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With the inclusion of sensory abnormalities in the DSM-V criteria for autism, the multifocal touch/pain abnormalities reported in young children with autism are no longer comorbid symptoms, and it has become an urgent priority to identify... more
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      Clinical PsychologyPsychiatryAutismChildren
A Medical Qigong protocol was applied to a group of 8 autistic children under the age of 6. The children received Medical Qigong Massage twice weekly from the physician and daily Qigong Massage from the parents for a five week period,... more
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      Early InterventionAutismLanguage DevelopmentTreatment Outcome
In clinical research, sensory impairment is considered one of the core deficits in autism and is associated with impaired socialization, behavioral disturbances and bowel and sleep problems. The effectiveness of the Cignolini methodology,... more
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      AutismSocial InteractionDiarrheaActivities of Daily Living
Objective To present a model for autism showing that impairment of sensory and self-regulation is the core deficit that underlies delays in social/language skills and abnormal behavior in autism; and to demonstrate the efficacy of a... more
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      Early InterventionAutismComplementary and Alternative MedicineTreatment Outcome
Tactile abnormalities are severe and universal in preschool children with autism. They respond well to treatment with a daily massage protocol directed at tactile abnormalities (QST massage for autism). Treatment is based on a model for... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersMassageQigongAutism Spectrum Treatment
Tactile abnormalities are severe and universal in preschool children with autism. They respond well to treatment with a daily massage protocol directed at tactile abnormalities (QST massage for autism). Treatment is based on a model for... more
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      AutismSelf RegulationSelf-regulationChildren with Autism
Evaluation for sensory impairment is a routine part of autism diagnosis. Sensory impairment of hearing, vision, or touch results in developmental delay and must be addressed before delay can resolve. Recent studies confirm that tactile... more
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      AutismAutism Spectrum Treatment
Autism is commonly associated with disturbances of the sensory nervous system, digestion and sleep. This manuscript presents a randomized controlled study evaluating the effect of a fivemonth intervention directed towards improving... more
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      AutismAutism Spectrum Treatment
Sensory and self-regulatory symptoms make up most of the comorbid symptoms in autism and are associated with increased autism severity. We validated a parent–caregiver measure of comorbid symptoms in autism, the Sense and Self-Regulation... more
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      AutismSensorySelf-regulationAutism Spectrum Treatment
Data validating the Autism Parenting Stress Index (APSI) is presented for 274 children under age six. Cronbach's alpha was .827. As a measure of parenting stress specific to core and co-morbid symptoms of autism, the APSI is unique. It is... more
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Acupuncture is one of the oldest complementary therapies used to treat chronic pain. WHO in Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials about Acupuncture note that researches on acupuncture are extremely difficult to... more
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    • Health Sciences