Papers by Shoaibe H T Shefat
Acta Scientific Agriculture, 2020

Introduction of invasive species is one of the major causes of native biodiversity loss as they c... more Introduction of invasive species is one of the major causes of native biodiversity loss as they can alter and degrade the habitat status; reduce food supplies, and poses threats to the environment. The croaking gourami Trichopsis vittata (Cuvier, 1831), a Southeast Asian freshwater teleost fish from Osphronemidae family, is generally known as an invasive alien species. Recently, a notable number of individuals of this species have been recorded from the southeastern Feni-Muhuri river system of Bangladesh during the study period from December 2017 to August 2018. Taxonomic identification was confirmed from the external appearance, morphometric measurements and meristic counts of the species. The body was laterally elongated with clearly visible stripes and black blotch above the pectoral fin base. Average total length, standard length, pre-dorsal length, pelvic fin base length, dorsal fin base length, anal-fin base length, and pectoralfin base length were 5.3 cm, 3.64 cm, 2.36 cm, 2....
Academia Letters, 2021
The sucker-mouth armoured catfish Pterygoplichthys pardalis is a native species of the Amazon Riv... more The sucker-mouth armoured catfish Pterygoplichthys pardalis is a native species of the Amazon River basin. It belongs to the largest catfish family Loricariidae of the order Siluriformes. A group of loricariid catfishes with 10 or more dorsal-fin rays is commonly referred to as sailfin catfishes. In recent time, this sucker-mouth armoured catfish has successfully invaded the inland water bodies of several tropical and subtropical countries including Bangladesh,

Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development, 2021
Aquaculture is one of the fastest-growing animal food-producing agricultural industries in the wo... more Aquaculture is one of the fastest-growing animal food-producing agricultural industries in the world and proper performance of fish in morphological, physiological and immunological aspects is important for fish production and sustainable expansion of aquaculture. But several inhibitors like disease, pathogen, and adverse environment can overpower these performances. At present, antibiotics in preventing these inhibitors have been seen as becoming favorable to those inhibitors. So, Bacillus, an important group of probiotic bacteria can be an alternative to these antibiotics in aquaculture. Bacillus has been seen used in different experiments, mainly as a supplement in feed at various concentrations. Bacillus showed effective results like improved growth with minimum cost, improvement in reproduction, hematology, improved immune response and disease, and stress resistance as well as better proximate composition in different fish species. Application of Bacillus strains has proven efficient in improving water quality by reducing ammonia and nitrite toxicity, harmful algal blooms and utilization of H+ ion. Larger application of probiotic Bacillus instead of the hazardous synthetic chemicals would promote eco-friendly low-input sustainable aquaculture for food and nutritional security of the increasing world population. So many more experiments should be conducted in commercially important fishes for better growth and health of fishes which will certainly increase fish production.
The monstrous cyclone Amphan, formed in the Bay of Bengal was the strongest tropical cyclone affe... more The monstrous cyclone Amphan, formed in the Bay of Bengal was the strongest tropical cyclone affecting the Ganges delta after Sidr in 2007 that caused severe damage in India and Bangladesh in May 2020. It was also the first tropical cyclone in the North Indian Ocean in 2020. Originating from a low-pressure area in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 13 May 2020, Amphan reached its maximum intensity on 18 May that sustained for 4-minutes with a wind speed of 240 - 260 km/h (150 - 160 mph), and a minimum central barometric
pressure (925 mbar) (Figure 1). However, the intensity gradually weakened by continuous and combined dry air and wind shear effects and reached a residuum level on 21 May. During this period, Amphan caused severe destruction of more than US$13 billion in India and Bangladesh.

