artykule prześledzono konsekwencje popularności tej kategorii dla narracji o literaturze najnowszej. Pokazano, że w historii polskiej krytyki po 1989 roku normalność przybrała początkowo funkcję ogólnego określenia na stan pożądanej rzeczywistości literackiej / życia literackiego (zorientowany głównie na różnorodność, wielość, horyzontalność), natomiast około roku 2000 zmienił się zakres znaczeniowy kategorii i zaczęła ona obejmować stan faktyczny (marginali zację znaczenia literatury, brak platformy dla krytyki, komodyfikację książki).

Fort Legnica - Port Wrocław - Stacja Literatura. 25-lecie Biura Literackiego, red. Z. Sala, Instytut Literatury, 2020
The starting point of the article is an unusual image of the current re- ception of poetry by Eug... more The starting point of the article is an unusual image of the current re- ception of poetry by Eugeniusz Tkaczyszyn-Dycki. The very extensive corpus of texts about his poems (perhaps greater than for any other contemporary poet) does not lead to consensus or clarification of any specific, essential critical literary theses; neither does it seem to devel- op the reception in any particular direction. The author tries to show that this is due to Dycki’s poetic method itself, based on the principle of addition rather than development. In his subsequent books, Dycki does not so much deepen and extend selected threads, but rather reit- erates and “heaps” different ways of describing the same stories already told. Focusing on this method means that critics consistently ignore interesting threads that are on the margins of Dycki’s work, including his specific, vulgar sense of humour.
Fort Legnica - Port Wrocław - Stacja Literatura. 25-lecie Biura Literackiego, red. Z. Sala, Instytut Literatury, 2020
The article deals with images of violence in Jerzy Jarniewicz’s poetry, their various origins and... more The article deals with images of violence in Jerzy Jarniewicz’s poetry, their various origins and diverse (but ultimately coherent) thematic, critical and formal functions.The author observes that the depictions of violence in Jarniewicz’s poems come from both the “external” informa- tion he quotes, that is bits of news or historical stories, as well as from the work of poetic erotic imagination (for which violence turns out to be an essential element). The result of this is ambiguity of violence, which translates into the communicative dimension of the poem; at the same time it facilitates communication and hinders or even blocks its course.
Czas Kultury, 2014
Szkic o "Are you my mother?" Alison Bechdel

Praktyka Teoretyczna, 2019
This article elaborates on a conception of poetic form derived from the work of the contemporary ... more This article elaborates on a conception of poetic form derived from the work of the contemporary Polish poet Andrzej Sosnowski, in order to further our understanding of form as something material and dynamic rather than static and purely “textual”. Sosnowski often comments on the materiality of poetry as a useful metaphor that allows us to grasp its peculiar semi-autonomous condition; hence his eagerness
to employ the metaphors of poetry as choreography, bodily gesture or action.
By putting Sosnowski’s comments in the context of contemporary debates on form and matter in literature—from historical materialism and its traditionally complicated
relationship to formalism to a more traditional philological approach to the so-called “new materialisms”—I attempt to point out a possibility of transcending the usual tensions and divisions organising these debates. Here, I find particularly useful the notion of “affordances,” as used by Caroline Levine, as well as the techno-poetic approach of Nathan Brown, and certain conceptual tools offered by the “new formalist” movement. Finally, I reference the work of Adam Ważyk, Sosnowski’s predecessor and one of his main inspirations, in order to show the poetic form as a way of protecting/preserving certain forms of life. Ważyk’s idea of form as a means of resisting entropy provides a unique insight into the more practical aspects of the politics of poetic form.
Nie tylko Ishiguro. Szkice o literaturze anglojęzycznej w Polsce, 2019

What are the capabilities of the poetic form? Why is it through the form that the poetics become ... more What are the capabilities of the poetic form? Why is it through the form that the poetics become politics become poetics again? The relationship between the formal and the political in literature – oft ignored by the mainstream critics and more conservative academics alike – has constantly drawn the attention of various progressive poets, writers and critics of all cultures and languages. In the English-speaking world, one can try and sketch out a loose continuity, a quasi-tradition of great Marxist poets whose critical writings focused on the performa-tive and political potential of the literary form. In the postwar American poetry, this tradition would certainly include such otherwise diverse authors as Muriel Rukeyser, Adrienne Rich, James Scully, or Ron Silliman. The purpose of this paper is to offer a Polish perspective of sorts – and to show that Adam Ważyk, a Polish poet of a similar theoretical sensitivity and political background, shared with his American colleagues a lot of the same instincts and intuitions, all despite the significant geopolitical distance between them. This cross-cultural connection was made possible largely due to a certain practical approach common among the radical progressive poets, i.e. their focus on the immediate performative potential of the literary form rather than its broader theoretical context. * * * The relationship between Marxism and formalism has always been a notoriously complicated one. Although one could expect Marxist thinkers and academics to be among the first to appreciate poetry and literature as tools for social change, the radical left has been traditionally accused of treating the literary form as a mere derivative of social changes, an epiphenomenon of various socio-cultural forces.

