Updraft Plus won’t connect to Googe Drive
I am trying to connect to Google Drive account in Updraft Plus to backup the website.
But once I press “Sign In With Google” it redirects to a page “Oops! That Page Can’t Be Found.”
Does anyone have any tips on how to fix this issue?
Thank you!
Would it be possible for you to share the URL of that page from your browser address bar please?
It’s likely that there’s a security module, either in your WordPress install (i.e. a plugin), or webserver (e.g. mod_security on Apache) that decides that the request is unusual and blocks it. If you have a security plugin, then try temporarily deactivating it in order to test the effect of not having it active. Or if not, ask your web hosting company if they have something blocking the request.
I have disabled the security plugin, but the same happens. And I have contacted the hosting team – they said to contact the plugin support team.
Can you try connecting in an incognito browser?
What browser are you currently using?
Hi, I have tried with incognito browser and the same error. I am using Brave.
Can you remove the browser shield that says something like : ‘Allow a redirect automatically to AMP pages” in settings>brave shields
Or switch to chrome.
I think this is the plugin having an authehtication issue thatq needs to be attended. I am having the same problem. At first I was using DropBox (which I normally don’t use) so I thought that was the problem but when switching to Google Drive as remote storage I get the same curl error message. Google Drive: Have not yet obtained an access token from Google – you need to authorise or re-authorise your connection to Google Drive. (cURL error 7: ) (http_request_failed)
I am also unable to connect to google drive. It doesn’t send me back to the settings page, it sends me back to the main Backup/Restore page. Also, under the Having problems authenticating where it says:
“If you are having problems authenticating because of something on your site (e.g a security module/plugin is breaking the authentication flow), then you can use the button below to manually copy your authentication token to your clipboard. Then, visit the UpdraftPlus settings page, and paste it into the manual authentication input there.”
I see no place to paste the token anywhere on the settings page so that doesn’t seem to be an option either. I have some Cloudflare WAF rules, but disabled all of them, and that didn’t fix the problem either. Using Brave browser, turned off the shields, that didn’t solve it either.. I’m out of ideas? Is this a pinned post because there’s a known problem with Google Drive?
I also tried in a private browsing window, no luck.. not getting an error message anywhere, it just sends me back to the Backup/Restore page. Then I go to settings and it still shows sign in with google.
When I go to my google account, it is showing that access was given to Updraft Plus:
And oddly enough, it won’t connect to Dropbox either. When I click the button on the orange background page, it sends me to my site, but I have to sign in; never asks a word about authorizing Dropbox. Can’t see why I’m having all this trouble with this plugin, ugh.
I am having the same issue – when trying to sign in to Google for the Google Cloud connection, I am redirected to the main Backup/Restore screen with no prompt to sign in.
I have the same problem.
Same problem here, I tried disabling Solid Security Pro but that didn’t work, after the orange screen I was being redirected to a 404 page. What worked for me was disabling the Mod Security on my cPanel, after the authentication was comepleted I enabled it again. Hope this helps others with the same issue.
I can confirm that the problem still exists.
@vupdraft Also in Chrome.
Hello! I was experiencing the same problem but I managed to carry out the process manually. On the orange page that we arrived at after confirming with Google, you must click on the link below: “Having problems authenticating?” Clicking on it opens a code. You copy it and click on the “Complete Setup” button which will take you back to the website and probably the 404 error screen. Now, when you access your wordpress panel again, after clicking on updraftplus, a warning box will appear, one of those wordpress messages, from updraftplus itself, to finish this manual process by inserting the code you copied into a box. And that’s it, then just go to updraftplus and confirm that your email will already be linked. I hope it works out for you too!
If it doesn’t work, try the process again. In an account here, when I carried out the process it had not yet been linked, but when connecting and authorizing with Google again, on the second attempt it gave the 404 error page, but when I went to check the authentication I had carried out on the account had gone. manual process of the first attempt. You’ll understand…
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