How to Connect Quentn to WordPress


In this guide, you will learn how to install Quentn and set up a direct connection to integrate your WordPress website with your Quentn account.

To get started install and activate the plugin, then navigate to Settings » WP Fusion.

From the ‘Select Your CRM’ dropdown choose ‘Quentn’.

We will need to locate two pieces of information in the configuration

  1. Your ‘API Base URL’
  2. Your ‘API Key’

To find your Quentn CRM API Base URL and API Key, navigate to your Account Settings » Systems » API Info. Click Add API Key if you don’t have one.

a web page titled api info displays options for quentn api, zapier api, and others. users can easily connect by clicking add key or copy to clipboard. an api key is listed with details such as name, date, and a blurred key.

Copy the API Base URL and API Key, and paste them into the appropriate fields in WP Fusion.

screenshot of wp fusion settings highlighting api configuration in wordpress. the select crm dropdown shows quentn, while fields for api base url and api key have blurred text. arrows direct attention to the prominent connect button on the right.

Then click ‘Connect’ to initialize the connection.

Once the connection is completed, click Save Changes below to save the changes.

That’s it! Your site is connected, and new WordPress users and customers will automatically be synced with Quentn in real-time.

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