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Many studies investigated how personality, behavior, and attitude mediate dream recall, but few distinguish between measures of dream recall frequency: the number of dreams experienced in a specified time frame and dream detail:... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDreamingMedical Physiology
This study investigated the accuracy of psychology majors’ expectations regarding careers. Psychology majors, including 101 women and 35 men ( Mage = 23 years; standard deviationage = 6.25), indicated a desired career and estimated the... more
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      PsychologyCurriculum and PedagogyTeaching Psychology
Despite previous work showing that mothers, fathers, and siblings provide negative evidence regarding children's grammatical errors, the role of linguistic input remains controversial. Since most work in this area has concentrated on... more
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      PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyLanguage AcquisitionSpeech Communication
The recognition of individuals through vocalizations is a highly adaptive ability in the social behavior of many species, including humans. However, the extent to which nonlinguistic vocalizations such as screams permit individual... more
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      PsychologyVocal Communication
The last four decades have seen major advances in the study of the cognitive bases of animal vocal communication. The conceptual delineation of senders and receivers has led to a focus on the cognitive processes involved in call... more
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      EmotionAnimal CognitionAnimal communication