Wielogłos, 2016
Wojaczek among the youngest In the article, the author considers ways in which representatives of... more Wojaczek among the youngest In the article, the author considers ways in which representatives of the youngest generation of poets refer to the poetry of Rafał Wojaczek, pointing out that, on the one hand, the legend which has grown around this poet's biography is something tempting and diffi cult at the same time, and on the other hand, in his poetics the young poets fi nd a way to go beyond irony and towards a non-pathetic sublimity, which has a generational signifi cance for them. According to the author, such eff ects of reading Wojaczek can be found today in poetry of Konrad Góra and, artistically related to him, Kamil Brewiński or Szymon Domagała-Jakuć. Andrzej Sosnowski is pointed out as an important intermediary who off ers a refreshing interpretation of the poetry of the author of Inna bajka. Słowa kluczowe: Rafał Wojaczek, Konrad Góra, Szymon Domagała-Jakuć, Kamil Bre-wiński, forma, młoda poezja
This essay aims to describe the difference between 'barbarism' and 'anarchism' in contemporary Po... more This essay aims to describe the difference between 'barbarism' and 'anarchism' in contemporary Polish poetry. Analysing the critical voices in the wake of a well-known essay by Karol Maliszewski, in which he coined the term 'barbarism' to refer to certain contemporary Polish poets, we come to the conclusion that the distinction between 'ci-vilised' and 'barbaric' poetry after 1989 has been based solely on the literary personae of the various authors. Thus we claim that the generational shift between the poets of brulion and the younger 'anarchist' poets may be seen as leading to a certain new kind of persona, which is, at the same time, more coherent (due partly to their clear political statements) and more independent of the poem (due to their non-literary sociopolitical activities).
![Research paper thumbnail of "Panny z Wilka" w wersji Tima Burtona [O twórczości Justyny Bargielskiej]](
"Wielogłos" , 2012
The aim of this essay is to refl ect on different aspects and understandings of "the uncanny" in ... more The aim of this essay is to refl ect on different aspects and understandings of "the uncanny" in the poetry of Justyna Bargielska. The authoress begins with analysing a few of the critical commentaries and reviews of Bargielska's work; it seems that, one way or another, most of the literary critics -including the mainstream critics associated with a specifi c political option, like Andrzej Horubała -tend to infantilize the poet, identifying the subject of Bargielska's poetry with an adolescent girl, immature and somehow unresponsible or dependent. As the authoress argues, this phenomenon has a lot to do with the literary criticism being not able to grasp and comprehend Bargielska's references to children's literature -picturebooks, fables, fairy tales, etc. -which remain fundamental for the very basis of her oeuvre. What the authoress proposes is to re-read Bargielska's poems alongside the picturebooks and in context of the popular fairy tale themes, while at the same time implementing the anthropological fi gure of the "trickster".
Papers by Marta Koronkiewicz
to employ the metaphors of poetry as choreography, bodily gesture or action.
By putting Sosnowski’s comments in the context of contemporary debates on form and matter in literature—from historical materialism and its traditionally complicated
relationship to formalism to a more traditional philological approach to the so-called “new materialisms”—I attempt to point out a possibility of transcending the usual tensions and divisions organising these debates. Here, I find particularly useful the notion of “affordances,” as used by Caroline Levine, as well as the techno-poetic approach of Nathan Brown, and certain conceptual tools offered by the “new formalist” movement. Finally, I reference the work of Adam Ważyk, Sosnowski’s predecessor and one of his main inspirations, in order to show the poetic form as a way of protecting/preserving certain forms of life. Ważyk’s idea of form as a means of resisting entropy provides a unique insight into the more practical aspects of the politics of poetic form.
to employ the metaphors of poetry as choreography, bodily gesture or action.
By putting Sosnowski’s comments in the context of contemporary debates on form and matter in literature—from historical materialism and its traditionally complicated
relationship to formalism to a more traditional philological approach to the so-called “new materialisms”—I attempt to point out a possibility of transcending the usual tensions and divisions organising these debates. Here, I find particularly useful the notion of “affordances,” as used by Caroline Levine, as well as the techno-poetic approach of Nathan Brown, and certain conceptual tools offered by the “new formalist” movement. Finally, I reference the work of Adam Ważyk, Sosnowski’s predecessor and one of his main inspirations, in order to show the poetic form as a way of protecting/preserving certain forms of life. Ważyk’s idea of form as a means of resisting entropy provides a unique insight into the more practical aspects of the politics of poetic form.
discussions that took place during the three-part conference owe/stare. Materializm w literaturze, sztuce, krytyce (New/Old. Materialism in Literature, Art and Criticism) in Wrocław, Kraków and Łódź in 2018. The main goal of all three sessions was to arrange a space for a productive
confrontation between the proponents of various conceptions of materialism” in contemporary criticism, particularly those explicitly interested in the so-called „new materialisms” ( Dolphijn & van de Tuin 2012 Coole & Frost 2010,) and those ascribing to a more openly Marxist
tradition. (To a certain extent, we aimed to emphasise and collectively
analyse, in very practical terms, the methodological tension described
recently by Terry Eagleton [2016] and Slavoj Zizek [2014].) The focus
was on literary criticism, art criticism and cul-tural criticism; but,resentations given during the conference touched on a variety of fields, subjects and media.