Hi, sorry you are having trouble.
In most cases the quickest and easiest route to solving these problems is opening up the developer console in your browser and looking for error messages. These usually tell you what is wrong.
Here is a fairly comprehensive how to get a web console for each browser link
The two problem areas I see most are:
Strict Transport Security enabled, when a plugin is using HTTP resources.
The “Enable Chrome XSS-Protection” also tells the web browser to block anything it thinks is a reflected XSS attack. By default browsers usually just clean this stuff up, and quite a few plugins do stuff that looks suspicious, and the authors haven’t noticed that the browsers have been rewriting the content posted back to their plugin for several years. That is the trouble with the default XSS behaviour, silently mitigating suspicious behaviour, which is why I provide a quick way to enable blocking it. If this one causes issues, the benefits of enabling it is modest, but if it is the cause please tell the plugin authors along with unticking the box.
If you are still having issues, please post details what happens, and any errors you see in the browser’s console when the corresponding page loads. If I get a moment I may try those plugins out on a test box.