Recurring Donation plugin allows you to accept subscription donations via PayPal from your WordPress site.
In order to accept donations from your website you will need to finish the following steps:
- Installing the plugin
- Enter your PayPal Merchant Email in the plugin settings
- Inserting shortcodes to create donation buttons
Plugin Installation
1) Download the plugin
2) Go to Plugins->Add New from your WP dashboard
3) Click Upload Plugin
4) Select the “” file on your computer and upload it
5) Install and activate the plugin
Settings Configuration
1) Go to Donate Plugin from your Dashboard.
2) Enter your PayPal Merchant Email address.
3) Click Save Changes to update your settings.
Creating a Recurring Donation Button
Enter the following shortcode to create a donation button.
[dntplgn recurring_amt1="25" recurring_amt2="50" recurring_amt3="100" item_name="For the victims of XX" paypal_email="[email protected]"]
Once your users click on the button they will be redirected to the payment page.
A user can choose to make a monthly or once-off donation
Donating Any Amount
The visitors can select the “Other” option to enter a custom amount that they want to donate to you.
When the “Other” option is selected, the plugin shows a textbox where the visitors can enter a custom amount. See screenshot below for an example:
Using Multiple Recurring Donations Form with Difference Currency
You can use the currency_code parameter in the shortcode to specify any currency that is supported by PayPal.
The following shortcode can be used to create donation form/widget with your chosen currency:
[dntplgn recurring_amt1="25" recurring_amt2="50" recurring_amt3="75" item_name="For the victims of XX" paypal_email="[email protected]" currency_code="USD"]
Custom Thank You Page
You can specify a custom thank you page in the settings menu of the plugin.
You can also enter a custom thank you page URL in the shortcode using the “return_url” parameter. Example shortcode below:
[dntplgn recurring_amt1="10" recurring_amt2="25" recurring_amt3="50" return_url=""]