Acta Scientific Agriculture, 2020
Trichopsis vittata (Cuvier 1831), a freshwater croaking gourami (Osphronemidae), typically regard... more Trichopsis vittata (Cuvier 1831), a freshwater croaking gourami (Osphronemidae), typically regarded as a negative biological indicator , has been recorded from four different freshwater habitats in Bangladesh during the study period from December 2017 to August 2018. Taxonomic identification was confirmed from the external appearance, morphometric measurements and meristic counts of the species. The body was laterally elongated with clearly visible stripes and black blotch above the pectoral fin base. Average total length, standard length, pre-dorsal length, pelvic fin base length, dorsal fin base length, anal-fin base length, and pectoral-fin base length were 5.3 cm, 3.64 cm, 2.36 cm, 2.17 cm, 1.95 cm, 1.5 cm, and 1.0 cm. The number of rays in the dorsal fin, anal fin, pectoral fin, pelvic fin, and caudal fin were 7-10, 31-34, 9-11, 5-8 and 14-17. The occurrence of T. vittata in these rivers indicates their rapid spreading across the country within a very short period of time. Intensive research programs along with counter surveys are suggested to cross-check their spreading pattern, ecological sensitivity, and impacts on native fish biodiversity.

Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018
This review was conducted to investigate the significance, underlying causes and negative effects... more This review was conducted to investigate the significance, underlying causes and negative effects of nutritional diseases of fish on aquaculture production and health safety. Information were collected from different secondary sources and then arranged chronologically. Investigation reveals that, Aquaculture is the largest single animal food producing agricultural sector that is growing rapidly all over the world. Nutritional disease is one of most devastating threats to aquaculture production because it is very difficult to identify nutritional diseases. Production cost get increased due to investment lost, fish mortality, treatment cost and decreased yield quality and quantity. Public health hazards are also in dangerous situation due to frequent disease outbreak and treatment involving synthetic drugs. It is very essential to control nutritional diseases to increase fish supply through aquaculture production. This study will be helpful to provide basic knowledge on nutritional diseases management in aquaculture and to raise awareness among the farmers fisheries management. Abstract Abbreviations EPA: Eicosa-pentaenoic Acid; DHA: Docosahexaenoic Acid; UFA: Unsaturated Fatty Acid; EFA: Essential Fatty Acids.
Acta Scientific Microbiology , 2019

Journal of Fisheries and Life Sciences, 2019
Introduction of invasive species is one of the major causes of native biodiversity loss as it can... more Introduction of invasive species is one of the major causes of native biodiversity loss as it can alter and degrade the habitat status; reduce food supplies, and poses threats to the environment. The croaking gourami Trichopsis vittata (Cuvier, 1831), a Southeast Asian freshwater teleost fish from the Osphronemidae family, is generally known as an invasive alien species. Recently, a notable number of individuals of this species have been recorded from the southeastern Feni-Muhuri river system of Bangladesh during the study period from December 2017 to August 2018. Taxonomic identification was confirmed from the external appearance, morphometric measurements and meristic counts of the species. The body was laterally elongated with clearly visible stripes and black blotch above the pectoral fin base. Average total length, standard length, pre-dorsal length, pelvic fin base length, dorsal fin base length, anal-fin base length, and pectoral-fin base length were 5.3 cm, 3.64 cm, 2.36 cm, 2.17 cm, 1.95 cm, 1.5 cm, and 1.0 cm. The number of rays in the dorsal fin, anal fin, pectoral fin, pelvic fin, and caudal fin were 7-10, 31-34, 9-11, 5-8 and 14-17. The occurrence of T. vittata in this river indicates their rapid spreading across the country within a very short time. It is quite obvious that they must compete for niche space and food with native fish species and affect the native fish biodiversity. So, intensive research works along with counter surveys are recommended to cross-check their spreading pattern, ecological sensitivity and impacts on native fish biodiversity for proper management and conservation.

Punjab University Journal of Zoology, 2019
One year long study was executed from August 2016 to July 2017 to identify the
present status of... more One year long study was executed from August 2016 to July 2017 to identify the
present status of fish species diversity of Surma River at Sylhet Sadar, Northeast Bangladesh. A total of 51 fish species belonging to 16 taxonomic families has been identified. The most abundant family was recorded as Cyprinidae covering 36%, while the least abundant family was Gobidae and Plotosidae comprising 1%. A Shannon-Weaver diversity index was fluctuated between 2 to 2.5 with mean value 2.30±0.14, which reveals exposer to light pollution in study area. The peak Pielou’s evenness index value was 2.2 in April and the lowest value 1.47 in July with mean value 1.93±0.23. Maximum value of Simpson dominance index is 7.98 in August and minimum value 5.32 in October with mean value 6.99±0.86. The catch per unit effort ranged from 0.15 to 0.48 with an average value of 0.34±0.11.
Acta Scientific Agriculture (ISSN: 2581-365X), 2019
In this paper, some interesting and peculiar characteristics of seahorse have been summarized inc... more In this paper, some interesting and peculiar characteristics of seahorse have been summarized including the mating and courtship behavior of the Seahorse, Hip-pocampus sp.

