If you run the service RunCloud, there are two easy options for selecting the application type that will run with the WP Ghost plugin.

RunCloud – NGINX + Apache2 Hybrid
After you select to create the WordPress application on your server through RunCloud, select the option NGINX + Apache2 Hybrid at the Web Application Stack. This way, all the paths are loaded from .htaccess, and there is no need for custom Nginx configuration.

Now, you can easily install and set up the WP Ghost plugin on RunCloud as you do for an Apache server where all rules are added in .htaccess automatically.
RunCloud – Native NGINX
After you select to create the WordPress application on your server through RunCloud, select the Native NGINX option at the Web Application Stack.
Now, install and set up the WP Ghost plugin on RunCloud and follow the plugin instructions for the Nginx server.
WP Ghost will detect Nginx and show you the hidemywp.conf
file you need to add in RunCloud to load the rewrite rules.
First, create the hidemywp.conf
file on the website root directory through File Manager on RunCloud panel.

Save the settings in WP Ghost and you will get the include line you need to add in RunCloud Nginx config.

On the RunCloud panel, go to NGINX Config and add the line from WP Ghost. Verify and save the settings.

To reload the Nginx config after you change the paths in WP Ghost click on Rebuild Web App Config and the plugin changes will take effect.