How does licensing work?


When you purchase WP Fusion, you’ll receive a link to download the plugin, along with a license key. This license key entitles you to one year of automatic updates, as well as unlimited customer support.

#Managing active sites

If you have a Personal or Plus license, you can only have your license key active on one site at a time. You can deactivate a site at any time by going to Settings >> WP Fusion >> Setup in your WordPress admin, and clicking Deactivate next to your license key.

You can also manage your active sites, and deactivate sites, via your account portal on this site.

#Licenses for subdomains

Many customers use WP Fusion to keep data on subdomains (for example a course or membership) in sync with a sales site on their primary domain.

Our Personal and Plus licenses are valid for a single site and any subdomains of that site.

To use this feature, first activate the license on your primary site, for example, This will register the domain in our system, and then you’ll be able to activate the license on your course site at

You can manage your active sites at any time in your account.

#License renewals

By default your license will automatically renew each year, giving you access to an additional year of automatic updates and support.

We recommend keeping your license active, so you can get the latest security updates, and have access to support— but you’re under no obligation to do so. WP Fusion will continue to work as normal without an active license.

If you wish to cancel your subscription you can do so at any time via your account.

#License upgrades

You can upgrade your license at any time your account portal on this site. License upgrades are prorated based on the date of your original purchase (or most recent renewal payment).

So, for example, if you purchased a Personal license for $247 on January first, and wanted to upgrade to a Professional license six months later, your upgrade cost would be $146.50. Your license would then renew at the Professional level on January first (your original purchase date).

#Licenses for staging or development sites

WP Fusion is fully functional without an active license. It won’t receive automatic updates on your staging environment, but otherwise it will function normally.

If you need to get automatic updates on your staging site, the license system will automatically allow activation on any URL that matches one of these:

  • localhost
  • *.dev
  • .*local
  • dev.*
  • staging.*
  • test.*
  • *

If you need to receive automatic updates on different staging or test URL, contact our support with the URL you’d like enabled and we can manually put in an exception for you.

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