Journal of Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases, 2018
Infectious disease is still now one of the key threats to the sustainable development of aquacult... more Infectious disease is still now one of the key threats to the sustainable development of aquaculture and fisheries in the world. The recent expansion of aquaculture system has increased the chances of the infectious disease outbreak. This review was conducted to investigate the available vaccines for infectious bacterial and viral diseases of fish in aquaculture to cope with the emerging and re-emerging diseases. Information was collected from different secondary sources related to this topic. Investigation reveals that vaccination has become the most accepted disease control approach over the world and the vaccine production strategy has been turned into a large pharmaceutical industry with the expansion of aquaculture. Currently, available fish vaccines are empirically designed live attenuated and inactivated whole cell vaccines. Novel advances in fish immunology, biotechnology, and molecular biology have led to the development of effective new generation vaccines like DNA Vaccines, subunit vaccines, Nano-vaccines, edible plant vaccines and many others. Bacterial vaccines have gained considerable success compared to viral vaccines in recent years because bacteria vaccines are more effective than viral vaccines.

Acta Scientific Microbiology (ISSN: 2581-3226) , 2018
Antibiotic resistance in aquaculture has demanded an alternative and ecofriendly disease manageme... more Antibiotic resistance in aquaculture has demanded an alternative and ecofriendly disease management approaches for the sustainable development of aquaculture sector and safe food production. The use of probiotic microorganisms has emerged and established itself as a promising alternative to antibiotics because of its ecofriendly nature and efficiency in growth enhancement, increasing disease resistance, and immunomodulation. This paper reviewed the present status of using probiotics in shrimp aquaculture in Bangladesh and their efficiency in prevention of infectious diseases and immunomodulation of shrimp. Information was collected from different secondary sources, compiled systematically and arranged chronologically. This investigation reveals the application of probiotics in shrimp aquaculture in Bangladesh is relatively a new concept but increasing day by day due to its ecofriendly nature. Several probiotic products extracted from different species of bacteria and a yeast are commercially available for use in aquaculture in Bangladesh. Probiotics have gained popularity in shrimp aquaculture in Bangladesh as an alternative to the antibiotic in prevention of infectious diseases of fish. This review also shows that, probiotics have significant effect on growth rate, feed utilization capacity and the immune performance of finfish, shrimp, prawns and crabs in aquaculture.

Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences (ISSN: 2375-446X), 2018
Nutritionally sound food is the most important basic requirement for proper growth, good health a... more Nutritionally sound food is the most important basic requirement for proper growth, good health and mental development of human beings. Aquaculture foods are a unique source of the essential long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, important for optimal brain and neuro development in children and aquatic animals also. Aquaculture, the single most important animal food producing agricultural sector for human is facing a lot of challenges to provide secured animal food. This review was conducted to investigate the significance, underlying causes and negative effects of nutritional diseases of fish on aquaculture food production, food security, and public health safety. Investigation reveals that the nutritional diseases are very dangerous threat to aquaculture food production as these are very difficult to identify which can result in increased production cost, investment lost, increased fish mortality, susceptibility to infectious disease and finally decreased yield quality and quantity. Food security and public health safety are at great risk due to the frequent outbreak of disease and treatment involving synthetic drugs. It is very essential to control nutritional diseases to increase fish supply through aquaculture production because the shortage of specific nutrients will make the immune system weaker to perform their roles against the foreign invader. It is well established that not only the deficiencies of various nutrients can compromise the immuno-competence, excess nutrient supply than required levels for optimal growth also influences the immune responses and disease resistance significantly.

