This video shows how to set up WP Ghost in Safe Mode with custom login and setup – in just 3 minutes!

NOTE: The plugin was configured on an Apache Server. Certain manual actions are required to configure WP Ghost on Nginx and IIS servers.

In this quick tutorial, we’ll show you how to secure your WordPress website by using WP Ghost’s security presets.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Load security presets from the WP Ghost Backup and Restore section.
  • Understand which preset is best for your server, from basic settings for limited configurations to the strictest security options.
  • Customize paths and settings after applying a preset for additional control.
  • Activate a preset and follow up by checking for any additional server configuration requirements.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to quickly configure your website’s security settings in just a minute.

However, the ideal settings can look different from case to case, and you can always further customize these settings based on your needs and wants.

We advise you to always read the documentation that we link to from within the plugin and ensure you clearly understand what each setting enables you to do.