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This paper explores whether current EU data protection legislation is adequate to tackle the issues presented by cloud computing and the transfer of data by such means.
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      EU LawPrivacy and data protectionSecurity in Cloud Computing
This paper was co-authored with Niamh Cassidy and Mariska Neefjes. This short paper discusses the issue relating to decisive influence within European Union competition law and it's supposedly rebuttable nature in relation to parent and... more
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      European LawCompetition LawEU LawEU Competition Law
The four parts of this book-(1) Games, (2) Arguments, (3) Reading Comprehension, and (4) LSAT Tests-are independent of one another. However, to take full advantage of the system presented in the book, it is best to tackle each part in the... more
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But even if we apply the same test in merger control worldwide , this will not and cannot ensure uniform results in the examination of merger projects by different authorities." 29 Verordnung (EG) Nr. 139/2004 vom 20. Januar 2004 über die... more
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    • Antitrust & Competition Law
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When talking about global warming, most of the people tend to be indifferent, nevertheless it is an extremely broadcasted issue, they act in this way in order to avoid the harsh truth that our way of living is coming to an end, because of... more
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      Immigration HistoryEuropean Immigration and Asylum LawLiberalism and RepublicanismRepublican Party
This is a short presentation of the "Stages and departures in the evolution of Marxist theory from the Hegelian context of emergence to the period of the Second International"
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      Philosophy of Karl MarxMarxist theoryPolitical Economy and Marxism
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    • Comparative Law
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      Corporate LawCompany and Commercial Law
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      EconomicsEuropean Constitutional LawTrade fairs
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      Russian StudiesPolish StudiesEuropean EnlightenmentXIXth Century History
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      Criminal LawCase Note
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      Romanian HistoryPolish HistoryRomanian StudiesPolish Studies
So basically discrimination on the labor market can be seen under the for for underpaying an employee just because that employee was born of an unmatching company's standard or under the form of companies that refuse to even get in people... more
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    • Romanian Studies
Irish courts in the 2020s This revolutionary constitutional wave started in the 1960s and had its apogee until the 1990s. During this period the Irish courts relied heavily on natural law concepts to find new unwritten constitutional... more
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      JurisprudenceNatural Law TheoryIrish LawXXI Century
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      Constitutional LawEquity and TrustsIrish Constitutional LawIrish Law
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      LawIrish LawAdministrative Law
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      LawCriminal Law
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      Tort LawIrish LawLaw of TortsLiability for Defective Product