I just wanted to ask if somebody reviewing this problem or if u need further informations?
Hi @madalinaruzsa
sorry that it took so long to reply.
I currently dont have a page to link but its easy to setup.
Its basicly only the basic setup. I named the events page to calendars created a few events so it is paged. Then i installed translatepress and activated the language “german” as main language and “english united sates” as second one. When i am in the german languague it works, but it doesnt when i switch to english. Then the link will be like i tol u before.
I tested this on a new page with a basic theme, so it shouldnt be a issue related to that.
@shadim thanks for your reply, but this didnt help me, i tried it like you said, but i still get:
Account Connection Failed: API error: {“status”:403,”title”:”none”,”detail”:”none”} . Make sure to save the settings before testing the connection.