Gravity Forms Divi Module Logo

Gravity Forms Divi Module

The most feature-rich divi module for gravityforms.

  • Add native look and feel for your gravity form in divi
  • Full visual builder support.
  • Setup a global style for the gravity form
  • No custom css knowledge needed

Style Gravity Forms In Divi Builder

Create beautiful gravity form styles using divi theme visual builder.

A form with a good design converts better

Stop writing custom css to style gravity forms. Our Gravity Form divi module helps you style gravity forms quickly. With full front end support, styling a gravity form has never been this easy.

Adding & styling a gravity form to your divi page is intuitive. With these steps, you are ready with a beautiful form that converts.

  • Add the Gravity Form divi module on the visual builder.
  • Setup the shortcode parameters for the divi module.
  • Setup the gravity forms styles using the divi module styling options.

Start your FREE trial. No credit cards required.

Highly Customizable Divi Module

Gravity Forms Divi Theme Module Options

The gravity forms divi module provides fine-grained control to style your gravity form elements.

  • Gravity Forms Shortcode Parameters Setup
  • Gravity Forms Background, Spacing & Border Styling
  • Gravity Forms Title Styling
  • Gravity Forms Description Styling
  • Gravity Forms Section Break Field Styling
  • Gravity Forms Input Fields, Input Wrapper & Input Placeholder Styling
  • Gravity Forms Label, Sub-Label & Input Field Description Styling
  • Gravity Forms Field Wrapper Styling
  • Gravity Forms Form & Field Validation Errors Styling
  • Gravity Forms Forms Submission Confirmation Message Styling
  • Gravity Forms Button Styling
  • Gravity Forms Consent Field & Description Styling
  • Gravity Forms Footer Styling
  • Gravity Forms Progress Bar Styling
  • Gravity Forms Custom CSS Setting

Start your FREE trial. No credit cards required.

Extensive Documentation & Support

We have an extensive list of documentation on how to style various elements of the gravity form. Please refer to the Documents section below.

If you find something missing, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Start your FREE trial. No credit cards required.


All the ease of Divi +more!

Totally familiar interface wit§h lots of UX/CRO features built in. Really thorough and worth every penny. (Paul, Usable Media Ltd).

Paul Stratford, Usable Media Limited

If you are using Divi and Gravity Forms - Get This Module

It gives you the styling control over the form and features you'll need to create a form that looks great. Without it, you'll find it almost impossible to style things.

James Dekle

Great Plugin - Amazing support

First of all, the plugin is really good. I'm comfortable to say that if you use Divi and the Gravity Forms plugin, you should definitely add this Divi Module to your toolkit. I'd say it's a necessity because otherwise you won't be able to give your Gravity Form the same look and feel as the rest of the website. With this plugin, it becomes a breeze. It works flawlessly and is intuitive to use. Aside from the plugin itself, the support I got was absolutely AMAZING. I needed to do something which I didn't know how to with the module, so I sent an email and shortly after that I got a response, asking me for more details. When I did provide those details, I received a response with the exact steps I needed to do to achieve that as well as multiple screen shots and detailed instructions... On top of all that, the Gravity Forms Divi Module is priced really well too. If you're on the fence, just go for it.

Senne Trenson, OMNIA Web Agency

Works great. Makes working with Gravity Forms in Divi much easier!

I really like this plugin. Well thought out. Fits right into the Divi Builder and does what I need: style my Gravity Forms. The developer is very responsive and implemented some of my suggestions within a few days.

Tevya Washburn, WordXpress

Great plugin!

This plugin makes styling Gravity forms within Divi a breeze. Thank you guys.

Steve Bunyan

Makes life easier

Really good plugin, makes life easier and customising gravity forms much quicker.

Clifford Wishart

5 Sites

$ £ 79.99 YR
  • Divi Visual Builder Support
  • Set form wrapper's background, border & spacing
  • Typography styles for various gravity form elements
  • Style input field, description, wrapper and placeholder
  • Style sub-labels and sub-label wrapper
  • Style validation errors
  • Style form submission confirmation message
  • Style next, previous & submit buttons
  • Style consent field & description
  • Style gravityform footer
  • Style progress bar
  • Custom CSS settings

Unlimited Sites

$ £ 199.99 YR
  • Divi Visual Builder Support
  • Set form wrapper's background, border & spacing
  • Typography styles for various gravity form elements
  • Style input field, description, wrapper and placeholder
  • Style sub-labels and sub-label wrapper
  • Style validation errors
  • Style form submission confirmation message
  • Style next, previous & submit buttons
  • Style consent field & description
  • Style gravityform footer
  • Style progress bar
  • Custom CSS settings
All plans have a 14-days Money Back Guarantee refund policy.