Acta Scientific Agriculture (ISSN: 2581-365X), 2018
Sustainable food production is the challenge to any community and to get it need to implement app... more Sustainable food production is the challenge to any community and to get it need to implement appropriate strategy in case of productivity. Single crop production systems are vulnerable to different risks and uncertainties such as seasonal, irregular and uncertainty in income and employment to the farmers which have demanded the development of a suitable integrated farming systems. This review was conducted to investigate the present status of integrated aquafarming in Bangladesh with the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of integrated aquafarming. The investigation reveals that the integrated aquafarming has gained much popularity in Bangladesh as one of the most important eco-friendly and sustainable agricultural food production system due to its multidisciplinary outcomes. Different types of integrations are being practiced in Bangladesh such as Rice-Fish culture system, poultry-fish culture system, duck-fish culture system, rice-poultry-fish culture system and others. All of these integrated farming systems have some potentials, some drawbacks, and some constraints which are very important to be identified for the later steps in planning to achieve the objectives of new integration technology. SWOT analysis explores the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of any technology which helps the decision-makers to identify if the objectives are attainable or not. Although the Integrated aquafarming system possess great potential for using the land and water resources of Bangladesh but still its potentiality has not been fully explored in our country. This review also focuses on the socioeconomic potential of Integrated Aquafarming and the factors affecting the widespread dispersion of integrated aquafarming emphasizing SWOT analysis.

International Research Journal of Microbiology (ISSN: 2141-5463), 2018
Aquaculture is the fastest growing animal food producing agricultural sector in the world which h... more Aquaculture is the fastest growing animal food producing agricultural sector in the world which has been constrained by several factors. Infectious disease is a key limitations to the sustainable development of aquaculture sector. This paper reviewed the application and efficiency of probiotic microorganisms in aquaculture to prevent infectious diseases and their effects on fish immunology. Information was collected from different secondary sources like journals, reports, articles and electronic media and arranged chronologically. The study reveals that, currently, many probiotic products extracted from different species of bacteria including Bacillus sp., Lactobacillus sp., Carnobacterium sp., Enterococcus sp. and a yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are commercially available for use in aquaculture. Probiotics have gained popularity in aquaculture as an alternative to the antibiotic in the prevention of infectious diseases of fish because probiotics are eco-friendly. This review also shows that, probiotics have significant effect on growth rate, feed utilization capacity and the immune performance of finfish, shrimp, prawns and crabs in aquaculture. Probiotics are able to interfere with colonization of harmful pathogens and to improve the water quality through decomposition of uneaten food materials, nitrate and other organic materials.

Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences (ISSN: 2581-5423), 2018
Aquaculture, the fastest growing animal food-producing agricultural sector in the world which acc... more Aquaculture, the fastest growing animal food-producing agricultural sector in the world which accounts for almost half of the world's food fish production, has been constrained by several infectious viral, bacterial and parasitic diseases. Successful development and expansion of aquaculture sector largely depends upon the control and prevention of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases which can result in economic loss, food safety hazards and environmental hazards. This review was conducted to investigate the currently available fish vaccines for use in finfish aquaculture against different infectious diseases and the limitations in effective vaccine development. Information was collected from different secondary sources, then compiled systematically and arranged chronologically. The Review reveals that vaccination strategies have become highly effective and economical in protecting the health of fish and other aquaculture organisms from various infectious disease-causing agents. Recent developments in vaccines and vaccinology offer valuable opportunities to discover new vaccine candidates to combat fish pathogens, including mycotic and parasitic agents. This study shows that currently a lot of commercial fish vaccines are available to use against infectious bacterial and viral diseases of fish, but no vaccine is available to control infectious parasitic disease and fungal disease. An immobilized adjuvant heat shock protein (Hsp70C) vaccine has been reported to confer high protection of fish against parasitic disease, Cryptocaryonosis which can be a great breakthrough in parasitic vaccine development for farmed and ornamental fish. Most of the available fish vaccines are empirically designed vaccines based on inactivated or live attenuated bacterin vaccines. Novel and advances in the field of immunology, biotechnology, and molecular biology have led to the development in designing novel and effective fish vaccines and improving the existing vaccines to provide sufficient immune protection against diseases.
Conference Presentations by Shoaibe H T Shefat

