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The investigation were carried out on the medieval horses thoracic and lumbar spine excavated between 2009-2011 by the Institute of Archaeology, University of Wroclaw at New Market Square in Wroclaw (Wratislavia, Breslau), capital city of... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
The article is a summary of the results from a wide-scale archaeological and architectural investigation of an elite town plot with a frontage on the western side of the main Market Square (Rynek) in Wrocław. A trial reconstruction was... more
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The article discusses the buildings in the northern area of the Upper Castle in Wleń -which are two stone buildings that were added flush with the castle's perimeter wall. A discussion of their construction and alterations made during the... more
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Recenzent: Leszek Kajzer Opracowanie redakcyjne: Maria Derwich Korekta: Karol Bykowski Opracowanie techniczne i skład komputerowy: Marek J. Battek Projekt okładki: Barbara Kaczmarek Rycina na okładce: Plan Wrocławia z 1652 r. Weinerów... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Archaeology
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In the Middle Ages, the towns that are on Poland's current territory, have developed in different culture zones. Archaeological research of material remains confirm the differences in spatial structure and urban culture. The towns of... more
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    • Archaeology of the Middle Ages
Książka jest rezultatem badań cywilizacji europejskiego średniowiecza, skoncentrowanych zwłaszcza na analizie miast. Wybór do analizy Pragi, Wrocławia i Krakowa nie jest przypadkowy. Te właśnie ośrodki w wyrazisty sposób odzwierciedlają... more
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    • Archaeology of the Middle Ages
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The site is unique due to two reasons. One is wet environment which resulted in preservation of organic materials including massive constructions like road pavements and breakwater. The second is long-lasting settlement resulting in thick... more
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      Urnfield CultureSettlement archaeologyEarly Iron Age
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      Ceramics (Archaeology)Urnfield Culture