You are fully protected by our 100% Money Back Guarantee. If during the next 14 days you experience an issue that makes the plugin unusable and we are unable to resolve it, we'll happily consider offering a full refund of your money.

Secure payments by Freemius - Sell and market freemium and premium WordPress plugins & themes


  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    Does this plugin work with external image URLs?

    It works with external images. However it would show a non-responsive image as it cannot compute the srcset attribute.

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    Does the "Gravity Forms For Divi" plugin support theme "Extra" by Elegant themes?

    Yes, the Gravity Forms For Divi plugin supports theme Extra by Elegant themes.

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    Does the FAQ Manager plugin supports Divi theme?
  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    How to cancel your recurring subscription?
    • Login to your accounts Renewals & Billing section
    • Active subscriptions will have a green label on the STATUS column and will start with AUTO RENEW ON
    • Click the row of the subscription that you’d like to cancel.
    • In the subscription’s advanced panel, and then click the Cancel Auto-Renew link.
    • A confirmation dialog giving you the option to set up an email reminder instead of canceling right away shows on the browser.
    • You can submit a feedback and let us know why you are canceling the subscription. Your feedback will help us improve our offering.
    • Press the Send & Cancel renewals button to complete the cancellation


  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    What are the dependencies for "Divi Responsive Image Sizes" plugin

    Yes – It depends on Divi theme from elegant themes.

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    Does the FAQ Manager plugin support gutenberg block editor?

    Yes, we support Gutenberg Block Editor. We have included a FAQ List block within the plugin. For details visit

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    How to update your payment-method / credit card / PayPal?
    • Login to your accounts Renewals & Billing section.
    • Locate the subscription that you'd like to update its payment method and select it by clicking on its row.
    • This will open the subscription’s advanced panel.
    • Then, click on the Update button next to the payment method, and checkout with your new payment method.
    • The initial payment will be automatically prorated based on the next renewal date.
  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    How to upgrade from a single site license to N-sites license?
    • Login to your accounts Renewals & Billing section.
    • Locate the subscription that you'd like to upgrade its license's sites limit and select it by clicking on its row
    • This will open the subscription’s advanced panel.
    • Then, next to the plan, click on the Upgrade To .. dropdown list and choose the plan and license you'd like to upgrade to
    • The initial payment will be automatically prorated.
  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    Can I use the FAQ Manager plugin on any theme?

    Yes, you can use the FAQ Manager on any theme. We have included a WordPress Shortcodewpt_faqs, that can be used to list FAQs alongside any WordPress theme.

    For details visit –

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    How to move a license from one website to another?
    • Login to the Websites section.
    • Click on the row of the website that has the license you'd like to deactivate.
    • If there are multi-products running on that site, the next screen will show you all the products.
    • Click on the relevant product to open the details panel.
    • Click the Deactivate button under the LICENSE section.
    • Once deactivated, you’ll be able to reuse the license on any other website.
  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    Does this plugin generate FAQ structured schema data for SEO?

    Yes, this plugin automatically handles FAQ structured schema data. This ensures, search engines like Google & Bing, can read them.

    FAQ structured data are known to increase traffic to your website. It’s totally upto search engines to include your FAQs on the search results.

    To verify the correctness of your FAQ items, kindly read this article

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    How to add a Tax / VAT ID and business details to your invoices?
    • If you didn't enter a Tax / VAT ID during checkout, then it's possible to do it afterwards.
    • It's important to have these details on your invoice.
    • Go to My Profile and update the billing information.
    • Orders History will have invoices with your Tax / VAT ID.
  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    Do you offer a FREE trial for the FAQ Manager plugin?

    Yes, we offer a 7-day FREE trial for the FAQ Manager plugin. We don’t ask for upfront payment details during the trial.

    If you happen to purchase the plugin, we offer a 14-day money back gaurantee. For details on the gaurantee please refer to the moneyback guarantee section just below the pricing table.

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    How do I get a PDF invoice for my payments?
    • You can access your payments in the Orders History section.
    • To get a PDF invoice of a payment, click the button of the payment’s record.
  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    Does the FAQ Manager plugin supports theme "Extra" by Elegant Themes?

    Yes, the FAQ Manager plugin works with theme “Extra” from Elegant themes.

