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Almost Pwned: How a Sophisticated Google Scam Nearly Fooled a Seasoned Programmer

Almost Pwned

Sometimes the difference between security and compromise comes down to a single click - and a healthy dose of suspicion. And it's because scammers are getting increasingly sophisticated with their phishing attempts. It's to the point where even following standard security best practices isn't enough to protect you. Case in point: last week's near-successful phishing attack on Zach Latta.

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I Read Through Cloudflare’s “2024 Year in Review.” Here’s What You Should Know

Insights from Cloudflare 2024 Year in Review

Cloudflare just released their “2024 Year in Review” report – a detailed document that dives into the key trends and patterns shaping the web over the past year. I’ll be honest with you, it’s my first time paying attention to this report, but I’m really fascinated by the insights that they’ve been able to deliver. It’s an opportunity for all of us (website owners) to explore the forces behind the internet as we use it every day, and perhaps walk into 2025 a little more prepared.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Troubleshooting WordPress (Step-by-Step)

Troubleshooting WordPress.

Need help with troubleshooting WordPress? No matter how reliable the WordPress software is, you’ll probably run into some situations where you need to fix a problem. And when that happens, you’ll want to know how to go about troubleshooting WordPress. This post is here to help. Below, we’ll not just teach you how to fix some common WordPress problems, but we’ll also go over some tips for frameworks and how to approach troubleshooting in general.

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How to Stop a DDoS Attack and Save Your Website in the Process

how to stop a ddos attack

A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is one of the best ways to take down a site fast. For a site owner, it’s devastating. For the attack, it can be a ‘cheap’ computational way to cause chaos to an unsuspecting site. We’d bet that you don’t want to be the malicious user in this case, so we’re going to teach you how to stop a DDoS attack.

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What Is SSL? Like, Really… Plus Why Your WordPress Site Needs It and How to Get It Installed for Free

What Is SSL - WordPress

What is SSL is a question that you probably kind of know the answer to. Most people dealing with websites do. Or, at least, they pretend they do. It’s okay. These things have a level of complexity to them, and all these three-letter abbreviations do require some time getting used to. So here’s an all-you-need-to-know guide to SSLs and all things related. We also tell you how to enable SSL on WordPress step by step.

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