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Single cell shortcode

Most of the users need to show a single value from their tables. wpDataTables presents dynamic single-cell shortcodes that you can use in many different options. There are differences in shortcode parameters depending on the table type. So let’s begin.

Simple table: Instructions for using the single cell shortcode

As you know, Simple tables have a different layout and structure then other datatables in the plugin. To show cell content you will need to use this:

[wpdatatable_cell table_id=1 row_id="1" column_key="A"]


  • table_id – is the ID of your Simple table
  • row_id – is the ID of the Simple table row
  • column_key – is name of the column ( ex. A or B or C…)

If you need to show a merged cell, you will need to provide a column and a row where that merged cell starts. For example, if you merge cells A1, B1, and C1, you would use the following shortcode:

[wpdatatable_cell table_id=1 row_id="1" column_key="A"]

Please note that this will not work for other columns like:

[wpdatatable_cell table_id=1 row_id="1" column_key="B"]
[wpdatatable_cell table_id=1 row_id="1" column_key="C"]

Using single cell shortcode for datatables

For DataTables, the single-cell shortcode can be used in two ways:

1. [wpdatatable_cell table_id="1" row_id="1" column_key="column_name" sort="1"]


  • table_id – is the ID of your DataTable
  • row_id – is the ID of the DataTable table row (different for each type):
    • for non-server-side tables created from an external source (Excel, CSV, XML, Google Sheet, or PHP Array) the value from the row index will be used.
    • for SQL-based tables, the value from the column ID column for editing” will be used. Or, if this is not set, the first column in the table will be used.
    • for manual tables, the value from wdt_ID column will be used.
    • for tables created using Form builders (Gravity, Formidable, or Forminator) the value from Entry ID will be used.
  • column_key – is the name of the column ( origin header* of the column)
  • sort – by default it is set to “1” (sorting table is automatically enabled). If you need to fetch data from a source without sorting, you will provide the value “0”


2. [wpdatatable_cell table_id="1" column_key="column_name" column_id="custom_id_column" column_id_value="custom_id_column_value" sort="1"]


  • table_id – is the ID of your DataTable
  • column_key – is the name of the column from which the single-cell value will be pulled (origin header* of the column)
  • column_id – is the name of the column that contains unique values (origin header* of the column)
  • column_id_value – is the value from column_id column (here you can also use placeholder %CURRENT_USER_ID% as value)
  • sort – by default it is set to “1” (sorting table is automatically enabled). If you need to fetch data from a source without sorting, you will provide the value “0”

* origin header – you can see it in the wpDataTables configuration page when you open the column settings panel by clicking on the “Column settings” button column-config or by clicking the “Column list” button above the table from where you can open column configuration for each column.

Please note:

  • If you use the second option with column_id and column_id_value and if you provide a value that is not unique which returns more values (rows) – only one will be shown.
  • Pre-filtering is not included (value will be returned from a source based on shortcode parameters no matter if it is shown in the filtered table).
  • At the moment float, formula, date, datetime, and time columns can not be used as column_id. Please use another column that contains unique identifiers.
  • Parameters column_key and column_id can not be the same.
  • When using an integer field as the ‘row_id‘ in an SQL Query-based Table, make sure to ‘skip’ the thousands separator in the shortcode.
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