Your email with account information is titled “Your WPM…
No, we don’t offer a trial or demo version of WPML. How…
WPMLを購入したら、アカウントにログインし、ダウンロードセクションに行く。 OTGSインストーラーが表示され…
WPML updates don’t show up right away because we releas…
You can install String Translation from the Commercial …
You can manually update WPML by deactivating the old ve…
You can install beta versions of WPML from the backend …
If you are frequently moving the database between produ…
In WPML, credits are currency you use to pay for automa…
This error happens when WPML can’t match a translated X…
You may see this message after trying to upload WPML 4….
There’s usually four problems that cause a 500 error. F…
If WPML can’t connect to WPML.org, you can force anothe…
You can solve broken table error messages by bringing t…
Your translated strings are likely not showing up becau…
When using the Classic Translation Editor, larger pages…
You can troubleshoot WPML language issues by enabling P…
Sometimes, third-party plugins call the flush_rewrite_r…
You can debug performance issues using a plugin like De…
Your texts are showing as ??????? due to a database enc…
WPML can’t write MO files mostly due to file permission…
You can resolve “stuck” translation status or errors by…
Your shop page title may be missing in the breadcrumbs …
Before opening a WPML support ticket, ensure your syste…
You can provide supporters with a copy of your site by …
より迅速なサポートのためにデバグ情報を提供するには、WordPress のダッシュボードでWPML → サポー…
To delete a translation of a page, start by switching t…
You can get the current language by using two WPML hook…
You can get other languages for a current post using WP…
You can translate HTML attributes using WPML’s Advanced…
You can translate all taxonomy terms at once by assigni…
If you find that a taxonomy translation isn’t connected…
You can link a page that is a translation of another pa…
You can generate a PO file for a plugin or theme by usi…
You can completely remove a language and all its transl…
Once you save the options for your site’s default langu…
When you see an unexpectedly large number of queries yo…
To disconnect a translation, go to the page editor, swi…
To remove the “This site is registered on wpml.org as a…
WPML AI automatically sets the correct formality for ea…
WPML fully supports right-to-left (RTL) formatting and …
WordPress データベースの制限により、言語ごとに異なるフロントページや投稿ページを作成することはできま…
The translation credits you purchase from WPML are non-…
In WPML, text domains help identify which strings belon…