Western Oregon University
But concerning friendship, all, to a man, think the same thing: those who have devoted themselves to public life; those who find their joy in science and philosophy; those who manage their own business free from public cares; and,... more
Nestled on the scarp of a butte east-northeast of the town of Interior in the Badlands, Jackson County, South Dakota, is a White River Group Silicates (WRGS) lithic raw material procurement site (39JK411). Surrounded by a pasture and... more
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The spiritual odyssey of the sixteenth-century German religious reformer Martin Luther and the nineteenthcentury Hindu priest of Goddess Kali of colonial Calcutta Ramakrishna Paramahamsa reveals some intriguing contrasts and convergences.... more
Tagore's anti-absolutist and anti-statist stand is predicated primarily on his vision of global peace and concord-a world of different peoples and cultures united by amity and humanity. While this grand vision of a brave new world is... more
Paulo Freire's theory of education stands squarely on his conviction in the capacity of man to create as well as reconstruct his cultural reality. He thus denounces the conventional education designed to dole out the cultural values of... more