8th BFRF Biennial Fisheries Conference & Research Fair 2019, 2019
The Pasur River Estuary (PRE) is the longest (>164 km) estuary in the south western part of Bangl... more The Pasur River Estuary (PRE) is the longest (>164 km) estuary in the south western part of Bangladesh. The PRE has a direct link with the Ganges, the principal freshwater source upstream. Due to constructing the Farakka barrage in the Ganges in 1975, the freshwater diversion at Farakka reduced the dry-season discharge in the PRE upstream from a pre-Farakka mean flow of 190 m 3 sec −1 in 1973to post-Farakka mean flows of 10 m 3 sec −1 in 2008. Consequently, salt water intrusion in the PRE has received substantial attention in recent years due to increases in the magnitude and frequency of salt water intrusion upstream due to climate change and decreases in river discharge levels resulting from an upstream barrage. However, earlier work typically omitted the details of vertical salinity distribution in the PRE. Here we investigated the influence of river discharge patterns on the formation of salt plug in the Pasur River estuary using longitudinal and time series vertical profile of salinity and density.The longitudinal vertical salinity and density were taken using a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profiler along the Pasur River from Harbaria to Batiaghata over 40 kmin the dry and wet seasons in 2014 and 2018. The longitudinal vertical salinity of the PRE duringthe dry season shows salt plug, a salinity maximum zone within estuary, around Chalna in the PRE. An export of saline water from the Shibsa River estuary (SRE) to the PRE through Chunkhuri channel occurs in the dry season, resultant a salt plug is created and persisted for several months around Chalna in the dry season. This salt plug was essentially isolated the upper reaches of the estuary from bay water and prevented the seaward flushing of riverine waters and the landward intrusion of ocean waters. Therefore, the dissolved oxygen level dropped < 5.0 mg L −1 in the salt plug area in the PRE. Water pH ranged between 7.62 and 7.91 is suitable for biological productivity. pH value was highest in the salt plug region at Chalna. Ammonium concentration was higher at low tide than at high tide and ranged between 0.13 to 3.21 mgL-1. Nitrate concentration was ranged between 0.01 and 0.07 mgL-1 whereas nitrite concentration ranged between 0.001 and 0.006 mgL-1. The highest Chlorophyll-a was found at high tide in the salt plug area. The plankton concentration was less upstream and downstream of Pasur river, but was higher in the salt plug area. Thus, this work will provide an ecological baseline for the PRE and serves as a basis for an interdisciplinary approach linking the physical phenomena with chemical and biological properties.

International Conference on Sustainable Fisheries, 2019
This study aimed to assess the impacts of a salinity maximum zone on the Physico-chemical propert... more This study aimed to assess the impacts of a salinity maximum zone on the Physico-chemical properties of the Pasur river estuary. This investigation confirmed the existence of a salinity maximum zone in the Pasur river estuary near Chalna, approximately 34 km upstream of herbaria during the dry season using a conductivity-temperature-depth profiler (CTD). Nutrient analysis was done in the laboratory from the collected water samples following the standard procedures. The salinity profile shows a gradual decrease in salinity both landward and seaward of this area in the dry season (December-June). The maximum difference in salinity between Chalna (17) and Joymoni (14) was as much as 3. The salinity gradient shows different results between spring and neap tides and also between high tide and low tide. This salinity maximum zone develops in the dry season (December-February) and disappears in the wet season (June-July). The Average value of DO was less than 5 mg/L which indicates a stressful condition for aquatic lives. The pH range of the collected samples was 7.61-7.75 which is suitable for aquatic lives. Ammoniacal nitrogen range was higher than the EQS limit, organic nitrogen within the suitable range but phosphate concentration was less than the required range for aquatic lives. This study shows the nutrient dynamics of a salt plug estuary which can provide an ecological baseline for sustainable management of the Pasur river estuary.
Thesis Chapters by Shoaibe H T Shefat

