The process of updating payment status of the bookings depends on whether or not the user is redirected to your website after making a payment. Here's how it works with different payment systems:
1. Payment Systems that Automatically Redirect (like Stripe or PayPal):
- If a payment is successful or fails, these systems will automatically redirect the user back to your website.
- In this case, the booking status will update automatically, and if needed, the booking can be canceled automatically.
- To ensure this works properly, make sure you have configured the [bookingedit] shortcode correctly. You can follow these instructions in our FAQ: Configuring Booking Edit Shortcode.
2. Payment Systems that Require the User to Click "Continue" (like Redsys):
- Some payment systems, such as Redsys, do not automatically redirect users back to your site. Instead, the user must click a "Continue" button after making a payment.
- If a user doesn’t get redirected (e.g., due to internet issues or forgetting to click the "Continue" button), the Booking Calendar won’t know the payment status and therefore cannot update the payment status of the booking and auto-cancel or approve the booking.
- This can lead to issues with bookings being automatically canceled. For example:
- If you have set up automatic cancellation of unapproved bookings after 15 minutes (at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in "Auto Cancellation / Auto Approval" section), and a customer makes a payment through Redsys but doesn’t click "Continue," the booking payment status will not be updated and booking will not be approved.
- After 15 minutes, since the booking hasn't been approved, the system will automatically cancel it (move it to trash).
- If you have set up automatic cancellation of unapproved bookings after 15 minutes (at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in "Auto Cancellation / Auto Approval" section), and a customer makes a payment through Redsys but doesn’t click "Continue," the booking payment status will not be updated and booking will not be approved.
Important Note: Please be aware of this issue if you have automatic cancellation settings enabled and if the payment system requires users to click “Continue.”