    It works in the frontend builder, like Divi Theme. Hence the instructions are same that we use for Divi Theme –

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    How to install and activate a plugin?
    1. Download the plugin

      After purchasing a product, you'll receive 2 emails.
      The first will provide you with a link to download the plugin, along with your license key.
      The second email, after successful payment, will provide a receipt and a secure link to download your PDF invoice.
      Note: For lifetime license you’ll receive a single email.
      For Apple's Safari browser, disable its default ZIP auto extraction setting before downloading.
      Safari user's watch this video

    2. Upload the paid product to WordPress

      Now that you've downloaded the premium zip file, you are ready to upload it to your WordPress website.
      How to upload and activate a plugin/add-on? Watch this video

    3. Activate the product with your License Key

      Product purchased from within the WP Admin dashboard have the license key activated on upgrade.
      Otherwise, on activation, a license activation screen shows up.
      Enter the key provided in your email and click Agree & Activate License.
      Your product is now activated and you'll can begin to set it up.

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    How do I update my plugin?
    • Plugin updates become available automatically through your WordPress admin dashboard.
    • When one is available, click Update. As long as you have an active license, it will update to the latest version.


== 8.2.0 ==

15/03/2024 -
Added divi module settings for form fields row and column gap
WordPress 6.4.3 compatible

== 8.1.2 ==

03/01/2024 -
Added font size, letter spacing, alignment, line height and text shadow for field asterisk (and required text)
WordPress 6.4.2 compatible

== 8.1.1 ==

08/11/2023 - WordPress 6.4 compatible

== 8.1.0 ==

06/11/2023 - Improvement - Moved DI container to an unique namespace to avoid clashes

== 8.0.0 ==

30/10/2023 - Added support for php 8.1.+

== 7.1.2 ==

16/09/2023 - Fixed input border hover styling

== 7.1.1 ==

27/05/2023 - Fixed width styling for AM/PM time select box

== 7.1.0 ==

09/04/2023 -

Added divi module icon
Product title divi design settings added
Product description divi design settings added
Product price label divi design settings added
Product calculated price divi design settings added

== 7.0.2 ==

08/03/2023 - Fixed form description selector issue.

== 7.0.0 ==

21/02/2023 -
Checkbox sizing added
Radio sizing added
Spacing settings for asterisk legend text
Spacing settings for current Checkbox/Radio Text toggle moved to "Checkbox/Ratio Container"
Added spacing settings for 'Checkbox/Radio Text'
Added responsive height settings for select & text field.
Fixed next and previous button selector issue.
Added ability to change text color for checked radio / checkbox field.
Added compatibility with gravity forms 2.7+
Added settings for next and previous button styling

== 6.7.1 ==

25/01/2023 - Added WP filter `wpt_divi_gravity_form_id` that helps to programmatically change the gravity form ID for the divi module . Sample implementation gist

== 6.7.0 ==

20/08/2022 - Inline button fixes

== 6.6.6 ==

26/07/2022 - Address field style fix.

== 6.6.5 ==

09/07/2022 - Submit button alignment fix.

== 6.6.4 ==

19/04/2022 - Composer bug fix

== 6.6.3 ==

01/04/2022 - Upgraded freemius to 2.4.3, WordPress 5.9.1 compatible

== 6.6.2 ==

06/03/2022 - Update for sticky scroll compatibility - Divi v4.10+

== 6.6.1 ==

11/02/2022 - Added compatibility with sticky/scroll effects

== 6.6.0 ==

09/01/2022 - Added box-shadow settings to text, textarea and select fields.

== 6.5.0 ==

03/06/2021 - Added asterisk color styling, "asterisk text legend" text styling, new selectors for validation error field container and background color for form validation error message.

== 6.4.0 ==

27/05/2021 - Added styling for date dropdown, date field and date time field.

== 6.3.0 ==

23/04/2021 - Added compatibility for gravityforms-2.5-rc3

== 6.2.0 ==

02/04/2021 - Added CSS ready classes gf_left_half, gf_left_third &gf_middle_third classes in divi module. Freemius sdk v2.4.2

== 6.0.1 ==

12/11/2020 - Fixed custom height style for text and select inputs.

== 6.0.0 ==

16/09/2020 - Added support for gravity forms 2.5 (beta). This version onwards, gravity forms has revamped its internal structure that affects the styling of this plugin.

== 5.2.2 ==

19/08/2020 - Added support for field_values gravity form shortcode parameters. Upgraded freemius to

== 5.2.0 ==

18/07/2020 - Tested with WordPress 5.4.2 & Added compatibility for Divi 4.5.1+

== 5.1.0 ==

27/03/2020 - Freemius sdk upgrade to 2.3.2. Fixed divi module issue for the free version. Tested with WordPress 5.4

== 5.0.1 ==

27/11/2019 - Inline gravityform can now be edited in divi visual builder without an css issue. Pushed the admin menu for the plugin under the `Divi` main menu

== 5.0.0 ==

24/10/2019 - Initial version.

Version: 8.2.0
Last Updated: 15/03/2024
WordPress Version: 4.9.8 and above
Tested On: WordPress 6.4.3