? ?
24 December 2011 @ 11:59 pm
Titel: The Christmas tree
Characters: Tomás/Pablo
Rating: G
Word count: 501
Disclaimer: I don't own this Real Madrid youth player. Pablo Sarabia is midfielder/ winger and plays for Getafe. Tomás Mejías is one of the Real Madrid Castilla goalkeepers.
This stroy is also for spain_fanatic79, because I saw it on her christmas wish list <3
Beta spain_fanatic79

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Current Location: home
Current Mood: calmcalm
Current Music: nüx
17 December 2011 @ 03:30 pm
Titel: Welcome home
Characters: Juanan/ Daniel Carvajal
Rating: G
Word count: 601
Disclaimer: Sorry. I don’t own one of these youth players. Juanan is a former Castilla player, which plays in a German football team, Fortuna Düsseldorf, and Daniel Carvajal plays for the reserve team of Real Madrid.
Beta: spain_fanatic79

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Current Location: home
Current Mood: busybusy
Current Music: nüx
20 October 2011 @ 12:35 am
Titel: Friendship
Characters: Lucas/ Oscar Plano
Rating: G
Word count: 456
Disclaimer: Sorry. I don’t own one of these youth players. Both plays for the Castilla, the Real Madrid reserve team.
Beta: spain_fanatic79

It was Monday afternoonCollapse )
Current Location: home
Current Mood: busybusy
Current Music: nüx
28 September 2011 @ 05:10 am
Titel: Guilty
Characters: Jesús Fernández/ Tomás Mejías
Rating: G
Word count: 407
Disclaimer: Sorry. I don’t own one of these youth players. Both are goalkeepers.
Beta: spain_fanatic79

Are you okay?Collapse )
Current Location: home
Current Mood: relaxedrelaxed
Current Music: nüx
Title: Different Worlds
Characters: Nuri Sahin/ Jorge Casado
Rating: g
Word count: 922
Disclaimer: I don’t own one of these players. Sahin is midfield player who plays for the first team of Real Madrid; Casado is defender who plays in the reserve team of Real Madrid
Beta: spain_fanatic79

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Current Location: home
Current Mood: awakeawake
Current Music: nüx
06 September 2011 @ 02:56 pm
Titel: The captains armband
Characters: Alejandro Fernández Iglesias {Álex} with a mention of Pablo Sarabia García
Rating: G
Word count: 56
Disclaimer: I don't own these players. Alex is midfilder and plays for the Castilla. He also plays for the spanish under 19 team. Same with Pablo Sarabia. He plays for Getafe. Both plays in the spanish under 19 team. Sarabia is a former Castilla player.
For nurisahin
Beta: itsanonyxand spain_fanatic79
 Thank you ♥

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Current Location: home
Current Mood: artisticartistic
Current Music: nüx
Title: Believe in your dreams
Characters: Alex Fernández/ Álvaro Morata - and a lot of random players
Rating: G
Word count: 635
Disclaimer: I don't own these two Real Madrid youth players. Both players play for the reserve team from Real Madrid.
Beta: spain_fanatic79 . Thank you <3

Halftime...Collapse )
Current Location: home
Current Mood: bouncybouncy
Current Music: nüx
Titel: Memories
Characters: José Luis Mato Sanmartín {Joselu} / Jesé Rodríguez Ruiz {Jesé}
Rating: G
Word count: 330
Disclaimer: I don't own these two Real Madrid youth players. Joselu is striker and plays for the Castilla, Jesé is a striker which plays for the Juvenil A, another Real Madrid youth team.
Beta itsanonyx and spain_fanatic79
@ spain_fanatic79 Thank you for your ideas which you add in this story ♥

Story is under this cutCollapse )

Current Location: home
Current Mood: calmcalm
Current Music: nüx