Documents by Kevser Ademhan

Considering that the creator of architecture is human, the effect and mood of that day, hour, and... more Considering that the creator of architecture is human, the effect and mood of that day, hour, and moment will have an inevitable effect. Just as the current conditions clearly strike our souls when literary works are examined, this also applies to architecture. Of course, the role of some basic human cores that have been passed down between generations that shape lives is a clear expression. Although the invisible mystical elements are kept on the outside by the Behaviorist theory and other diciplines that are derivatives of this theory, the works created have been pointing to similar but diversified points for centuries. The existence of the unconscious exalts a long-term power and mirrors the existence of common archaic elements. The comparison of many cultures, on the other hand, creates new ways to support these views, while adding various learned, spontaneously created cultural notions to their foundations.

Biomedical Experimental Design/ Proposal, 2021
DD can affect patients’ life quality and deteriorate their social relationships and daily routine... more DD can affect patients’ life quality and deteriorate their social relationships and daily routines (Salami et al., 2020). DD is one of the most common but underdiagnosed psychiatric disorders (Hunter et al., 2017; Michal et al., 2010). The exact cause of DD is not yet known. Generally, it takes several years to be properly diagnosed (Hunter et al., 2017), and until then the symptoms of the disorder can be intolerable. Moreover, there are no medical laboratory tests to diagnose dissociative disorders. Especially, studies have shown that adolescents are insufficient to receive medical or psychological help (Herpertz-Dahlmann et al., 2013). Therefore, studies are urgently needed to detect the first DD symptoms in adolescents. The combination of rTMS and psychotherapy, which are alternative treatments for DD, which is mostly caused by trauma, may have promising results for future studies, especially for patients who do not respond to pharmacological treatment. In this framework, this proposal compares the functionality of three different measurement methods to facilitate early diagnosis of adolescent DD patients and presents the effect of the proposed combination therapy on the reduction of DD symptoms.

İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi Psikoloji Bülteni, 2018
Travma, travmatize olmuş mağdurların yoğun bir çaresizlik ve tehdit algısı hissetmelerine ve iliş... more Travma, travmatize olmuş mağdurların yoğun bir çaresizlik ve tehdit algısı hissetmelerine ve ilişkilerini, değerlerini ve varsayımlarını temelden sarsacak bir yıkıma neden olmaktadır. Aslında kurtulan konumda olan mağdurun beden bütünlüğünü ve diğer insanlara dair güvenini insan eliyle alaşağı eden bu durum, atlatılması en güç ruhsal ve bedensel olgudur. Birçok kuramcı ve araştırmacı bu yıkımın faillerini; yıkıcılığın mekanizmasını anlayabilmek ve bireylerin gelecekte daha sağlıklı yaşayabilmelerini sağlamak adına birtakım önerme dizgesi oluşturmuşkardır. Ancak gayrı iradi yıkıcılığın mekanizmasına çok yakın bir tarihte nörobiyolojik bulguları ile katkı sağlamış araştırmacıların saptamaları, beyin araştırmaları ve yeni tedavi yöntemleri için merak uyandırmaktadır. Birtakım tedavi evrelerinden geçerek hayata tekrardan katılabilen travma mağdurlarının iyileşme ihtimali, bazen fizyolojik işlevsizlik kaynaklı bazen de yaşam içindeki deneyimler kaynaklı psikolojik travma geçmişlerini bugüne taşıyan travma faillerinin tedavi olabilme ve değişebilme kapasitesinden daha olanaklı görülmektedir.
Dünya DNA Günü kapsamında hazırlanan bu anket çalışmasında toplumumuzun DNA'yla ilgili bilgileri ... more Dünya DNA Günü kapsamında hazırlanan bu anket çalışmasında toplumumuzun DNA'yla ilgili bilgileri sınanmış ve sayımsal verilerle aktarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada katılımcılara 12 adet anlatım/ifade yazılı olarak yöneltilmiş ve kendi bilgileri kapsamında doğru/yanlış olarak yanıtlamaları istenmiştir. Katılan toplam 405 kişiden, yalnızca 81'i tüm anlatımları yanlışsız yanıtlamıştır.
Thesis Chapters by Kevser Ademhan

