You can check, modify and change the status or other properties of the booking(s) at the Booking Listing admin menu page. Please open this page, at the top of the page you will see the Filters and Actions toolbar, and the table of booking listing.
Depends from the version there will be available different additional tools and features.
Filter tab.
Using they filter tab you can specify, what exactly booking(s) you are need to show.
"Apply" button - press this button after configuration of parameters in the filter tab, the parameters of filter will apply to the search results and new booking listing will show.
"Booking resources" selection - (deault value: "All resources"), you can select to show the bookings only from specific booking resource or from all booking resource. (available in paid versions only).
"Booking Status" selection - {Pending/Approved/All (default) }, select to show bookings only of specific status.
"Booking dates" selection - {Actual dates (default) /Today/Previous dates/All dates / Next dates (select the number of dates) / Prior dates (select the number of dates) / Check in - Check out }, select to show bookings, which was done for the specific date(s) or date ranges.
"Only new" - set pressed or unpressed "Read" status of the bookings, to show only new or all bookings.
"Creation dates" selection - {Today/All dates (default) / Prior dates (select the number of dates) / Check in - Check out }, select to show bookings, which was created at the specific specific date(s) or date ranges.
"Filter by keyword" text field - show the bookings, what have snide of the booking form the specific keywords. (available in paid versions only).
"Payment" selection - {All (default)/ Paid OK/ Unknown status/ Not Completed/Failed / Custom (text field)}, select to show bookings only with specific payment status. (available in Business and higher versions only).
Min. Cost - Max. Cost fields - set showing the bookings for the specific cost interval. (available in Business and higher versions only).
"Sort" - {ID/Resource/Cost } - set order of the bookings in the booking listing table.
"Save as Default" button - Save the actual applied filter settings as a default. (available in paid versions only).
"Booking ID" text search field - Search from at the top right side for the fast searching of the specific booking by ID.
Actions tab.
You can apply these actions for the specific selected bookings (the checkbox at the left side of each such booking have to be checked) a the booking listing.
Approve / Unapprove buttons - change the status of the specific selected bookings to "Approved" or "Pending".
Delete button - completely delete the specific selected bookings.
Read / Unread buttons - set the specific selected bookings as read/unread. If you are set the specific bookings as read, the icon "New" at the left side near each bookings will hide. You can make also this operations on the specific single bookings by clicking on the icon "New" at the left side of booking.
Print button - show the print layout of the current visible page of booking listing. (available in paid versions only).
Export button - export the bookings of the current visible page of booking listing to the CSV format. (available in paid versions only).
Export All button - export the bookings from all pages of booking listing to the CSV format. (available in paid versions only).
Emails sending (checkbox) - set checked or unchecked this checkbox, if you are want that the email is sending or not sending for the specific actions, like: Approve/Unapprove, etc... This interface element is located under the Actions tab at the right side of page.
Booking Listing table.
The booking listing table have a several Columns: ID, Labels, Booking Data, Booking Dates, Actions.
ID collumn.
In the "ID" column in the fields of each booking you can see the ID of the specific booking, the date and time of creation of this booking. Also at this collumn is exist the checkbox for selections of specific booking(s) for the fuser actions using the tools from the Actions tab.
In additional at the left side you can find the "New" icon for the upcoming bookings. This icon is clickable, so you can disable the status of new (unread) for the specific single booking.
Lables collumn.
At this column you can see the status labels of the specific booking, like pending/approved or payment statuses (available in Business and higher versions only).
Data collumn.
At this field you can see the all data about the specific booking from your billing form:
First Name:Victoria Last Name:Smith Email:[email protected] Address: City: Post code: Country: Phone:(044)458-77-88 Number of visitors: 2 Children: no Details: Please, reserve an appartment with fresh flowers.
Booking dates column.
In this collumn you can see the bookings dates. Please note, at the head of the collumn you can find the icon for the activating extended dates showing:
for example: June 21, 2012, June 22, 2012, June 23, 2012
And normal dates view:
for example: June 21, 2012 - June 23, 2012
Actions collumn.
Cost settings - view or edit the cost of the specific booking (available in Business and higher versions only).
Send payment request - button for sending payment request to the visitor by email (available in Business and higher versions only).
Edit booking - edit the specific booking data at the admin panel (available in paid versions only).
Edit/create note to the booking - add or edit the note for the specific booking (available in paid versions only).
Approve/Unapprove - Instant changing the status of the single booking.
Delete - Completely erase specific booking.
Change resource - change the booking resource for the specific booking (available in paid versions only).
Change payment status - change the pay,ent status for the specific booking (available in Business and higher versions only).