Control your WordPress by the visitors location
'flag' => ,
'ip' => '',
'isp' => 'DigitalOcean, LLC',
'continent' => 'Asia',
'continent_code' => 'AS',
'country' => 'Singapore',
'region' => 'South West',
'district' => 'Pioneer',
'city' => 'Singapore',
'address' => 'Singapore, 627753, South West, (05)',
'calling_code' => '+65',
'timezone' => 'Asia/Singapore',
'current_time' => '05:28:54',
'currency' => 'SGD',
'currency_converter' => '1.34',
'platform' => 'Linux',
'browser' => 'unknown'
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Supported by WordPress Community
Supported by WordPress Community
This plugin is compatible with any WordPress installation, also compatible with Contact Form 7, WooCommerce, Yoat SEO and support Cloud Flare.
There is no need to buy expensive and heavy databases, no affect on the site performances and full support for the all other plugins and templates.
Spam protection from the danger visitors or spammers by blocking access on the website from the specific user defined locations.
Geo Controller Boost and Improve Your Business
Geo Controller help you to increase conversion, create better SEO, capture attention and generate leads and customers on your blog, landing pages or products.
Create marketing campaigns or landing pages targeted only at certain locations, banners, videos and any other content targeted only at users locations.
Redirects visitors to a blog page based on their geo informations. Supports 301, 302, 303, 304 and 404 and HTTP redirection for IPv4 and IPv6.
Top Review

Great little addition to make welcoming visitors a bit more appealing. Works nicely, no conflicts... Good job!
Best support in the industry...
We understand the lifetime value of a customer and we’re always glad to help you out if you have any problems with your plugin.
We provide exceptional support and online documentation to alleviate your issues as soon as possible. With a customized help ticketing system your conversation will only be seen by our support staff.
Our Support Team will always do their absolute best to help you troubleshoot any issue that may arise. Our team will work one on one with you until your issues are resolved.
Install Geo Controller version 8.8.4 and improve your business.
Quality is priceless
Your UNLIMITED allows you UNLIMITED lookup in the licensed period with UNLIMITED options.