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Journal created:
on 20 April 2010 (#27187393)
on 11 June 2010
World Of Nonsence
Posting Access:
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World Of Nonsence is a Icon and Layout community
World Of Nonsence is a new Icon and Layout community. Please join to see the posts.

***Right now I'm looking for makers to help post and maintain the community. Send me a message at my livejournal page lifenwonderland
30 rock, actors, actress, adriana lima, alice and wonderland, american idol, anderson cooper, angelina jolie, animals, art, band of brothers, barbie, baseball, beach, books, brad pitt, britney spears, carrie underwood, casada, celebrity, celebrity gossip, christina aguilera, christopher meloni, color pink, cool hand luke, crybaby, cute guys, dancing, derek jeter, dollhouse, drinking, driving, dyslexia, entourage, etta james, fablolus, faith hill, family, fashion, flip flops, friends, gerard butler, ghost hunters, gone with the wind, goodfellas, gossip, halloween, having a good time, hello kitty, home improvement, hugs, i dream of jeannie, icons, isla fisher, jason giambi, jennifers body, jessica simpson, jj redick, johnny depp, jonas brothers, justin timberlake, kardashians, kate winslet, ke$ha, kellan lutz, kellie pickler, kesha, kevin jonas, kim kardashian, kisses, law and order: svu, layouts, legaly blonde, leonardo dicaprio, life, love, m*a*s*h, mad men, madonna, megan fox, miley cyrus, models, movies, museums, music, my bed, new york yankees, nick swisher, nicole richie, nkotb, no doubt, oprah, pablo picasso, paralegal, paris hilton, partying, paul newman, perez hilton, peter facinelli, photography, piercings, pink, pitbull, playing board games, pop culture, rachel stevens, reading, reese witherspoon, rob dyrdek, romeo and juliet, roseanne, salvador dali, sarcasm, scarlett, school, selena, selena gomez, shia labeouf, shoes, shopping, singing, sleeping, spice girls, sports, steel magnolias, taylor swift, the beatles, the departed, the godfather, the peoples court, the saturdays, the simple life, the truth about diamonds, the yankees, tom hanks, transformers, travelling, tv, twilight, twitter, victoria beckham, vivien leigh, waverly hills, writing
