How do I love thee? It’s a hard question Let’s forget the jewels, ignore the flattery. Because hiding behind that fancy car are lies reflecting off the new paint job.
And with each “It meant nothing. I’ve changed” I could still feel that draw: Undeniable Magnetic Attraction. I blame the iron heart and that gold necklace. No, not quite. Almost.
You’re so good on paper. But of course you are, always erasing what needs to change before the simple truth is read. Red mark. Blue and black stain. The darkness spreading –
I can’t seem to find my way out anymore. But do I really want to? To crawl from the lies and open the door only to see the closet with its broom and leather jacket covering the broken bones of a hidden skeleton.
I don’t care We both know you don’t So ask me again Just how do I love thee?
I don’t.