The aim of this research is to investigate the relationship between the level of secure relations... more The aim of this research is to investigate the relationship between the level of secure relationship and romantic relationship satisfaction and the role of gender on this relationship. The sample group of the study is university students with a romantic relationship. The development of the Secure Attachment Scale included young adults aged 18-25 who were university students. For the scale, reliability and factor analysis by the researchers during the development stage of the scale, 139 students and 108 males were applied to 247 students on the internet via Istanbul Kultur University, Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University students and "Google Docs" service. From the Secure Attachment Scale developed for collecting data on the independent variables of the research, the Romantic Relative Satisfaction Scale for dependent variables and the information form related to the demographic characteristics were utilized. According to findings; The level of secure attachment and the level of romantic relationship satisfaction were found to have a strong positive relationship with the positive attitude.In another finding, it was found that women with a high level of secure attachment had higher levels of romantic relationship satisfaction than men with a high level of secure attachment. In another finding, it was found that individuals who had more than one year of relationship experience had higher levels of satisfaction with romantic relationships than individuals who were less than one year old. Examination of living quarters only in provinces and large cities affected research findings.
Talks by Kevser Ademhan
İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi Psikoloji Bülteni, 2018
Drafts by Kevser Ademhan
Schema therapy stretches neurons that are difficult to change, whose synaptic transmission is blo... more Schema therapy stretches neurons that are difficult to change, whose synaptic transmission is blocked, which arise from an evolutionary strategy but are registered as dysfunctional by a misinterpretation by external stimuli, into a holistic approach under the control of their own owners, and provides functional acceptance of their own needs.

Article, 2015
"Friendship; is the state of being the opposite of a loved, trusted, close friend, fellow, well-u... more "Friendship; is the state of being the opposite of a loved, trusted, close friend, fellow, well-understood person.” (TDK, 2006) Friendship is one of the rare words that has always been mentioned in all human life but has not had a single definition for thousands of years. In addition to its spiritual greatness, this situation, which is difficult to be encountered even once in life, is equally difficult to maintain and restore its immunity. “It is not found by searching, it is a matter of luck, but it cannot be done without knowing its value.”(Elif Şafak, 2010) This paper will deal with the phenomenon of friendship, which has such an important place while giving meaning to friendship from Cicero's "On Friendship"; While trying to look at the concept of friendship from different perspectives from Plato's "Friendship" dialogue; Aristotle's "Nicomachus Ethics" (9-10) and a compiled review will be used to indicate the layers of friendship, and from time to time Antoine De Saint-Exupéry's "The Little Prince" will be used to emphasize the symbolism of friendship.
Review Article, 2020
DD can affect patients’ life quality and deteriorate their social relationships and daily routine... more DD can affect patients’ life quality and deteriorate their social relationships and daily routines(Salami et al., 2020). Generally, it takes several years to be properly diagnosed (Hunter et al., 2017), and until then the symptoms of the disorder can be intolerable. This article supplied
a review of studies targeting transient-chronic symptoms and main markers of DD disorder by using electrophysiological neuroimaging techniques. The first goal of this review was to identify what is currently known about the neurophysiological connections of DD symptoms and to make recommendations for further studies to improve the diagnostic potential of this neuroimaging tool. The second aim of this review was to compare the potential treatment methods for DD and to provide future researchers with recommendations.
Papers by Kevser Ademhan
Disabled people experience problems in many contexts. These are due to people who are considered ... more Disabled people experience problems in many contexts. These are due to people who are considered normal rather than their disabilities. Disabled people, who are mostly alone in overcoming these problems, turn to art as an expressive orientation. This orientation has a kind of "autotherapy" function. However, while the person who makes art is expected to be an artist, this perception is alienated or even hindered by external circles. In order for this perception to be destroyed, the disabled profile in the minds must go through a memory format. For this, artistic activities that do not separate the disabled, integrate them with the whole, and reflect a part of every branch of art can be organized, or at this stage, physical, social, or psychological barriers should be eliminated as much as possible.

