? ?


Helloooo! There's another World Cup happening!

Jun. 14th, 2014 | 01:47 am
posted by: grondfic in world_cup_slash

Just in case anyone's still around on here - I'm trying to liveblog some of the games from Brazil.

Links to the first three:

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Lio Messi

Jun. 23rd, 2012 | 03:25 pm
posted by: grondfic in world_cup_slash

To anyone else who's an international footie freak (based in UK or a Times subscriber), there's a colour-supplement cover-pic of a close-up Lio Messi (looking quite gorgeous), and a substantive article about him inside the magazine.

Sorry I can't do a link, but The Times' website is available only by paid subscription. However, there's still time today to rush out and buy a real paper newspaper ....

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Bundesliga Season 10/11 Kickoff Friending Frenzy

Aug. 19th, 2010 | 04:07 pm
posted by: lennongirl in world_cup_slash

Interested in Bundesliga/German football and still need people to share this passion with? Worry no longer - your mod just knows the place for you:

Play, have fun and bring your friends - thanks <3

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Fic List

Aug. 9th, 2010 | 03:48 pm
posted by: sushigirl07 in world_cup_slash

On the popular topic of lists:

I've been compiling a very specific list of fiction, from drabbles to chaptered fics, focusing on the striking lovely pairing of Lukas Podolski/Miroslav Klose for the shiny, brand new community: polishbros. So far it is basically all English-language fiction but I'm working on adding German fics as well to the list. If you see that I'm missing any works of fiction please tell me or, if you are the author, please post them in the comm! Enjoy! (If it is your cup of tea, please join the new comm!)

(The Fake Cut to The Big Medium Size List)

x-posted to manndecker

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Mannschaft fanfic rec post!

Aug. 8th, 2010 | 12:34 pm
posted by: fandomonymous in world_cup_slash

Hi everyone!

I've recently created a post recommending various English-language fanfics featuring die Mannschaft, both old and new, both slash and gen. Feel free to read it and let me know what you think! I'd love to get more recommendations and opinions on whether or not I should include club-based fanfic featuring only one member of the national team.

( Follow the fake cut! )

crossposted: manndecker, footballslash, world_cup_slash

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La Seleccion Strip Poker Nights - Round Two

Aug. 7th, 2010 | 07:53 pm
music: Rita Lee - De Novo Aqui Meu Bom José | Powered by
posted by: kitty69lover in world_cup_slash

Author: [info]kitty69lover 
Rating: NC-17 overall; this part is PG-13
Category: rom-com with a dash of drama
Characters: La Seleccion - more or less all of them, i'll try to get everyone involved.
Length: short story - 10-12 chaps tops
Summary: in order to beat boredom during the nights, the guys engage in games of strip poker. unlike any other times, when  nothing outrageous happened, this time some will go overboard.
Disclaimer: this used to be only in my head, but overload of sexiness made it spill on the webpage.
Authors Notes: i've been passing by a poster advertising strip poker at a club for a good few days before finally deciding to write this. i'm sorry if i didn't use all the official pairings, it's only cause i'm not too familiar with them.


Round Two

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Fic: Gods and Men (Diego Maradona/OMC, R)

Aug. 3rd, 2010 | 10:00 pm
posted by: spdfg in world_cup_slash

A little belated, but here's a little Maradona tribute-fic...

Title: Gods and Men
Team: Argentina
Pairing: Maradona/OMC, Leo Messi
Disclaimer: Not mine, all lies.
Rating: R
Word count: ~2800
Summary: Boy meets legend. Things don't go too well. Inspired by this incredible interview:

Idiot reporter: Hi Mr Maradona -- you're very affectionate with your players; lots of hugs and kisses. Can love help with the World Cup and is this -- are you naturally affectionate with everybody? ... do you respond... better... hahaha... maybe the translation is...

Maradona: I prefer women.

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Chelsea Blue - PG13 - Paulo Ferreira/Didier Drogba AU

Jul. 27th, 2010 | 12:48 am
posted by: alldoubtaboutit in world_cup_slash

Title: Chelsea Blue
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Paulo Ferreira/Didier Drogba
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, not intended to be a true or accurate portrayal.

Type: oneshot, Alternate Reality/Alternate Universe
Word count: 11,000+

Preamble/Explanation: First up, this fic needs an explanation. Despite the title and the pairing, this is actually a World Cup fic. Or rather, it was inspired by the World Cup, specifically this scene. It was then that I paid attention to what looked like an interesting new pairing that turned out to be not so new.

So here's the fic! It's got a lot of Chelsea and but stick on till the end and you get the World Cup. I know, sorry, the word count is disproportionately long for a nonexistent pairing.

Warnings: This fic deals with a few potentially touchy subjects in the form of immigration and homophobia, but should be within the PG-13 rating.

Despite the subject matter of the title, I am not a Chelsea fan, so please let me know if you spot any inaccuracies!

Summary: Paulo Ferreira moved to England in 2004 in hopes of a better life and a better income. Six years have passed and he finds himself working in a packaging factory.

(Fake cut to fic!)

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La Seleccion Strip Poker Nights - Aftermath (1)

Jul. 25th, 2010 | 05:29 pm
mood: distresseddistressed
music: Jefferson Airplane
posted by: kitty69lover in world_cup_slash

Author: [info]kitty69lover 
Rating: NC-17:  smut in this part ;-))
Category: rom-com with a dash of drama
Characters: La Seleccion - more or less all of them, i'll try to get everyone involved.
Length: short story - 10-12 chaps tops
Summary: in order to beat boredom during the nights, the guys engage in games of strip poker. unlike any other times, when  nothing outrageous happened, this time some will go overboard.
Disclaimer: this used to be only in my head, but overload of sexiness made it spill on the webpage.
Authors Notes: i've been passing by a poster advertising strip poker at a club for a good few days before finally deciding to write this. i'm sorry if i didn't use all the official pairings, it's only cause i'm not too familiar with them.



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España fictions.

Jul. 24th, 2010 | 10:32 pm
posted by: fillesanyonnon in world_cup_slash

Three World Cup fics; two are super short, one is naughty. Non WC ones are flocked... :(
(Hope dual posting is a-OK.)

title: Petons
characters/pairing: Gerard Pique and Fernando Torres (they're an item)
rating: PG
warnings: slash
disclaimer: I don't own.
summary: El Nino needs a little more pep in his step after that amazing win.
Petons @ my journal.

title: Cariño
characters/pairing: Fernando Torres and Sergio Ramos (stylish love?)
rating: PG
warnings: slash
disclaimer: I don't own.
summary: Sergio's locked up in the hotel room just 'cause that Paraguayan guy hit him in the head.
Cariño @ my journal.

title: Healing Battle Wounds
characters/pairing: Carles Puyol and Gerard Pique (defender love)
rating: NC-17
warnings: slash, sexy time
disclaimer: I don't own.
summary: Carles and Gerard share a private moment after a good game.
Healing Battle Wounds @ my journal.

FEEDBACK: Comments and constructive criticism equals love.

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