Save your snippets in your private library and reuse them across all your sites directly
from the WPCode plugin. Push updates without having to login to your site.
Once you set up the snippets that work for you using WPCode you can easily save them to your private cloud and load them across your sites.
Maintaing code snippets across multiple sites has never been easier.
If you’re setting up a site for someone else you can connect WPCode to your private library to add snippets you already have and simply disconnect when finished.
I was able to replace FIVE other plugins using snippets in this plugin. Made my day!
Great Plugin, makes things easier. I use this plug-in on all my sites. Would not be without it.
Have been using this for a while and it works perfectly. Keep up the good work.
Here are all the features that make WPCode the best WordPress Code Manager
Save time by using over 100+ expert-approved snippets to add custom WordPress functionality.
Full support for custom PHP, JS, CSS, HTML, Text, and other types of custom code snippets.
Load code snippets only when it matches specific conditions
such as logged-in user, specific page URL, etc.
Automatically run code everywhere, or choose from options like before post content, only in header, etc.
Easily add sitewide header & footer scripts, meta tags, and other conversion pixels on your site.
Helps you prevent common code errors when adding custom snippets to ensure you never break your site.
Safely create custom code snippets by simply filling a form without having to worry about the code.
Add conversion pixels for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads using precise locations and rules.
Reuse content across your site with custom shortcodes in an easy-to-use interface making content updates a breeze.
Reduce bloat and improve performance by replacing plugins with lightweight snippets from our library.
Your snippets can be safely saved in your private cloud and reused across all the websites you manage with ease.
Never worry about losing a snippet or making a mistake again when using WPCode to manage all the custom code for your website.
Future-proof your website with WPCode Snippets and improve the way you manage code across all your websites.
WPCode has all the features you need to future-proof your website with ease
and manage code snippets across all your sites
You can replace tens of plugins with our ready-made code library.
Create advanced conditional rules without having to touch any code.
Easily manage marketing scripts and conversion pixels in one place.
Future-proof your website with WPCode Snippets and improve the way you manage code across all your websites.