Aim: The aim of this study is to test the effects of variables such as neurotic tendency, living ... more Aim: The aim of this study is to test the effects of variables such as neurotic tendency, living place, university type, city satisfaction, and department, which are thought to affect the stress level of university students, and to determine the direction and strength of these relationships if any. Method: In the study, the relevant literature was used; In order to measure demographic variables, a group of 119 female-male students from Istanbul Kultur University (IKU), Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine (IÜCTF), and Istanbul University Vocational School of Social Sciences (IÜSBMYO) was volunteered. An information form and a questionnaire consisting of two scales were applied to measure stress levels and neurotic tendencies. Conclusion: It has been observed that the neurotic tendencies of university students affect their emotional stress levels. In addition, it was determined that female students could affect the direction and severity of this relationship. However, it was found that the students at the foundation university experienced more behavioral stress than the students at the state university. Discussion: As a result of the findings, the effect of university type and gender on stress is an undeniable fact. In this context, it is beneficial for students to consider many issues when choosing a university and to apply the best methods to cope with stress in times of stress.
Keywords: Stress, neurosis, neurotic disposition, anxiety, university students
Medical Cell Biology Review Article, 2021
Acute pain and chronic pain cause structural, functional, and molecular plasticity in various cor... more Acute pain and chronic pain cause structural, functional, and molecular plasticity in various cortical areas of the brain as well as other subcortical structures of the CNS. Moreover, complementary human and rodent studies provide important insight into how PFC changes in chronic pain conditions. A reverse translation approach, in which human symptomology and neuroimaging drives preclinical research, is clearly adopted. While much is still unknown, the current picture is that the PFC modulates the pain experience in critical ways and that many comorbidities of painful disease are caused by PFC changes.

Blackmer et al. studied the Serotonin mechanism of action in the inhibition of presynaptic neurot... more Blackmer et al. studied the Serotonin mechanism of action in the inhibition of presynaptic neurotransmitter release. It has been shown by several previous studies that several neurotransmitters can modulate the effect of presynaptic neurotransmitter release by uncertain mechanisms involving the activation of GPCR. Due to the difficulty of manipulating and recording presynaptic terminals, the examination of the exact mechanism has been prevented. Serotonin is one of these neurotransmitters, which is the focus of this paper.GPCR activation is known to result in cleavage into the GaGTP subunit and a free Gβγ subunit. That activation may affect the upstream or downstream neurotransmitter release of the Ca2+ input, depending on the tissue type and other factors. The experiment assumed that serotonin inhibition was due to the action of Gβγ subunits operating downstream to the Ca2+ inlet, suggesting only the effect on fusion machine inhibition.
Conference Presentations by Kevser Ademhan
Neuroimmunology Project, 2020
Irritable bowel syndrome is a widespread functional gastrointestinal disorder and now it is clear... more Irritable bowel syndrome is a widespread functional gastrointestinal disorder and now it is clear that irritable bowel syndrome is a multifactorial complex of changes in microbiota and immunology. The bidirectional neurohumoral integrated communication between the microbiota and the autonomic nervous system is called the gut-brain axis, which integrates brain and GI functions such as gut motility, appetite and weight. The gut-brain axis has a central function in maintaining irritable bowel syndrome and plays a critical role in microbiota. 1 Clinical and pre-clinical studies represents that there is a strong link between psychological stress and intestinal sensitivity, permeability, secretion, motility, and mucosal immune activation.
Documents by Kevser Ademhan
Thesis Chapters by Kevser Ademhan
Talks by Kevser Ademhan
Drafts by Kevser Ademhan
a review of studies targeting transient-chronic symptoms and main markers of DD disorder by using electrophysiological neuroimaging techniques. The first goal of this review was to identify what is currently known about the neurophysiological connections of DD symptoms and to make recommendations for further studies to improve the diagnostic potential of this neuroimaging tool. The second aim of this review was to compare the potential treatment methods for DD and to provide future researchers with recommendations.
Papers by Kevser Ademhan
Keywords: Stress, neurosis, neurotic disposition, anxiety, university students
Conference Presentations by Kevser Ademhan
a review of studies targeting transient-chronic symptoms and main markers of DD disorder by using electrophysiological neuroimaging techniques. The first goal of this review was to identify what is currently known about the neurophysiological connections of DD symptoms and to make recommendations for further studies to improve the diagnostic potential of this neuroimaging tool. The second aim of this review was to compare the potential treatment methods for DD and to provide future researchers with recommendations.
Keywords: Stress, neurosis, neurotic disposition, anxiety, university students