? ?
Journal created:
on 4 January 2004 (#1788768)
on 12 June 2016
Winnipeg Tape Trading
Winnipeg, Canada
Posting Access:
Anybody , Moderated

Need extra cash?
Cleaning out your cd collection?

Buy, Sell or Trade your music here.
Cds, Tapes, Video, Band Shirts...

This is an online MUSIC community so discuss anything music related and feel free to post upcoming Winnipeg shows or posters here.

Want to trade burnt cds/mixed tapes with other users? Then make a burnt cd or tape with your favorite music or music you want everybody to hear and post that you want to trade with other users. Finding new music is always cool so trade away. Music connects us all.

Obviously posting private contact information such as your phone # or home address on the internet is not always the smartest thing to do right, so post your email address instead and exchange contact info or make arrangements through email. You can post the information here if you want but if some random axe murderer reads it and decides to chop you up into a million pieces then we take no responsibility for that at all!! :)

Want to swap music with other PegCity type people?
Download Soulseek and add the following users:

*email [email protected] to have your username added*

+Robbie Crash

The user names are case sensitive, so make sure you put the caps in all the right places or soulseek won't recognize the user.

Check the Soulseek Server Status Here


