Papers by Nieky van Veggel
Animal Welfare, Feb 1, 2019
Minor adaptation of v2.0. Slight change to terminology, and swap of boundary type.<br>
Revised version of a diagram representing a substantive grounded theory for by doctoral project. ... more Revised version of a diagram representing a substantive grounded theory for by doctoral project. Update from two sub-compromises to three.<br>
First version of a diagram representing a substantive grounded theory for by doctoral project.
This figure describes my paradigmatic position as a post-positivist-positivist depending on my pr... more This figure describes my paradigmatic position as a post-positivist-positivist depending on my professional role at the time.<br>
Routledge eBooks, May 16, 2023
Final version of the conceptual model explaining the theory of finding balance through compromisi... more Final version of the conceptual model explaining the theory of finding balance through compromising, which explains evidence-bsaed practice by course leaders in a small-specialist higher education institution in the UK.<br>
DAAD funded workshop for the Digitalization of Ukrainian Agrarian Universities project

The Higher Education institutions of countries of the former Soviet Union had a justified reputat... more The Higher Education institutions of countries of the former Soviet Union had a justified reputation of technical and scientific excellence. In the area of agriculture specialists graduated from universities well suited to a farming system in which decisions were taken centrally and their role was to focus on specific areas of production. Teaching was based on the delivery and acquisition of knowledge in a didactic system and assessment through the repetition of the information gathered in the lecture room. However post-Soviet agriculture requires more dynamic flexible employees capable of critical thinking and problem solving. The industry requires generalists with transferable skills rather than specialists with a narrow area of expertise. For the countries of Armenia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan the pre-Soviet systems of university education are no longer fit for purpose. The TOPAS project has promoted and introduced teaching and learning methods in these countries’ universities, whic...

<p>The study of evidence-based course leadership in higher education focusses on twodiffere... more <p>The study of evidence-based course leadership in higher education focusses on twodifferent areas of practice: higher education course leadership, and evidence-basedpractice. Course leadership is an understudied area of research, with few publicationsdiscussing the role of the course leader in higher education. Although evidence-basedpractice is an area of ever evolving research in many disciplines, there is a distinct lackof research on whether course leaders in higher education apply evidence-based practicemethods in their professional practice. This lack of a pre-existing theory points theresearcher towards classic grounded theory to investigate and generate a new theory oncourse leaders' experiences. Since leadership, and therefore course leadership, is aninherent complex social process, selection of classic grounded theory as a researchmethodology seems a logical choice. Classic grounded theory has been successfullyused to investigate phenomena in education and in evidence-based practice. Groundedtheory therefore is an appropriate selection for research in education and highereducation settings for areas of research where no theory currently exists. Moreover,grounded theories regarding experiences and perceptions of evidence-based practicehave been published in various contexts demonstrating that it is an appropriate methodfor investigating course leaders' experiences with evidence-based practice.</p>
Veterinary Evidence, Apr 17, 2018
During consultation you are asked by a client if a raw food diet supports the prevention of kidne... more During consultation you are asked by a client if a raw food diet supports the prevention of kidney stone formation in dogs because they have read on an internet forum that a raw food diet is a healthy and natural alternative to kibble that alleviates a number of health issues. The client is now seeking additional advice from you. You decide to explore the available literature that investigates the effect of raw feeding is on urine composition in dogs.
Veterinary Nursing Journal, 2017
Abstract As evidence-based veterinary nursing is becoming a more common concept in veterinary pra... more Abstract As evidence-based veterinary nursing is becoming a more common concept in veterinary practice, RVNs will more often be presented with anecdotal evidence by owners presenting to their practice. It is important that RVNs understand some of the issues associated with anecdotal and testimonial evidence and why these are not a suitable basis for decisions, so that they make decisions based on the best-available evidence and can attempt to educate clients. This article explains some of the issues surrounding anecdotal and testimonial evidence to support RVNs in their quest to practice based on evidence.
Veterinary Evidence, 2017
PeerJ, 2014
Students embarking on a bioscience degree course, such as Animal Science, often do not have suffi... more Students embarking on a bioscience degree course, such as Animal Science, often do not have sufficient experience in mathematics. However, mathematics forms an essential and integral part of any bioscience degree and is essential to enhance employability. This paper presents the findings of a project looking at the effect of mathematics tutorials on a cohort of first year animal science and management students. The results of a questionnaire, focus group discussions and academic performance analysis indicate that small group tutorials enhance students' confidence in maths and improve students' academic performance. Furthermore, student feedback on the tutorial programme provides a deeper insight into student experiences and the value students assign to the tutorials.

in 2014 Writtle university college validated undergraduate provision in veterinary physiotherapy ... more in 2014 Writtle university college validated undergraduate provision in veterinary physiotherapy and in 2016 provision for bioveterinary science. using my background in laboratory animal science, I proposed and piloted the use of systematic reviews as final year research projects. in order to fully develop this programme, I have written and delivered both staff workshops to support staff supervising systematic review projects, and a series of workshops for students undertaking systematic reviews. This is further supplemented with a dedicated VLE section on systematic reviews, and written protocols, support documents and templates for use by students and staff. The use of systematic reviews as undergraduate dissertations has reduced the strain on laboratory and animal facilities, which is essential as student numbers for courses using these facilities are ever increasing. Feedback from staff and students regarding the workshops has been very good, and the quality of systematic review...
This Systematic Review Registration Form is intended as a general-purpose registration form. The ... more This Systematic Review Registration Form is intended as a general-purpose registration form. The form is designed to be applicable to reviews across disciplines (i.e., psychology, economics, law, physics, or any other field) and across review types (i.e., scoping review, review of qualitative studies, meta-analysis, or any other type of review). That means that the reviewed records may include research reports as well as archive documents, case law, books, poems, etc. This form, therefore, is a fall-back for more specialized forms and can be used if no specialized form or registration platform is available.
Papers by Nieky van Veggel