How to Connect Copper to WordPress

In this guide, you will learn how to install Copper and set up a direct connection to integrate your WordPress website with your Copper account.

To get started install and activate the plugin, then navigate to Settings » WP Fusion.

From the ‘Select Your CRM’ dropdown choose ‘Copper’.

We will need to enter two pieces of information in the configuration

  1. Your ‘Email’
  2. Your ‘API Key’

To find your API key in Copper, navigate to Settings » Integrations » API Keys. Click the ‘Generate API Key’ button.

screenshot of a web page showing the copper settings interface with highlighted api keys section, featuring an api key under the name ace miranda and email. the navigation menu is visible on the left, illustrating steps for seamless copper integration with wordpress.

Copy your Email and API Key, and paste them into the appropriate fields in WP Fusion.

screenshot of wp fusion settings showcasing api configuration for wordpress integration. a dropdown labeled select crm has copper selected. fields for user email and api key are visible, while an orange arrow points to a blue connect copper button.

Then click ‘Connect’ to initialize the connection.

Once the connection is completed, click Save Changes below to save the changes.

That’s it! Your site is connected, and new WordPress users and customers will automatically be synced with Copper in real-time.


Using webhooks in Copper, you can automatically sync tag changes and contact updates from Copper back to WordPress. You can even import new users based on Copper contacts.

Screenshot of a webhooks settings page for integrating Copper with WordPress, featuring WP Fusion CRM integration. Options include Update Trigger, Import Tag, Return Password, and Return Password Field, each with checkboxes and fields to enter specific settings.

For more information, see the documentation on Copper Webhooks.

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