The Pasur River Estuary (PRE) is the largest and most important river supporting the world’s larg... more The Pasur River Estuary (PRE) is the largest and most important river supporting the world’s largest Sundarbans mangrove ecosystem, located in the southwestern coastal zone of Bangladesh. In this study, the spatial variation of ecological parameters in the PRE were investigated and interpreted using different multivariate statistical techniques such as Cluster Analysis (CA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and Factor Analysis (FA). Data were collected during the dry seasons from March 2018 to March 2019 at fifteen sampling stations along the main axis of the estuary. Ecological parameters were varied as follows: temperature (20.69-33.65° C), pH (7.11-7.86), salinity (8.47-16.15 PSU), dissolved oxygen (DO) (5.97-8.43 mg/L), total dissolved solids (TDS) (9.77-16.91 ppt), nitrite (0.001-0.039 mg/L), nitrate (0.01-0.08 mg/L), ammonia-nitrogen (0.04-2.11 mg/L), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) (0.09-2.15 mg/L), phosphate (0.07-5.82 mg/L) and chlorophyll a (0.02-0.44 µg/L). Ammonia-nitrogen (NH4+) was the dominant DIN species in the PRE during the study period. Higher concentrations of NH4+ in the water column during the dry season can be largely attributed to the release by tidal wash-out of the surficial mangrove sediments. Among the ecological parameters, only the chlorophyll a concentration varied significantly among the sampling stations. The Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated to elucidate the correlation among the ecological parameters in the PRE during the dry season. Temperature showed a significant positive correlation with salinity, TDS and significant negative correlation with DO. Similarly, salinity showed a significant positive correlation with TDS and negative correlation with DO. Besides these, chlorophyll a showed no significant correlation with the water quality parameters and the nutrient distribution. Cluster analysis grouped the ecological parameters into two different clusters as follows: cluster 1 (salinity, TDS, temperature and NH4+), cluster 2 (pH, DO, NO3-, NO2-, PO43- and chlorophyll a). According to PCA analysis, temperature, salinity, total dissolved solids, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite and phosphate were the most influential parameters contributing to the water quality fluctuations in the PRE. The values of DIN:DIP ratio was found to be very low (5.02) compared to the standard value of Redfield ratio indicating the N-limitation in the PRE during the dry season, either due to the denitrification process that effectively reduces N load from the estuarine systems or the competition among the microbial communities for inorganic N requirements.
Papers by Shoaibe H T Shefat
pressure (925 mbar) (Figure 1). However, the intensity gradually weakened by continuous and combined dry air and wind shear effects and reached a residuum level on 21 May. During this period, Amphan caused severe destruction of more than US$13 billion in India and Bangladesh.
present status of fish species diversity of Surma River at Sylhet Sadar, Northeast Bangladesh. A total of 51 fish species belonging to 16 taxonomic families has been identified. The most abundant family was recorded as Cyprinidae covering 36%, while the least abundant family was Gobidae and Plotosidae comprising 1%. A Shannon-Weaver diversity index was fluctuated between 2 to 2.5 with mean value 2.30±0.14, which reveals exposer to light pollution in study area. The peak Pielou’s evenness index value was 2.2 in April and the lowest value 1.47 in July with mean value 1.93±0.23. Maximum value of Simpson dominance index is 7.98 in August and minimum value 5.32 in October with mean value 6.99±0.86. The catch per unit effort ranged from 0.15 to 0.48 with an average value of 0.34±0.11.
Conference Presentations by Shoaibe H T Shefat
Thesis Chapters by Shoaibe H T Shefat
pressure (925 mbar) (Figure 1). However, the intensity gradually weakened by continuous and combined dry air and wind shear effects and reached a residuum level on 21 May. During this period, Amphan caused severe destruction of more than US$13 billion in India and Bangladesh.
present status of fish species diversity of Surma River at Sylhet Sadar, Northeast Bangladesh. A total of 51 fish species belonging to 16 taxonomic families has been identified. The most abundant family was recorded as Cyprinidae covering 36%, while the least abundant family was Gobidae and Plotosidae comprising 1%. A Shannon-Weaver diversity index was fluctuated between 2 to 2.5 with mean value 2.30±0.14, which reveals exposer to light pollution in study area. The peak Pielou’s evenness index value was 2.2 in April and the lowest value 1.47 in July with mean value 1.93±0.23. Maximum value of Simpson dominance index is 7.98 in August and minimum value 5.32 in October with mean value 6.99±0.86. The catch per unit effort ranged from 0.15 to 0.48 with an average value of 0.34±0.11.