Plugin Author
Hi there,
Thanks for using the podcast player on your website.
Can you share the URL of the page where podcast player is displayed? I will check why this issue is occurring on your website?
Hi and thanks for getting back to me, the Podcast Player is displayed everywhere on our site, here is an example of where it is being used:
Using version 3.5.1 – Old Mediaelement JS. is turned on and there is no issue.
The issue occures when old Mediaelement JS. is turned off.
Let me know if I need to turn this off, so you can check out the issue.
Plugin Author
Hi there,
I tested your website. Turning off the option could help, but it will show broken player to your site visitors in the meantime.
Can you contact me on [email protected] so that we can setup a time to disable the option, I will quickly check and then you can enable the setting again?
Old Mediaelement JS. is turned off now, let me know when you have finished testet it.
The player works, but it is the overlay over the player that is the issue
Plugin Author
Hi there,
I have tested this. There is a minor issue with DIVI customizer using CSS to display the audio element. We need to add the following CSS to resolve the issue.
1. Go to WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Customizer. Look for “Additional CSS” tab in the left sidebar. Click on it.
2. Copy and paste the following CSS in the left text field,
audio.pp-podcast-episode {
opacity: 0 !important;
3. Click on the “Publish” or “Update” button on top of the left sidebar.
It should resolve the issue.
Inform me for any more help or explanation on this,
Absolutely perfect! Thank you for the solution
Plugin Author
Great. Happy to help.
If you like the plugin, kindly support by giving a 5 star rating on WordPress.
In any case, inform if you need any help with the plugin.