Papers by Jerzy Piekalski
Książka jest rezultatem badań cywilizacji europejskiego średniowiecza, skoncentrowanych zwłaszcz... more Książka jest rezultatem badań cywilizacji europejskiego średniowiecza, skoncentrowanych zwłaszcza na analizie miast. Wybór do analizy Pragi, Wrocławia i Krakowa nie jest przypadkowy. Te właśnie ośrodki w wyrazisty sposób odzwierciedlają postać „miast tamtego czasu”. Wpływ średniowiecza na ich dzisiejszy obraz i sposób funkcjonowania jest tam bodaj najlepiej czytelny. Ich najbardziej reprezentacyjne strefy ukształtowały się między XII a XIV wiekiem, generując strukturę przestrzenną zachowaną do dzisiaj. W dalszym ciągu wypełniają szeroki wachlarz funkcji centrum dzisiejszego miasta – od administracyjnych po ludyczne, zgodnie z zamierzeniami ich średniowiecznych twórców.
Archaeologia Historica Polona, 2014

Archaeologia Historica Polona, 2014
Nowy Targ square is located in the eastern part of the Old Town in Wrocław, in an area of long an... more Nowy Targ square is located in the eastern part of the Old Town in Wrocław, in an area of long and varied history, bursting with rich relics of the past deposited in the form of cultural layers. A necessity of undertaking there excavations in 2010 resulted from the commencement of investment activities related to the construction of an underground car park. The location and size of the trench were determined by the construction project. The excavations covered an area of nearly 40 ares in the southern part of the square, obtaining previously unreachable scientific possibilities. The excavations were carried out in accordance with the principles of stratigraphic methods. It was assumed that the order of formation of excavated features was diachronic, and by their registration a modified and adapted to the nature of the site Edward Harris’s system was applied. To this method was subject the documentation scheme. The results illustrated several events or time breakthrough trends for the area in question, fixed by relevant material sources. We identify them as phases of land use, being aware of the arbitrariness of the term. A simplification introduced in this way will help to organize the description of the history of use of the area in question. The area is located on the left bank terrace of the Odra River, formed in this place by riverine sands covered with a layer of light brown alluvial soil with a thickness of 30 cm. The soil survived only in small portions and its top parts were mixed in the initial stage of land use. The level of its top was between 115.35–115.60 m above sea level, showing a slight inclination from the west to the east. Eight successive phases of use of this place (I–VIII) were determined. Phase I represents the beginnings of settlement on the left bank of the Odra River. Features related to it are mostly pits of indeterminate function – perhaps parts of semi-sunken buildings and postsholes – some with remains of wattle or log constructions. This phase is dated to the 11th–12th century. Phase II is a continuation of the development of the left bank settlement. In a related layer features and artefacts were recorded, which can be dated to the second half of the 12th and early 13th century. Phase III (proto-urban) is a stage in the development of settlement characterized by a considerable intensification of exploitation of land, reflected by the richness of a complex stratigraphic sequence. In the layer corresponding to this phase numerous pottery fragments and various metal items were found. The source material as well as the dendrochronological dates allow to date the phase to the 13th century – from its first decades to about the 1260s–1270s. Phase IV – associated with the liquidation of the built-up area and demarcation of Nowy Targ square, probably along with a regular grid of streets surrounding it – is dated to the second half of the 13th century. Phase V reflects an early stage of Nowy Targ square functioning, in layers associated with it wooden troughs and pipes for transport of water were found connected with wells built of laths. This phase is dated to the second half of the 13th and early 14th century. Phase VI represents the continuation of use of the market square in the 14th century. The corresponding layers contained remains of wooden structures (post, wattle constructions). Phase VII determines the period of the square use at the end of the 14th century. Remains of this stage are fragments of pottery, leather, animal bones, metal artefacts as well as relics of brick and wooden structures. Phase VIII corresponds to the period of the square use in Post-medieval period, between the 16th and 18th centuries. In layers associated with it relics of a Baroque fountain were recorded. This paper is a preliminary presentation of the results of excavations at Nowy Targ square in Wrocław. Further analysis will allow to create clear conclusions concerning the beginnings of settlement and spatial changes in the area in question.
Stadtgestalt - Wohnraum - Lebensstil, 2013
Cover illustration: Wrocław in 1562 r., Weiner's plan according to reproduction by J. Partsch fro... more Cover illustration: Wrocław in 1562 r., Weiner's plan according to reproduction by J. Partsch from 1826.
In the Middle Ages, the towns that are on Poland's current territory, have developed in different... more In the Middle Ages, the towns that are on Poland's current territory, have developed in different culture zones. Archaeological research of material remains confirm the differences in spatial structure and urban culture. The towns of Pomerania, Silesia, Greater Poland, Lesser Poland and Mazovia differ from each other a lot. All of them, however, show signs of similarity to the towns of post-Carolingian zones. The problem, that is impeding the interpretation, is the fact, that the availability of archaeological data on a lot of polish towns is still insuffizient.
Recenzent: Leszek Kajzer Opracowanie redakcyjne: Maria Derwich Korekta: Karol Bykowski Opracowani... more Recenzent: Leszek Kajzer Opracowanie redakcyjne: Maria Derwich Korekta: Karol Bykowski Opracowanie techniczne i skład komputerowy: Marek J. Battek Projekt okładki: Barbara Kaczmarek Rycina na okładce: Plan Wrocławia z 1652 r. Weinerów według reprodukcji J. Partscha z 1826 r. (za: Wrocław na planach XVI-XX wiek, Wrocław 1999)
The article discusses the buildings in the northern area of the Upper Castle in Wleń -which are t... more The article discusses the buildings in the northern area of the Upper Castle in Wleń -which are two stone buildings that were added flush with the castle's perimeter wall. A discussion of their construction and alterations made during the late medieval and early modern period is presented here. The analysis of the rich assemblage of small finds, recovered from the two buildings, offers insight into the living conditions and fashions of their elite users.
The article is a summary of the results from a wide-scale archaeological and architectural invest... more The article is a summary of the results from a wide-scale archaeological and architectural investigation of an elite town plot with a frontage on the western side of the main Market Square (Rynek) in Wrocław. A trial reconstruction was made of the evolution of the built environment of the plot during the Middle Ages, with the changes separated into three stages. Also discussed is the function of the yard behind the buildings.
Silesia antiqua, Jan 1, 1996
... Sredniowieczna i nowozytna parcela mieszczanska przy ul. Kacerska Górka 20/Zaulek Koci 31. Au... more ... Sredniowieczna i nowozytna parcela mieszczanska przy ul. Kacerska Górka 20/Zaulek Koci 31. Autores: Cezary Busko, Jerzy Piekalski; Localización: Silesia antiqua, ISSN 0080-9594, Nº 35, 1996 , págs. 152-174. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...
Papers by Jerzy Piekalski